I spent the morning checking emails, playing on the computer, and reading. I’m now reading “City of Bones” by Cassandra Clare. So far, so good J I’ll let you know if it’s still good when I get done with the 3 book series. I SO love reading a good book.
At 9:30, Jimmy and I went to Big Lots to return the pair of Capri’s that I bought last Friday. They fit too tight. I was upset, because they were a size bigger than I usually wear, but still didn’t fit. Dang! When I brought it in and asked for a return, the girl said “They don’t fit, eh?” She said that EVERYONE was bringing them back in, because they were 2 sizes too small. What’s up with that??? At least it wasn’t just me. That made me feel a lot better.
After that, we headed out to Wal-Mart. I wanted to get some hot dog buns for lunch at the pool, and a swim shirt for me. I was tired of putting on Sunscreen on my back. I had to have people help me. And you know me, I’m anti-social (ROFL!).
I thought about getting a white one, and a tank-ini bottoms, but when I tried on the white top in the changing room, I discovered it was almost see though, and NO ONE wants to see that! So, I went with dark blue, and decided to skip the bottoms. No, I’m not going bottomless. I’m gonna just wear my old swimsuit with it. Geesh! What kinda girl do you think I am?
We finished up, and headed home. I heated up the hot dogs, got the kids ready (yeah, right - they got themselves ready - hehehe), and headed off to the pool. Andrea and Andrea were supposed to be there, but it was just me and the kids. A few other ladies from church were there, but it wasn’t my girls. Oh well.
I got in the pool and played with the kids for a little while, and at about 12:30, Katy and the kids came! Woohoo!!! We had fun and exercised for a while in the pool. We were there until about 2pm. We came home, changed clothes, at some snacks, and relaxed. I read a bit in my book, and face booked for a while. Yeah, I’m a bit obsessed - hehehe.
I decided to try and take a nap, but after about 5 minutes, Captain America came home. Oh well. I woke up to chat with him. After dinner, we made up some cookies, and took them to the families that Captain America “Home Teaches” at church. We delivered them to 4 out of the 5 people. That last house we didn’t get to until after 9pm, and we figured it was too late to visit someone we didn’t know - hehehe.
We came home, put the kids to bed, and I headed out to Katy’s house. We were planning on watching a movie, but decided to just hang out for a while. I brought my laptop so I could design and pre-blog. I’ll upload this when I get home . You remember what happened last time I designed after midnight. Hehehe. So, I’m gonna sign off now, and go play with the girls. I’m being kinda boring, just typing while they’re playing. On google maps, by the way. You can find your house on it. Nice, close up pics of your front door. Give it a try. It’s sweet!
K, I'm back briefly. It's 3:42 am and I just got home. Everythings uploaded and blogged. We ended up going on Katy's facebook account, and getting on Farm Town, and going to the "inn" and harassing people - ROFL! We got people to play tag with us, to follow us around the room, and such. It was SO funny. Or maybe it was just so late - LOL!
Then, we played Wii fit. I'd never played it before, but could see how stinkin' fun it would be! Andrea was the guinea pig, and played. I just watched. I'll come back again and play when they're aren't kids around that make fun of people. I don't need that hit to the 'ole self esteem right now - hehehe. A girls gotta know her limits :)
I decided that I wanted to do an Attitude quote for today. I guess I’m just feeling in an attitude kinda mood - hehehe. I even made a layout to show you. Aren’t I nice? Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

LOVE the wordart and thank you for sharing!
how strange for Big Lots to have pants that are two sizes too small... tagged/labeled wrong i suppose!
Thank you for ALLLLLLLLl that you share! your newest wordarts are WONDERFUL!!! :D
Have a FANTASTIC day!
LOVE this! Than you so much! Can you come up with one for people who shout ont heir cell phones while in a public place? This is becoming one of my pet peeves. LOVE your work!
Love this word art! I can think of several ways I COULD use it, but some of them could get me in big-g-g trouble! haha Also, ditto on the cell phone word art. Those people I'd like to hit! No, not really. Well, yes really! LOL But I'm NOT a violent person, so I wouldn't actually do it, but I have been know to give some dirty looks! LOL
OMG.. girl this is just too awesome..
I just have to go make myself a tag to use in my email siggie box..
If you would like one with your name on it please email me at kolorscapez@gmail.com with what name you want and if AC Content is ok or not and I will gladly make you one..
Thank you for this grumpy mood breaker. I laughed so hard when i saw this. Off to make a tag.
I can't decide which to make first with this one. T-shirt or bumper sticker? hmmm... And I'd love to see that one for cell phone yellers, too. That one would definitely be a t-shirt for grocery day.
Thank you so much!! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 15 post on Aug. 01, 2009. Thanks again.
I SO love reading your blog!!!! I am a SAHM of five boys so I can relate sooo much to most of what I read here....lol. I love the WA and have the perfect photo for it!!
BTW....when the pants are too tight...it is a manufacturing error. When they fit loose....its because we have been so diligent on our diets.....LOL. I can rationalize ANYTHING when it comes to my weight :)
Have a great weekend and God Bless you and yours!
Love this one. So many days I could use this at the office. Thanks.
Thanks for the word art
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