So Eme woke up yesterday feeling sick. I think she had a fever, and needed her inhalor. Unfortunately, it was out. So, I called the Army clinic, and their next appointment as on the 24th. Well, that was WAY too far off. They said either call Dial a Nurse and ask about options, or go to the ER. Well, I know that it wasn't an emergency, so I didn't need the ER, so I called the Dail A Nurse.
She got Eme all set up with a non-army urgent care visit, and after we got the other kids off to school, we headed off to urgent care. She got a perscription for Alburterol, and some perscription cough syrup, and an antibiotic. She had a nasty red throat, but no white spots. But, because of her bout with Post Strep Reactive Arthritis, they gave her an antibiotic. Better safe than sorry.
We headed off to Wal-Mart to get the perscriptions filled. We decided to go to the Wal-Mart across town where we used to live, so that we could check and see if the Easter Bunny pics were in. But first, to the pharmacy. 1 hour wait. Holy crap! That was a long time to kill. So, we got our Easter pictures, and walked around for a bit, and paid, and it was still only 30 minutes. So, we drove to the kids' old school, and dropped off Jacobs cello that he had borrowed. Then, back to Wal-Mart.
Oh yeah, here's the Easter Bunny Pictures. That's one of the many things that I LOVE about Wal-Mart. Near some holidays, their photo department takes pictures of your kids, for free, and you just come back in and look through the giant stack of photos they've developed, and take yours. Not too bad, for free :) Except that Joe wanted NOTHING to do with the giant, freaky, talking rabbit. Honestly, can't say that I blame the poor kid.

It had been 1 hour 2 minutes, so we went back to the pharmacy. I waited in line (you KNOW that the line at the pharmacy is ALWAYS packed), and when we got to the front, she said that we needed to go back and talk to the "drop off" window again. Dang. So, we head back over, and the girl at the window said that it would be a few more minutes.
So, since I could wait for a few more minutes, we stood near the front, with the pharmacy people in sight. Jimmy wasn't having it. He cried, and tired to run away, and screamed. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. 15 minutes later, and we had our perscriptions. I wasn't happy. Poor Jim. He was good for SO long, and that last 15 minutes was his unhinging. That wasn't nice of the pharmacy people, to make us wait (ok, so I know that sometimes things happen, but it didn't seem nice at the time :).
After getting a quick bite to eat (I really need to stop being out and about during the day), we headed back to Eme's school. She was feeling much better after getting some medicine in her system (but mostly after getting her inhalor - must not be fun to not breath deeply). She didn't want to miss school. She's SO her mother's child - hehehe. I hated to miss school too. I was afraid I'd miss something important. I know, I was a nerd. I admit it :)
The cafeteria lady had been trying to get ahold of me all week, and I finally stopped by to see her. I wasn't sure what she wanted to talk to me about, but didn't really feel like confrontation. hehehe. So, I went and talked with her. She just wanted to let me know that we'd been approved for free lunches, and that she wanted to give my check for 3 kids, 5 days of lunches back, and to have me write one for just 1 day worth of lunches. OK, so that was GOOD news. 4 dollars instead of 25. Much nicer. But even better, free lunches for the rest of the school year. That'll help.
When we finally got home, Jimmy and I spent the rest of the afternoon organizing his room. We got all of the boxes unpacked, and it organized how I liked it. He seemed SO excited to get his toys back. Cute little thing.
I also went through Jake and Tom's room, and organized a little bit. I got some of the bigger boxes unpacked (the clothes), and we can get in the closet again. Sure, their beds are full of junk, but the closet is accessible (ROFL!!!). I guess it's their responsibility to get their rooms cleaned :)
After the big kids got home, we did homework, had dinner, and relaxed for a while. We watched Survivor together, then I chatted with Captain America for a few minutes, and the after the little kids went to bed, the big kids and I watched Harpers Island. I sure do love a good scary movie/story. And I only had to have the boys cover their heads with their blankets once, or was that twice.
Thank goodness today is Friday. I'm looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday. I just need to make sure that I get my curtains hung in my room today, so that I don't automatically wake up at the crack of dawn - LOL!
I figured that since I had SO many "attitude" wordarts for sale this week, I'd make an "attitude" wordart for you all as a freebee. And, I SO fits me. hehehe. My other saying is "Just smile and nod'. ROFL! You don't even know how often I do that - hehehe.
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks, girls!

Smile - 2Peas old type
Loved your wording for Jim...unhinging..... ha, that would make a good wordart!
Ha ha--my ds will hate me for it, but I can think of some pics that will go perfectly with this one. Thanks a bunch. :)
Loved todays wordart...made me smile after a long, hard week! Thanks!
Thank you!!!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Apr. 17, 2009. Thanks again.
Everyday I read your blog I feel better!! I have four kids and occasionally they also become "unhinged"- it's nice to know that I'm not the only one!! Your blog is great and love the word art!! You come up with the greatest sayings!!
Okay, I'll make a deal with you. You stop eating out during the day and I will too. That's my weakest spot because we are ALWAYS out during the day. However, I managed to cook dinner before running out to swim lessons today, keep it in the turned off oven. I took a granola bar for the kids and headed to ice skating lessons. Back at 7:15 to eat dinner at home with just a brief reheat in the mike. Woo Hoo! Day 1 down!!! Good Luck dear.
Fabulous! Thank you!
Okay, I LOVE the Women Attitude Word Art!! And the freebie today is wonderful! I have a few pics I can scrap for that.
Glad Eme is feeling better. :-)
I took pictures of my three month old daughter right before she had her ears pierced, and she was oohing and coohing at the girls, this is the perfect word art for that page! I love it when that happens.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 18 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
You have made me laugh today, thank you. hsmema
This one has got to be my favorite of all your amazing wordarts! Especially this week as I'm recovering from a minor concussion. :-)
Thanks for the smile wordart. Makes me laugh.
Free lunches for the kids! That's cool :) Thank you for the WA!
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