So adjusting to life with a man around isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I mean, I knew that the "I miss you so much it hurts" stage wouldn't last forever, but I'm not really liking the "I'm still getting used to having you around" stage. We're having problems with misunderstandings on both of our parts. Rrrgh. Men. Can't live with them, can't live without them - hehehe.
Not that I'm by the computer (no internet at the place we're staying), but do any of you girls have any suggestions for me? Any tips for making the transition a little bit easier?
This WordArt request is from DJ. What a funny, but true, saying :) Hehehehe. Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Power - um, yeah, ask again when I get real internet :)
of, Mom - Lainie Day SH
Power - um, yeah, ask again when I get real internet :)
of, Mom - Lainie Day SH
Oh Bethany I feel your pain adjusting to being together is such a bittersweet thing especially after the changes you both have gone through. We are struggling with this right now ourselves DH was deployed for months and now struggling to find our balance is hard. DH is used to bossing everyone around and I am used to being the sole caretaker and learning to re-adjust to being a partnership is difficult, but after years and years of doing this we have found that taking each day slowly, communicating and finding quiet time makes things so much easier. The hardest part is to remember that both of you have changed and that the relationship has evolved and that this is a wonderful thing. After a military seperation most couples want things to be exactly how they were and that usually isn't the case things change and it is a good thing just find the balance.
i wish i knew the perfect words to say but i think it will just take patience & understanding and of course love to get through this time.
Big HUGS to you and i pray things become easier for you! Thank you so very much for sharing this AWESOME wordart!! i really LOVE visiting you! :D Have a safe & WONDERFUL New Year too!!
Thank you very much, I love it!
Hmmmm well, my husband and I celebrated 23 years yesterday. Although he is not in the military, two of my sons are. I tell my kids, now that they are settling down, that marriage is very hard ALWAYS ! ! But, it is their job to make their spouse happy all the time. It feels lopsided occasionally, but I still feel that it is all about happiness and I can give on just about anything if I know it makes my husband happy. The little things are nice, but they don't really matter so much. The kids will grow up and move on to have lives of their own, the laundry will eventually get done, and what is important is that you are there for each other through the years. Just don't sweat it and go with the flow. Most of all don't take anything personally. It will only drive you crazy. Also take time to make yourself happy, spoil yourself - you deserve it. I know I pretty much just rambled, but maybe something I mentioned will help you. Take it a day at a time and 'don't worry, be happy'!!
Thanks Bethany! I love it, but would love it even MOREEEE if it said Mum. hehe. I know your internet less, anytime you get around to it, no rush :) Im a pain in the butt arent I? LOL
I can't imagine having to get used to NOT having my husband around, let alone getting used to him being home again. How long is he home for? I think any words of wisdom I might have are just remember the reasons why you fell in love in the first place, and try to see where the other person is coming from. If you both have each other in mind it should all work out. I'm sure it's not easy for him either. The kids must love having him home?! oh, and COMMUNICATE!!! It's so easy to just forget to talk to each other about things that bother you, and make sure you take some time out to nurture your relationship, since your time together is so precious!! Anyways, that's enough for now, glad your Christmas was nice, and hope you have a happy new year!
Thanx for the great wordart! And you can use that saying to keep you moving forward during this trying "adjustment" period :-)
Oh, I feel your pain, girl! Our worst pre-marriage fight was shortly after DH came home from a 6-month cruise. It's just hard and I don't know what to say other than hang on!!! We've been married 11+ years now, so I can say that you can make it. Just add a little extra patience and prayer to your routine. Good luck!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 26 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 27 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).
Love the wordart. Hope things work out for you. Thank you! :)
Bethany, I've been there and know it can be hard, but I totally agree with anonymous who said her husband was use to being the one in charge, but when he was away, she became the "sole parent" in essence. It was like that every time my husband came back from a deployment or TDY. You adjust the best you can, with BOTH of you understanding how the coming and going of military life changes your family dynamics on a constant basis. You guys sound strong to begin with, so I believe you are going to have a smoother transition than most-at least I hope so. Thanks again for the WA-Sandy in Colorado
Thank you for the words of wisdom. And Thank you so very much. Have a happy New Year! Corrine in WA
Thanks for the cute wordart! Good luck with the spouse adjustments. Doing something different always seems to take adjustment time.
Super quote! Love the word art! Thank you very much! :)
What a fabulous saying! Looking forward to multiple uses for this one! LOL!
As far as time apart, time together goes, well, it's a tough one. Before my sweet darlin' and I had children, it wasn't an issue. In fact, it was kind of nice. Four kids later, though, and it stinks. At one point, I found myself getting cranky with him before he had to leave. I figured out that it was sort of my way of not minding he was gone - because I would be irritated with him. So, I decided that wasn't a good attitude to have, and prayed about it. Sometimes it's easier, sometimes it's harder. A lot of it depends on how the kiddles act while he's gone. I have to say that he's only gone 2 to 3 days (usually) at a time, but it sometimes feels like a month. Plus, I sometimes forget to tell him things that happened or that have been planned. I think the biggest problems stems from the fact that men and women communicate differently. It occasionally helps to think to myself "would I get irritated with my (female) best friend did this?" I'm sad to admit, that the answer is too often, "No." So, I try to adjust my attitude, because it's the only attitude I can control. Sorry I don't have an easy answer for you. I'm sure you already know that the best thing you can do is pray about it, right?
Thanks and Happy New Year!
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