Captain America and I decided to re-organize the garage. Remember how we had to pull EVERYTHING out to get the trailer out? Well, it was never put back in. I was afraid that we’d get a ticket, or citation, or whatever it is the housing place does to you when you break the rules (we can’t have vehicles in the rocks, which is where the trailer is parked), so we need to get it back into the garage.
Here's what our garage looked like before

First, we pulled everything out of the garage. As we pulled it, we sorted it into piles. Camping gear, empty storage boxes, trash, recycle, keep, and donate. About ½ way through, we stopped for lunch. It was SO hot in the garage, so we took quite a while eating and relaxing in the cool air. But eventually, we were back at it. We loaded the truck with all the cardboard so that Captain Americacould take it to the recycle place. We pulled the trailer back into the garage, and loaded all of the empty storage boxes into it. Seemed like as good a place as any to keep empty storage boxes.
And here's what the garage looked like when it was done!

It was around 3:00pm, and I went in to shower and get ready. The girls and I were finally going to get our eyebrows done! I was SO excited! The girls came by at around 3:30pm to pick me up. Katy, Andrea, Helen, and Kim. What a fun group!
Sorry it's blurry. We were standing in front of a ginormous mirror, taking pictures of ourselves. The flash just made us have big flash marks on our faces, but the forced flash off just left us blury. But you get the idea. Here's the group :)

We drove to the West Side Mall (Sunland Park - about 20 minutes away), and searched around the mall for the threading booth. We finally found it. We kinda bombarded the poor lady at the place. There were 5 of us and only one of her. And 2 of us had cameras, and Andrea talks A LOT - ROFL!
Andrea went first. It was hard for her to sit still that long. She kept talking - hehehe. We love ya, girl! We forgot to get a “before” picture - dang! Anyway, she kept saying “Oooch!”. we didn’t know if it really hurt, or if she was wimpy - hehehe. She looked SO hot when she was done! Love the brows, girl!

She was concerned that because he skin was SO light, that she’d be pink afterwards. She wanted to have the most time to “de-pink” - hehehe. We did get a before picture of Katy. You know how people take sad, funny before pictures. Well, here’s Katy’s sad “before” picture - LOL!
Her eyebrows just kept getting redder and redder. Towards the end, her eyes were watering a lot. Poor thing! See, doesn’t she look FABULOUS in her “after” picture?

Then, it was my turn. Here's my "sad, pathetic before" picture - hehehe

Let me tell you, ladies. It hurt. I won’t lie. You know how it feels to tweeze your eyebrows. Well, imagine pulling ALL of your hairs out at the same time. Ouch! But, I had to remind myself, I’ve had 5 children, all with no drugs. My kids hurt me worse on a daily basis. Be it someone jumping on me when I’m not expecting it, or someone throwing something and hitting me on accident, or dropping something on my foot. Grant it, their not doing it all at the same time. Hehehe.

After the first few swipes with the thread, every time she came near me with the thread, I winced. Hehehe. I could feel it pressing on my eye, which kinda worried me. But she didn’t pull out any hair that wasn’t supposed to be pulled out. Good thing, too - LOL
Here’s my “after” picture. Aren’t my eyebrows FABULOUS!!!

Next up was Kim. She’d just come as an observer, but peer pressure won out! I almost missed a before picture for her, but caught it at the last second. She had a few tears streaming down her face when all was said and done, too.

Isn’t she cute!

And, lastly, was Helen. She, too, didn’t want to do it at the beginning, but decided to do it! Woohoo for us! Here’s Helens “Before” picture.

And here’s Helen’s After picture. Beautiful brows, girl!'

You know, it was SO funny. Andrea kept talking to everyone who walked by, and tried to get them to come and do it too. At one point, there were about 20 people crowded around the kiosk. We’re such trend setters - ROFL!!! People were stopping and staring, and coming closer for a better view. And we were snapping pictures and laughing and having fun the WHOLE time J
Here’s a pic of the group, with the nice lady who did our eyebrows. Her hubby is taking the picture.

We walked around the mall for a little while afterwards, catching glimpses of our brows in mirrors, and stopping to admire them. LOL! We went to Old Navy, looked around for a few minutes, and then headed home. Andreas family and my family family were going to the church for a Cub Scout/Boy Scout event. Aiden was earning his Arrow of Light award. It’s the highest award in Cub Scouts.
So, I had about 30 minutes to get everyone dressed and cook my food, and head out the door to the Crossover Ceremony. We were a few minutes late, but we made it. Captain America and I were both there, one of us representing the Primary, and one of uf representing Boy Scouts. It really was well done. Great job, Brother Sodeberg and Captain America! It was a very nice ceremony :)'

Captain Americaand I (don't you just LOVE my yellow uniform - hehehe)

Then, it was home again. Captain America decided to play guitar songs to the kids before bedtime. He's great on his acoustic guitar. I sat on my bed and was on my laptop designing, and the kids all sat on the floor and listened to the music. I was fine until he decided to switch to the electric guitar. He promised that he'd keep the volume down, but after about 30 minutes, I could tell that a migraine was gonna come if I didn't take a pill.
I grabbed my laptop, got my pills, and headed out to a different room. He felt bad, but it wasn't really his fault. I should have left when he first started to play. I should have known that it would be too loud. Oh well. Live and learn. And hopefully remember from it- heheh.
At around 8:30pm, he called his dad to wish him a happy birthday, and was gonna get online to play Battlefield with his brothers. Since he was gonna be busy and preoccupied, I went over to Katy's house to hang out with the girls. I made sure the kids were tucked into bed first, of course. Jimmy and Joe were gonna have a "sleepover" at Eme's room - too cute. Of course, she decided to sleep on the top bunk and let the 2 little boys sleep on the bottom one. SHe's no dummy - ha!
At Katy's house, I took my laptop and preblogged a little bit. They were playing the Wii. It looked like a lot of fun, but I had a bit of work to finish up. After they played Wii, we put in a movie. Neither I nor Helen had seen "The Notebook", so we watched it. FABULOUS! It was so good, yet so sad at the same time. I recommend it. Nice love story.
After the movie, Helen went home, and Katy and I played on Farmtown. We went to the Inn and harassed people. It was WAY funny. I know, I know. Childish. But we were laughing so hard I though I was gonna pee myself. hehehe. Maybe it was because it was after midnight. Hmmmm, that could have lent to the funnyness factor - hehehe.
I got home at 2am, and blogged for about 30 minutes, then went to bed. I'll definitely be taking a nap after church. Definitely.
OK girls, so as I was thinking of what to do for todays WordArt, I decided to go with part of the Visiting Teaching message for August. It's all about seeking education, and having a lifetime of learning. I thought this scripture was fabulous, and decided to make it for you all! Enjoy!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. thanks!

Bethany, beautiful words for today! Just the inspiration I needed before heading to church and back to school tomorrow! Thanks again! Missy
Hey Bethany,
is Brent wearing a see through shirt in that garage photo?
Can we get a closer shot?
:P :)
So beautiful, Bethany, thanks for sharing.
The word is beautiful (as usual. ^_^ Good job)!
Your eyebrows look great. (I LOVE that you got a picture of everyone with the gal that did the threading.)
And, you know, I think you look good in yellow. It really accentuates your gorgeous eyes.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Aug. 02, 2009. Thanks again.
Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL wordarts! (today's and Saturday's)
Thanks, too, for sharing those pictures of the threading booth! i just heard about it for the first time, earlier this past week! looks very cool! :)
i LOVE all your FUN photos too!! hehe
have a SUPER evening!
You always have the most fun with your friends! I think that's great! Thanks for sharing pictures of your fun day out!
Thank you for helping me again with VTing! Thank you for taking time each day to give us such wonderful word art! You are the best!
I thought your shed looked kinda organised in the before shot [compared to mine lol]
That eyebrow thing looks a little too painful!!!
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