There was a little problem with this file this morning, but it's all better now. Apparently, it was linking to a different WordArt. So, if you downloaded it before 3:45 pm (EST), you got the wrong WordArt. Sorry for the confusion, but it's all better now :)
I thought this quote was hilarious! My kids know that they'd better watch out, or mom will "get" them on film, and who knows what will end up on the blog. So funny!
Click on the image below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work.

Kit by Raspberry Roads - Clovis the Clown
WordArt by Me!
WordArt by Me!
Oh my goodness!! This is sooooo funny!! My little one, Dominic (3), is obsessed with Spiderman and we call him "Spider Dom!" But the really funny part... I did a LO of him in his Spiderman jumpsuit and used the the first verse of the theme song, and substituted "Spider Dom" in the song!!! ROTFL!!! This is a great page!! And I love the WA too!! Thanks!!
Love it!!
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