So, we signed up for USAA, and I've been really pleased with their customer service. They're awesome. Anyway, I've been putting completely making the switch, just because it' such a process. We pay ALL our bill online, so that meant getting our check automatically deposited into a different place, setting up all the automatic payments, calling all the place that automatically deduct payment. Big pain.
But, when our moving money came in, I decided it was the perfect time to switch. Well, I think I waited a little too long. Anyway, after 2 trips to the bank at Wal-mart for a Western Union money transfer (I forgot some important information the first time - sigh), and stalking the bank webite all day long, I hope it's all fixed. Maybe THAT's why I had the headache for the past 2 day.
Yeah, it was bad again yesterday. But by about 5pm, my head felt normal again. I took the evening very easy, hoping to get it to go totally away. Keep your fingers crossed, girls. I've gotta get some REAL work done today (like laundry, dishes, and housework), and headaches aren't the way to go about it - hehehe.
Don't forget to scrap a layout with your 6th picture in your 6th file (with one of my wordarts), post it, then leave a link on yesterday blog for a chance to win a PRIZE for me :) OK, there's my plug - hehehe.
And, here's my NEW WORDART for the week! Don't you just LOVE Fridays :) So, I have 6 new WordArt packs hitting the store today. And, they're all on sale for the first week (20% off - Only $2.00). Click HERE to go to my store to pick up some FANTABULOUS new WordArts :)

AND, here's your WordArt for today :) Bren wanted some pregnancy WordArt. I did some research for sayings, and found some really FUNNY ones. I had enough to make 3 different WordArt packs for next week, and this one left over. So, you guy get it :) Aren't you excited??? Hehehe. Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.
Also, it seems that isn't as perfect as I first thought - LOL! Funny how things turn out that way. Unfortunatly, it seems I've exceeded my bandwidth, or whatever that mean. Did you guy break my site??? LMBO! I think I may have to host these at several different places. Here's another download place. Let me know if this one work :) Click HERE to download the WordArt. It's with keepandshare, and I think you need to have a free account with them to download it. Hey, while I'm looking around, anyone know of any good free sharing places? 4shared keep losing my links (or breaking them), has monthly bandwidth issues, and this place needs you to log in. Hmmmmm. Suggestions?
OK, so some of you are having problems with whatever I did at keepandshare (can you tell I have NO clue what I'm doing???). Is this link better? The same? Help, girls!!!
My post is becoming very ugly - LOL! Too many revisions - oh well. Maybe it'll get fixed this time. Here's another option. Don't know if you need to log in to get it, or if it's even in the right format, but what the heck. Give it a try - hehehe.
Click HERE for fotki
Click HERE for
Click HERE for keepandshare
Click HERE for megaupload
Click HERE for mediafire
OR, just right click to get the full sized PNG file (neat new trick I learned, eh? Just a few edits to my HTML, and viola! Full sized PNG files, hosed right here on my blog!!!)
I'm at the other end of the spectrum - what about "menopausal women are hot!" also?
I LOVE the adoption word art!!!!!! They are perfect! We are only a few days away from hopefully starting our adoption of our daughter!
I love USAA too...I only wish that they had some brick and mortar banks around. I don't like the idea of mailing checks. Luckily, when we married, we opened our accounts with Bank of America (was NationsBank, but when they got acquired by BofA, we had a TON of banks to choose from). We have been lucky enough to have a BofA close to us for the check thing. I would rather deposit or cash the checks than mail them. But when you bundle USAA for everything, it's great, particularly if you're going overseas. And since they pick up the ATM fees (which are getting EXORBITANT!), it's not so bad!
Thank you so much for sharing your FUN wa!! all that moving stuff will eventually get done and be settled for you! :)
Have an AWESOME weekend, Bethany!
Love the new word art! When I try to download today's the system says you are out of bandwidth...just another headache! I have one too. At least it's Friday!!!
OK, girls, I MAY have found a solution. The new download place, keepandshare. But, you have to login to get it. Sigh. It's free, at least. I'm open to suggestions...... Anyone??? Anyone???
I tried to download and got this message "You (user name kmtshaw) have just tried to access the "elegant WA pregnant hot copy.png -- February 27, 2009 9:24 am -- 38k" document which belongs to user name bnbharty. You'll need to ask bnbharty to share the document with you." What a nuisance to do this every day.
Oh! I feel your pain! I JUST got off the phone with WAMU for a machine error that caused some major headache (and NSF fees).
We have USAA for our car insurance (the BEST I've had yet!) and I'm thinking that we may switch to use them for checking and savings, but the no building thing bothers me a bit. :P
Thanks for the wordart! SO cute!
Oh Bethany, Digital candy has a free uploading site. :) Check it out.
Cool word art! The link works fine, thanks Bethany!
Hi bethany. i came to your blog to see you tried to resolve boxnet. you can try
what about doing fotki i think you can upload a png? everymonth you can ask for more space if you need it and of course these are all free.
We're actually moving to San Antonio from UT in May because my husband took a job with USAA- we love them! I love your word art, thanks so much for all the freebies!
Hi Bethany,
I've got two suggestions.
The first, is that for png's, you don't 'need' a file share -- people can get them directly from a picasa, once you've posted them on blogger. The downside, is that you can't include TOU, etc.
The second is, and I can't really recommend it, becuase I just found it. But it claims that it has unlimited storage & bandwidth.
Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us! Hope your headaches get better soon.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Feb. 27, 2009. Thanks again.
I have no clue if it'd work for you, but you could check into Windows Live Skydrive. I've used it for sharing scrapbook layouts. Don't remember a lot of the details, but it is free. As for your links today, I clicked on the first one and the download came up immediately without having to sign up or anything. Also, if you have continued trouble with headaches you may consider having your estrogen/progesterone levels checked to see if one is too dominant. The levels of hormones can change throughout time and certainly can cause bad headaches.
hey BOX.NET tells us that you are out of bandwith Bethany, help please !
wordarts are so beautiful ;-)
Ha! That second link worked fine.
if you're looking for another file share try "you send it"...i've seen a lot of people using it also seems that has a limited bandwidth and when that happens, i can't download anything from that designer...anyway, love your word art!!!!
I love this one, can't wait to use it.
I love USAA! Did you know you can deposit checks into your account by scanning them? You don't have to mail them or go to a bldg to deposit. I love that!
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