So my mom left this morning, admist the HUGE winter storm, to drive to Portland to pick up my sister, her hubby, and their almost 2 year old. They're flying in today at 10:30 ish. Woohoo! It'll be good to visit with them over Christmas. They'll be here for a week or so.
I'm really starting to get excited about my hubby coming. I have all day today, and all day tomorrow to wait. What kinda crazy flight gets in at Midnight? Sheezh! What's that all about? Hehehehe. I just KNOW that I'm gonna be bawling in in the Airport! I'm SO excited!
As for the housing for the 2 weeks, it's not fun. I was SO looking forward to being at our own cabin for the 2 weeks. Having our own space. Doing our own thing. Not being at someone elses house, and at their whims. We have a place for the Sat night, we're getting a hotel the Sunday night (that was already in the works), no place for the Monday or Tuesday night, staying at a friends (empty) house till Sunday day, need a place for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday night, then have a place for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights. So, anyone wanna loan me their house? LMBO!!! This is NOT how I imagined my time with my hubby. Sigh.
Emeline had a Christmas/Winter Program today. All the 2nd and 1st graders participated. It was SO cute. Her grade sang 2 songs. She's such a cute little singer :) Love ya, Eme!
I went to my Aunts house yesterday and made Peanut Butter balls. Then, later in the day, Mom and I dipped them in the chocolate. I'm giving the Almond Rocha, the Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Balls, and some Stuffed Bears to the kids' teachers for Christmas. I'll take a pic when they're all done. I was a little disappointed in Fred Meyers. Their photo lab is down, and I couldn't develop my Christmas Cards for the teachers. Sigh. I had to print them pff with the printer. Not quite as cute, but they'll get the idea :) I'll try and remember to take a picture of them.
I'm actually remembering to post this. It's SURE been a long week. Today is the 8th Day of Christmas, and it's SHAUNAS!!!! Day. She's the one who asked me to come on at Scraporchard. Did you know I was the first designer that they hired? Who knew! Hehehehe. Anyway, Shauna (Pineapple Plantation Design) has her whole store on sale, so go give it a look!

Well, I coudln't find where to link this at last night (prepublish), so just go to Scraporchard tomorrow, and you'll find it - hehehe. Shauna made an ADORABLE mini kit for you. Isn't she great? I SO love Shauna :)

So, from here on out, until after my graduates from OCS, I'm not doing requests. I may pull from the email list here or there, but I just need to pre-publish a WHOLE bunch of stuff before he gets here, and I can't be stressing about what quotes to use. I'm just gonna do something easy for me. hehehehehe. Come on, girls, you know it's all about me! LMBO!!!
I'm doing Christmas songs from now till Christmas Eve. I just LOVE the little drummer boy song. It's a good one :) Click on the image below to go to my account, and leave some love if like my work.

Drummer - Will&Grace
Boy - York Script ES
Drummer - Will&Grace
Boy - York Script ES
You must be SO excited! Thanks for the freebies you leave. They are so appreciated!
I LOVE you!! You are always so generous with your free word art and I know that it doesn't matter what you post...we are GRATEFUL :)
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your dear hubby. Give him a big hug from me and my whole family for his service to our country!
If I lived near you I'd offer to vacate my house for you. And yes Bethany, it should be all about you!! :)
i totally LOVE your wa!! and thank you so very much for sharing your AWESOME and oh soo creative designs! :D Happy Holidays to you!
Wish I could help you with your housing but I live way south in sunny Scottsdale. Have you checked with your Bishop and/or stake president to see if anyone has anything?
Thanks for the word art - it's great as always.
Is your link working?
Link didn't work for me either.
Thanks for all you do and I'm sure you'll have a great time with your hubby no matter where you're staying. ;)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Digital Freebies Search List, under the Word Art post on Dec. 19, 2008. Thanks again.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 20 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).
I have the perfect pictures for this wonderful little wordart - thank you so much :o)
And my fingers are crossed for you and your sleeping problem ! Have a peaceful Christmas full of love.
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much for all your beautiful Word Art and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family. You're a blessing.
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