Wow, is it Sunday already. Man, these last few weeks have just FLOWN by. Yesterday was kind of all a blur - hehehe. I must say, I didn't leave my house yesterday. But I did shower and fix myself. That's a plus - hehehe. And remember the berry super juice? Well, I was so tired yesterday I took a 2 hour nap, right in the middle of the day. So, maybe the energy burst the day before was just that, a random energy burst. But I'll keep trying it - can't hurt, at any rate :)
The kids and I made pumpkin cookies in the evening - that was kinda fun. Except for the fact that they (read:we) ate them all. The recipe was suppsed to make 5 dozen, but I think we only got 4 out of it. But, they were fabulous!
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup shortening
(beat together)
1 egg
1 1/2 cups libby's pumpkin pie mix
(beat together)
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp um, that other spice for pumpkin pie
(beat together)
1 cup oats
Bake at 375 for 13 minutes - Oh yeah, baby! These are tasty :) And, they're a vegetable. Ok, so that's a stretch. But, it's pumpkin, right???
Jacob and I watched a movie on my laptop last night. I have 2 headphone holes in the laptop, so we sat on my bed in the dark (after the other kids had gone to sleep), and watched "A Haunting In Conniticut". Scary!!! Granted, it would be better if you could acutally see what you were watching, but beggers can't be chooser - LOL!
He was so funny - when the scary parts came at the beginning, I'd grab his hand/arm - whatever was close I'm a jumper at scary movies. He thought it was funny, so he'd predict when the scary parts would come, and offer me his hand. So sweet to his Mom. But, by the end, I think he was offering me his hand because HE was scared - hehehe. It was nice to sit and watch a movie with him. Bonding time :)
As I sit here on Saturday night pre-publishing this post, I'm getting a migraine. I can feel it coming on. Dang, and I've been off chocolate all week, so I know it's not chocolate withdrawls. Hmmmm, must be stress. Stupid stress! Why can't it just leave me alone (ROFL!!!)
This WordArt request is for Dorothy. She has her only daughter graduating in May, and wants to make up a journal for her daughter with this as the cover. Awe, how sweet! And yes, it's a GREAT quote. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Direct - Felix Titling
My, Sail - HenryMorganHand
The kids and I made pumpkin cookies in the evening - that was kinda fun. Except for the fact that they (read:we) ate them all. The recipe was suppsed to make 5 dozen, but I think we only got 4 out of it. But, they were fabulous!
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup shortening
(beat together)
1 egg
1 1/2 cups libby's pumpkin pie mix
(beat together)
2 cups flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp um, that other spice for pumpkin pie
(beat together)
1 cup oats
Bake at 375 for 13 minutes - Oh yeah, baby! These are tasty :) And, they're a vegetable. Ok, so that's a stretch. But, it's pumpkin, right???
Jacob and I watched a movie on my laptop last night. I have 2 headphone holes in the laptop, so we sat on my bed in the dark (after the other kids had gone to sleep), and watched "A Haunting In Conniticut". Scary!!! Granted, it would be better if you could acutally see what you were watching, but beggers can't be chooser - LOL!
He was so funny - when the scary parts came at the beginning, I'd grab his hand/arm - whatever was close I'm a jumper at scary movies. He thought it was funny, so he'd predict when the scary parts would come, and offer me his hand. So sweet to his Mom. But, by the end, I think he was offering me his hand because HE was scared - hehehe. It was nice to sit and watch a movie with him. Bonding time :)
As I sit here on Saturday night pre-publishing this post, I'm getting a migraine. I can feel it coming on. Dang, and I've been off chocolate all week, so I know it's not chocolate withdrawls. Hmmmm, must be stress. Stupid stress! Why can't it just leave me alone (ROFL!!!)
This WordArt request is for Dorothy. She has her only daughter graduating in May, and wants to make up a journal for her daughter with this as the cover. Awe, how sweet! And yes, it's a GREAT quote. Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Direct - Felix Titling
My, Sail - HenryMorganHand
Great quote thanks!! I love your wordart and just want to say thanks for all the freebies you post. I think your blog is the one I read the most because you crack me up! I have 4 kids (1 of which has alot of disabilities) so its nice to peek into someone elses crazy life! Thanks for that!
SO fun! I LOVE your new background and header! Cute!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Apr. 26, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for sharing! :) Your children sound absolutely WONDERFUL!! i LOVE all that you share about your family!! (my 'boys' are now 35 and soon to be 25) Have an AWESOME day, Bethany! :)
I love your word art. Thanks so much for sharing. If you have time could you try something with just the words motivate, inspire, and uplift. Thanks!
I have a yummy pumpkin cookie recipe that takes no time at all to make with only three ingredients: One spice cake mix, one small can pumpkin and chocolate chips. Mix and bake and devour! SO good!
Awseome wordart!
OMGosh! I SO SO SO want some of those cookies !!! :) mmmmmm, chocolate :)
Bethany. love the new blog header and background....thanks for the wordart!!
(one cute blog - yummy those are my favorite cookies)
I think I will go make some...he he he
sending love your way Bethany! Hope all is well with Brent away!! I know how tough that can man is in the Air Force!
I love your new blog banner. Very cool looking! Thank you for sharing wordart with us. It is very often just what I need to finish a page, as journaling is my weak point and your wordart always seems to speak my thoughts. Have a wonderful evening!!!
Love this quote for today! Just got home from ward choir practice and the next song we're doing is a *hard* arrangement of "Master, The Tempest is Raging". I love the hymn, but this arrangement is very challenging! So your quote was great for today with my raspy throat and hoping I don't forget the words when we're performing! Ha!!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 26 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 27 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Wonderful! Thank you!
Thank you for the great quote. I am thinking how much I'm going to love to eat those cookies when I finally make them after this diet of mine! :)
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