We were home by 12:30pm, and loaded up the truck with our garage sale items. Some guys were supposed to come by and buy it from us. I was at Adela’s house at 12:55pm, and stayed till 3:00pm visiting, but no guys ever came. We think it may have to do with the fact that it rained so hard yesterday. They may not have worked today. Either way, I now have a truck full of garage sale items, and no where for my kids to sit. We’ll have to unload the truck before we go to the big pool today. Sigh.
I decided to paint the last brown bookshelf yesterday too. I pulled all the books off of it, and drug it outside. I didn’t have much paint left, so I did the most important parts first. It’s a middle bookshelf, so the sides weren’t too important. It doesn’t look the best, but I attempted it, at least. That counts for something, right.
Then, I decided to move stuff around so that Captain America could have a “man “ space. Just some space for himself. He’s been feeling a bit displaced lately, like he has no place to retreat to. Men get like that, you know. So, I decided that if I moved the kids out of the “computer room”, I could make it Captain America’s area. It just meant moving around a lot of other things so that it would all fit.
I started to move the bookshelves, and didn’t realize that Captain America’s flag display case was still on top of the shelf. Yep, it came crashing down, glass breaking everywhere. It was the flag from his Grandfathers coffin. I felt HORRIBLE! I cleaned it up best I could, and knew that I’d be buying another flag display case. I could use the garage sale money.
So, I kept moving stuff around, and got 2 bookshelves moved, when he came home. He was SO upset about the flag, and upset that the house was trashed. I didn’t know what to do. I tried to apologize, and tell him what happened, but I could tell that he was upset. I got upset that he was upset, and it just escalated from there. I hate it when that happens.
All sorts of crap comes out when both parties are upset, not in line with the original argument. Have you noticed that too? I’m not sure why that happens either. We ended up in a huge argument about who should decorate the house. His point was that he DID get an art degree, and has a nack for design. My point was that it’s the woman’s domain, and I LIKE to decorate main living area my way. My own personal touch. Sigh. And he said, “Well, we could do it together”, but I know how that goes. It’s me helping him decorate it the way he wants to decorate it.
How do I tactfully tell him that I don’t want a man’s living room. Or a Civil War museum living room. Without hurting his feelings worse than I already have. Does your man help you decorate? Does he insist on giving you his input? Does he has “strange” items that he wants prominently displayed. Like portraits of Robert E. Lee? Don’t get me wrong, he was a GREAT American. I just don’t want his portrait hanging in my living room for all to see. Now I just sound snobby, don’t I. Dang. That’s not what I wanted.
OK, so now that you know that Captain America and I fight about stupid things…… moving on J Today, we’re going to the big pool with Adela (maybe, she has a dentist appointment), Katy, Laurie, maybe Kristie, and maybe a few other girls from church. Should be fun. Adela and Katy said that we should all go down the big slide. Sigh. It’s peer pressure all over again. Hehehe. I think I’ll be brave and do it! Maybe I’ll even give Jacob the camera and have him document it for me. As proof that I actually did it J
Then, on Wednesday, Jacob is getting GT tested, there’s a Sensi (candles or something like that) party at Laurie’s house, Thursday the pool again, and later that night, another Pampered Chef party at Adela’s house. Dang, my life is full - hehehe. It’s just less time that I have to clean J And that’s what’s important, right?
Well, here’s your freebee for today. It’s a request from Linda, and I thought the quote was HILARIOUS. It’s from fashion designer, Janie Schoenborn, and says, “Never underestimate the power of a perfect pout. I think it landed me a husband.” Well, we don’t need the landing a husband part, but the first part is adorable! I can just envision layouts with cute little pout-y faces, boys and girls.
So, click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

oh thats bad I can believe that he was upset, Michael happend that yesterday too, he destroyed lots of my new plates, I was too slow to catch them before they crashed at the floor, but thats life,
and I think decorating the house is a womans thing only making shelves at the wall and such things is for men *g*
Hugs Cornelia
Thanks for this wordart - it is absolutely perfect. My grandbaby was caught "practicing" her pout in the mirror.
Thank you!!! :)
If I let my husband decorate the house it would probably be similar to what your husband wanted....everytime we move someplace with a fireplace mantle he prominently displays this really old rifle on top of it..drives me nuts...doesn't even ask..just plops it up there.
Hang in there..there must be a happy medium some where! Thanks for the word art.
thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wa! :) Have a GREAT day! :)
I feel Bret's pain on the "want my own space" thing. I know it's a problem for a lot of guys. Our local paper had an article about a guy in a mostly pink interior house begging for some "guy colours." Designer, he, and wife worked out a pretty good compromise - almond and dark coloured things for an area for him, sturdy tables, and cabinets for him to keep stuff [and dishes/food for "the game"] on the flat screen. He had an area for his photos so he was happy & family didn't need to see his war photos as they were around a nook. :-)
Great word art, too. I've got a LOT of photos of both my son and neighbour's daughter pouting - in fact my comment is "pouting doesn't attract the chicks/hunks" to them. LOL!
I gave my husband the basement (which is finished) he can decorate any way he pleases. The upstairs is mine. It works, I rarely go downstairs and don't have to roll my eyes at the swords and such on the walls.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Jun. 30, 2009. Thanks again.
Hey Bethany...accidents happen. It isn't something that can't be fixed. My husband decorate???? HA HA HA HA. He leaves that up to me thank goodness. He has his own office, and other than putting some of his things on the bookcases, I still handle the decorating. As long as he doesn't have to live in a frilly, girly place, I think he's happy.
Thanks for the cute wordart.
I have the perfect pics for this! Thanks so much!
Thanks so much for the cute word art. I have a TON of pics of my Sarah pouting. I'm sure I could make a great collage of them, LOL. As for the decorating ... well, my hubby is stuck because our house is too small for him to have a "man room". He has a big leather recliner, what else does he need? *snicker* Accidents happen, the important thing is the flag was okay, right? The case can be replaced. Hugs!
I'm so lucky, my husband lets me make all the decisions regarding decorating, as he has no clue and he KNOWS he has no clue. He has hunting trophys that he wanted displayed though so we did the whole third level as a trophy/guys room, where the big tv and speakers are, his trophys are hanging on one wall and we stained all the wood dark and have leather furniture so it's a very masculine room. That way, I don't have to stare his deer in the eyes while I'm eating my cereal and he still has a special place for things that are important to him. So my suggestion is to not give in, but make sure Mr. Lee (or whatever his name was) has a special place so Brent is happy too. It's all about compromise!
I love your word art, however, I am having a hard time downloading it. When I click on the 4share link, I just get the word art as a large new window and not able to download. Any suggestions?
Your post today was funny. It's so nice to see others with the same issues. I totally related to the "husband feels displaced" comment. Oh ya, we went through that one. And about decorating, I've been painting our living room and kitchen and he told our kids that I was stepping on his boundaries. Too funny. Perhaps he needs to reread the book. Cute wordart by the way. Thanks.
Love the word art, but you misspelled underEstimate--sorry!!
Great WA, have the perfect pic for it, somewhere... My DD has an awesome pout! Makes me giggle every time she whips it out!
Ah, men... 'nuf said. Hugs!
Thank you very much! This is a good word art to use with toddlers! lol
I think the idea of his own little room to decorate is a good idea...or how about the garage if you have one? Or decorate outside?
Mine doesn't know that I am getting ready to redecorate when funds allow the room that I sit in every single day...I HATE this paneling and have for the 17 years we have lived here. Going to bring all my Disney pics I have stitched up and are in the basement.
Thanks for the word art!
Absolutely adorable. Thank you so much!
Perfect pout??? LOL! I'm pretty much immune to them, but that doesn't seem to stop the kids from trying, he he! Thank you!
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