So, we headed to Wal-Mart, and returned it. We needed Vanilla and deoderant at the house, and we bought some soda and pretzels for the pool. On the way out of Wal-Mart, we saw to young people begging for food. I didn't have/want to share my money (insert joke about how cheap I am, Andrea), so I gave them each a Soda. They said they were hungry. Soda will help, right? Anyway, the seemed grateful for it :)
We headed out to CompUSA (a computer/electronics store), where Jacob had seen an ad for an MP3 player. We got there, walked around the store, and coudln't find it. We asked someone, and they said that it hadn't come on the truck yet. Nice. My kids were trying to run amok, but I was doing my best at crowd control. Jake was SO upset.
We went to Best Buy, which was right next door, but they didn't have anything either. We stopped at LIttle Ceasars on the way to the pool, and bought 2 $5.00 pizzas for lunch. We stopped off at Wal-Mart to see if they had a $20.00 4GB MP3 player, but no dice. But I did get my cucumbers and cheese for lunch. It was cheaper to just buy a bag of shredded mozzarella cheese, so I did.
And, we headed off to the pool. Andrea and Adela and Katy ended up not coming, but I got to hang out with my friend Krista from our old ward. She's AWESOME! She has 5 kids, just like me, and they're similar ages. And, later on, Helen came to the pool, so we got to chat for a few minutes.
And I have to tell you, the shredded cheese? Not so much. They put some kind of coating on it, and it tasted WEIRD! Before the diet, I woudln't have noticed, but I could TOTALLY taste the potato starch that supposed to keep it from sticking together. Next time, I'm buying string cheese, or a brick. Gross!
We left the pool at 2:30ish pm, and headed home. Jake called CompUSA to see if the MP3 player was there yet, and it was! We'd go later. As we were walking in the door, Sam (Andrea's oldest) called and asked to come over. Come on, I said! He and Ben came over and played nicely with my kids ALL afternoon. You'd think that it would be crazy with 7 kids in the house, but honestly, it was so much more peaceful with 2 extras. Ben kept Joe entertained, and Ben kept Jake and Tom entertained. It was SO nice.
I cooked Taco Salad for everyone (yummy! - it smelled SO good), then made stir fry for myself at dinner time. I found some steak in the freezer, which was SO much tastier than the ground turkey. No brainer there. hehehe.
When Captain America got home at almost 7pm, I sent Ben and Sam home, got Captain America situated for the evening, and Jake and I headed off to the store. Jimmy was sleeping on the couch (thank GOODNESS! He was grouchy. Like earlier, he's brought me a root beer to drink, and wanted me to pour a drink in his cup. I did, and apparently he didn't think I'd given him enough, because he threw himself on the floor screaming. So, I asked if he still wanted the drink, to which he screamed louder, so I drank it. OMGosh, you'd think I had stabbed the kid. I sent him to his room until he got under control. It wasn't too much later that he fell asleep on the couch). We got there, asked for help finding them, and bought one for Jake with his money, and one for me!
We got home, put Jimmy in his bed, and let the kids play on computer for the rest of the evening. Captain America was studying, and I arranged my music on my new MP3 player and my computer. It's not the most user friendly thing I've ever owned. I'm not sure if I like it. Jake's doesn't work right, so we're gonna have to take it back and get a different one tomorrow. What a pain in the butt all around. One of his buttons don't work. Nice.
Anyway, I organized all my music, and deleted the stuff that I didn't like/didn't need. I don't know why, but it makes me happy to have my files all organized. Now, if that only translated over to my house - ROFL!
And, I have to update you all on my diet! I'm only 4 lbs away from my goal! I'm SO excited. Most of my clothes fit again (although a tiny bit tight - but buttonable, which is HUGE!). Not sure how long it's gonna take me to lose those last 4 lbs, but after that, I start on re-feed (retraining your body to handle larger quanities of food, and different foods). And this time, I'm not gonna abandon the diet. That's what happened last time.
Some people have issues with drugs, or with alcohol, or with smoking, and they need to radically change their habits. They can't "play" with the things that tempt them. It's the same with food and me. I need to just eat what I'm supposed to, and leave the other stuff alone. I have no self-control when it comes to food, and the sooner I learn that, the better off I'll be. Sigh. But YEAH for being 4 lbs from my goal!!! Woohoo for me :)
How about his. The day that I hit 140lbs, I'll give out a 50% coupon code for 1 day. Give you something to look forward to, eh? hehehe.
This WordArt request is from Renee. What a great quote! I could totally see it on SO many layouts. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I just have to say, I really shouldn't design late at night. First, I messed up the quote, had "are the" written twice. After going back and fixing the PSD file and the PNG file and the preview and re-uploading it, I realized that I'd forgotten the JFK part. Dang. So, I had to fix it, then re-save the PDS file and the PNG file and the preview and re-upload it. Third time's the charm, right? I think it's all good now :)
Congratulations on sticking to your diet - only 4lbs to go! WOW! And thanks again for the Word Art.
Awesome quote today and way to go on your diet - very inspiring. I'm starting mine next week when the kids go to school :)
you always get so much done in a day! big CONGRATS on doing so good with the diet! Have a TERRIFIC day! :D
I love the quote!!!
Thanks for the WA and congrats on being so close to your goal weight!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 18 Aug [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 19 Aug [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
That was a great post. And that, is some great word art. LOVE the quote!
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