My mom and dad were gonna meet us down there after she got off work (Dad had the week off) at 1-ish. After the park, we decided to go to the movies. Now, I usually don't go to the movies, since they're SO expensive, but I figured that it was the day after Thanksgiving, and we hadn't been in a VERY long time, and I needed a break. So, we went to see "Bolt". Great movie! The kids were very good, too. I sat by Eme and Jim. Tom and Joe sat in front of us, and Jake sat off to the side a bit. The theater was only about 2/3 full, and all with families. So it was very kid friendly. I was a little worried, since I was taking 5 children to the theater by myself, but it tured out great :)
Then, we headed over to the Dollar Tree. I gave each kid a basket, and told them to pick out one present for each sibling, and parent. They each needed 6 things in their basket when they were done. With a little coaching, they picked out presents for everyone. It was pretty fun, but VERY hectic. My eyes were bugging a little when we finally got to the truck. Keeping track of that many kids and letting them have the freedom to browse was a very fine line - hehehe. But, I left with all 5 kids, so I count that as a success.
I decided that my next paycheck from Scraporchard would fund Christmas this year, and since my sales is going SO well, we went Santa shopping ($50 per child - what do you guys do?) Now, doing this with 5 children is a bit tricky. My parents had caught up with me at this point, and we all headed to Wal-Mart. Once in, we told the kids to look for things they'd like for Christmas from Santa. We put it in the cart, so that we could "write it down easier" for Santa. Good ploy, eh? We found stuff for Jim (from Cars, of course), Tom (Star Wars stuff), Joe (fakie GI Joes/Star Wars), and Eme (dolls, stuffed animals, and Littlest Pet Shop). Jacob wanted to save his money. I still can't believe we actually fooled them. Yeah, we're just putting it in the "we're thinking about it" cart - hehehehe.
I wasn't sure what Captain America and I were gonna get the kids this year, but decided to go with a family movie (Doctor Who Season 4) jogging suits, and jammie pants. Even Captain America and I got the jogging suits. They were pretty cool. Eme, Joe, and Jim's were only $4 (pants and jacket), and Captain America, mine, Tom's and Jakes were $8. The Christmas jammie pants (well, the little kids got jammie pants and tops) were pretty fun. Everyone needs new jammies every once in a while. Plus, Walmart had a TON of $2.00 movies, and who can pass up a movie for $2.00. Hmmmm, what else did I get. Oh yeah, a memory card for my camera, 2G for only $7.00, and an $8.00 pair of LEI jeans. That was a sweet deal :) That was it, I think.
We did dinner at Burger King, because it was close. The kids were STARVING, and it was the most quite we'd seem them all night. Wow, they were intent on that food. LOL! They each got crowns, and of course, Jimmy wanted me to wear his, so of course, I played along. I DO love wearing BK crowns, don't you know :)
We decided to hit K-Mart (although I'd already spent my wad) on the way home. On the way, we swung by Goodwill to let my mom look for something, and I went on in, leaving Jacob in charge of the kids for a few minutes. When I got back to the truck, I again noticed the crown on my head. Hehehehe. I bet the Goodwill ladies liked that - I didn't even have kids with me to play it off - LOL!
When we got to the KMart parking lot, I took off the crown, and Jacob said "Oh good, cause it doesn't really matter if you wear a crown to Goodwill, because no one shops there. But EVERYONE shops at KMart". Yeah, see, I teach my kids right. LMBO! Let's dress up to go to Wal-Mart/K-mart - hehehehe. Too funny.
Didn't really get anything at Kmart (besides pull-ups, which were on sale for $6.50, and something else. Can't remember now.)
Then, we headed home. The little kids all fell asleep. About 1/2 way home, while passing through Reedsport, a policeman pulled out behind me, and followed me through town. Then he pulled me over. Great. I KNEW I was going the speed limit, because I put the cruise on when I saw him pull out.
Well, he said that I kept going over the white line, and wanted to know if I'd been drinking - LMBO! Um, no, no alcohol for me. I just have a MONSTER of a truck, and it fades really bad. He took my license, registration, and insurance, and after a few minutes, let me go. He just said "Well, next time the police are behind you, make sure you drive straight". Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. At least I didn't get a ticket. That would have been a real downer on the trip - LOL!
Mom and I got the little kids to bed when we got home, then wrapped presents. We're taking the Santa presents to my Aunts house, so no one finds them - hehehe. I have a VERY sneaky 9 year old. When he was a little kid, we used to call him Sneaky Tom, and he's never grown out of it - hehehe. We stayed up WAY too late (it's 1:46am, and I'm still blogging - hehehe), but had a lot of fun. PLEASE, little kids, let me sleep in!
Anyway, I love shopping :) Which is why I made this WordArt :) Hope you all like it, and if you're anything like me, you can use this WordArt too! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file :) Thanks!

Retail - FontleroyBrown
Therapy - Felix Tilting
Retail - FontleroyBrown
Therapy - Felix Tilting
LOL It sure is!! Whenever our Mom had a fight with our Step-dad, she went out shopping and charged up the cards. Of course that meant paying them later but she felt better for it at the time ;) Thank you for sharing!
Sounds like quite the day! I wouldn't do a long day out like that with my 5 kids, although 3 of mine are still very young. Brave lady you are!
LOVE the word art today! Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your kids! Coming up to Christmas can be a wonderful time, can't it? I have 5 grandchildren, and love shopping for them. I also have a disabled foster child who has been through some tough patches lately. She is still in palliative care, but is currently stable. As yet I haven't shopped for her for Christmas as we don't know if she will make it! But I know what I want to get her. We just play one day at a time! Blessings on your family.
I used your word art for the post I'm doing right now about retail therapy. Linking your blog. Thanks!
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