Hey girls! It's late as I'm prepublishing this post. 2am ish, in fact. Yep, another girls night - hehehe. I'm such a party animal - ROFL!!!
Monday morning dawned bright and early with a trip to the mechanic. The rear end on the truck wasn't working. Don't ask. I don't know. We dropped it off at 8am, and came back home. Captain Americaleft for work, and we got ready for the pool. I actually had time to design a WordArt pack before we left, even! Woohoo!!! We made sandwiches, and sliced apples and oranges, and cool-aid for the pool.
Since my truck was out of commission, Katy came and picked us up and brought us to the pool. Awe, what a sweetheart! And my kids LOVE riding in her van, because she had a built in DVD player. Sweet!
Andrea was back from Idaho, and we bad mouthed her into coming to the pool - hehehe. She claimed that she had to unpack. Baaahhh, who needs to unpack! Pool is SOOOO much more important - ROFL! We did have a good time there, though.
Katy, Adela, Andrea, and I were there. Also, the Hunts (the new Sunbeam teachers at church) and the Huezo's were there. Along with another new family that I didn't know the name of. Hmmmm, can't remember. It was a nice group of moms/kids. We even got in the water! Twice! It was over a hundred in El Paso, so the water felt nice and good. Katy and I discovered that Pool break was the PERFECT time to go and swim. No kids to bother us - LOL!
Jim and Joe was getting to be SUCH water lovers. They can now both go in the big pool with life jackets on, and swim around. Jimmy can even put his head under water and pretend to swim. Brave kid! One of their favorite games is swimming to Mom, and trying to catch me. Sigh. It's kinda scary for me, when 3 or 4 little kids start coming at you, all the while, laughing hysterically. Creepy, let me tell you! But they were enjoying it - hehehe.
We left the pool at around 3pm (I KNOW, we stayed forever!), and came home. I was able to take a shower (I'm up to 4 days in a row! Dang!), then laid down on my bed to "rest my eyes". I've been exhaused lately, for some reason. I woke up at 4:45pm to go and fix dinner. The casserole I made was big enough, that I took 1/2 of it and froze it for next week. Sweet! Now I don't have to buy those ingredients on Wednesday when I go shopping.
Captain America was home around 6pm. I found out that the truck will be in the shop until Thursday at least. Repairs will be around $550. Sigh. Well, at least since we started this Dave Ramsey thing, we had about $300 in the savings account. We started budgeting for car repairs, so there's another hunderd. We can take some out of gas, and some out of here and there, and I have enough for the repair. Thank goodness!!! Now I have to work on getting that reserve (emergency fund) back up again.
I took all of the extra apple slices from the pool, and decided to make an apple cake with it. I had the recipe in a book, but had never tried it. It turned out FABULOUS! Well, it smelled really good, at least. I didn't actually taste it. But everyone said it was good :)
At 7pm, Captain America and I headed out to the mall. Captain America wanted to get some more protein powder for his shakes, and also a refill of his vitamins. We walked around a little bit, but didn't really see anything interesting.
We left the Mall, and headed for Wal-Mart. We had a few things to get, nad when we got to the resgister to pay, I was so embarassed. I had about 5 different categories of purchases. Each one had it's own envelope of cash. So I had to do 5 transactions. One for food, one for household items, one for kids clothes, Captain America gave me his cash, so I did my candle and his shirt in one transaction, and another one for medical. I'm sure the people behind us had such kind thoughts about us - hehehe. But then, it's not my fault. It's Wal-Marts for not opening more lanes - LOL!
We bought Jake and Tom swim shirts, since they both got SUPER burnt today. Even with a massive ammount of sunblock. El Paso sun is just WAY too powerful. We bought them UnderArmor from Wal-Mart. Not really swimwear, but it'll work just fine. Serve it's purpose very nicely.
We got home at around 8:15pm, and Jim and Joe were sleeping on the couch. Eme, Tom, and Jake were playing nicely together. We put away our purchases, and I headed out to Katy's house to watch a movie. We were supposed to watch Knowing, but Katy had got it from Netflix, and it was on the LONG WAIT list. So, Adela had rented "Unborn", so we watch that. Kinda freaky! But then, I do enjoy scary movies. And since it was PG-13, and I could watch it, I was happy.
We sat around and talked after the movie. It was a lot of fun! Adela and Katy and I. Andrea couldn't make it. Tuesday, we're supposed to go to the dollar movie around town. There's a few different theaters that play kids movies during the summer. Tuesday is Kung Fu Panda (one of Jimmy's favorites), and I'm kinda excited about it. Yeah for fun summer activities!
Here's a fun wordart for ya! I just picked one of the first sayings that I came across yesterday when I sat down to design. I was super tired, since I stayed out so late. But, I like it. Hopefully you will too :)
click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Gee you sure are a busy mama! I think it's fabulous that you found all these friends in your new community.
Awesome word art! Thanks for sharing.
oh swimming is so good for your children!! i am GLAD they LOVE it like they do!! :) oh i am soo looking forward to the answers of Brent's fav and your fav!! lol FUN!!! :) Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wa too! :) Have a TERRIFIC day!!
Hartelijk bedankt : mooie word-art!
Thank you so much for the freebie :)
All your work is so great! I love so many of your quotes! Thanks!
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