Jacob had an Orchestra Solo Contest yesterday. His bus left from his school at 11am. The family followed at about 12:30, getting to the school at about 1pm. He was supposed to play sometime between 1 and 2, but we'd left the paper with the room number in the truck, so for the next 30 minutes, we wandered around, trying to find out where he was playing.
It was a MADHOUSE! There were hundreds of teachers and students and instruments ALL over the school. And it was a BIG school. Every classroom, auditorium, gymnasium, and cafeteria was being used. Goodness! My little kids just followed in tow with eyes wide open.
We finally found a place that the students were listed, which told us who the judge was. WAY across the school, there was a poster that told us there the judges' rooms were. We treked it over there, and found out where Jacob was. Captain America peeked his head into the room where Jacob was supposed to be, and we'd missed him playing by 20 seconds. Darn!
So, we turned around, and headed back home. While I was sad tht I didn't get to see Jacob play, I know that it counted as something to him that we tried. I could see it in his face that he was pleased that we were there. He later told me that it meant a lot to him that we tried to come and watch him play. OK, so the day wasn't a total bust :)
And we DID get to be close to a foreign county. THAT was pretty cool. We got home around 2, and Jacob got home around 4. He'd won a metal!!! He was SO excited. He said that all of the kids in his orchestra did fabulous, and brough home good score. Way to go, Jacob!!!
Also yesterday, my photoshop was possessed for about 2 hours. Really. It wasn't fun at all. It decided that it coudln't write PNG files. ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? I use PNG files (and make them) every day. And it decides it doesn't know what I'm talking about. I was almost to tears.
I un-installed and re-installed photoshop, but it still didn't work. 2 hours later, I open the file I'm working on, and drag and drop each layer into a new document, and viola, it works again. I went on to make 2 new WordArt packs after that. Weirdest thing I've ever seen. What was up with that??? I'm going with 'possessed'.
I'm kinda liking doing the "faithbooking" WordArts for Sunday. Puts me in the right mood/mind set for the Sabbath :) This request came from Teresa...um... I'm embarrassed to say it, but from back in October. Girl, sorry about the wait :) Um, unless I've already made this WordArt, and this is a repeat, which is always a possibility - LMBO! Anyway, here it is. Hope you all like it. It's made with a new Alpha I worked on last night. If you look closely, it's an Iron Alpha. Kinda fun :) I MAY be giving it away as a freebee one of these days in the not to far away future :)
Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

I have to say I love the new alpha and the word "prayer" looks wonderful using it. Looking forward to the day you offer the alpha :)
Thanks so much and congrats to Jacob!
I hope and pray your sale was a huge success! Your word art is my favorite, being a woman of faith myself.
What I really love is reading your blog! LOL! I laugh, giggle and cry with you...and I'm just as funny as you are about "forgetting" things like the information about the classroom. I can just see us in that exact situation!
You still look fabulous, and I am so proud of you, it gets really hard for me to eat healthy with all the stress! WoW, you are making it!
I thought one fun idea for your WA would be to do a fun series of quotes, like the following companies always put quotes on their products: Fortune Cookies, Taco Bell, Dove Chocolate. People could submit their actual quotes. It would be kind of fun and definitely different...LMBO!
Here's to more happy scrapping, and
(¨`•.•´¨) Hugs
.`•.¸(¨`•.•´¨) from the
(¨`•.•´¨)¸.•´ HEART,
.`•.¸.•´ Jeanette
Come Scrap your Blog with me…
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Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Mar. 01, 2009. Thanks again.
Congrats to your son; also we just call them "sprinkley little sprites that amaze and confuse us" about here. I've been told that if you leave enough chocolate by the computer, the computer sprites are pleased and will relent. ;-)
How WONDERFUL that you son got a medal! i feel your pride! :) Thank you so very much for sharing your AWESOME wa! Have a TERIFFIC weekend! :)
Bethany, I love reading your blog... it's fresh and so honest! I'd like to use your prayer wordart on my church website, with your approval. It is perfect for our "Prayer Warriors" chain "link". pamz2020 @ yahoo.com
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