We finally got all done at about 12:30, and went out to lunch. El Taco Tote. It was pretty good. Authentic Mexican food, apparently. It's Captain Americas new favorite place, so he had fun taking Jimmy and I there for lunch. And I just LOVED their Guacamole (which I usually HATE) salsa. WONDERFUL!
We stopped by the Boy Scout Shop to buy new Council Patches for the kids' uniforms, and saw that they are having a "Scout Night with the Rhinos". What's that, you ask? Hockey, apparently. We asked the lady up front, and they're the local hockey team. So, for $5.00 a ticket, we're gonna go watch a Hockey game this Friday night. I'm pretty excited. Never been to a hockey game before :) Should be entertaining :) hehehehe.
We got back home in time to pick up the kids from school, and turned around and drove back across town to go browse some furniture stores. I know, that was SO a priority for today (LMBO!!!). We went to 3 or 4, and found some nice couches. Who knew that furniture was SO expensive? Now I know why we just have hand-me-downs.
But, I think we'll end up getting something, because it seems that our "good" couch is molded too. The mold allergies are acting up in our house, and I think it's from the couch in the living room. It's been moved outside. We'll see if people are breathing better tomorrow with it gone. I'm just hoping/praying that the beds aren't bad too. Can you imagine having to buy new mattress for 7 people. Holy cow. I'm not even going there :)
We're gonna look around a little more, and see what kind of deals we can find. So far, the cheapest we've found is $500 ish for a sofa. We found a few that were a bit cheaper, but, well, they were pretty cheap looking, or white. Yeah right, like I'm buying white sofas with 4 little boys and a soldier for a hubby. Do I look dumb - LMBO!
Yes, I know. This one is very similar to yesterday. But that's ok, right? It sure speaks volumes with how I'm feeling right about now - hehehe. Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

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you know...i would ask places if they have any sales floor models they have discounted....with the new season coming up...some may want to give their sales floor a fresh look...and be willing to sale something cheap. Someone told me one time that Sears does that with their appliances but they don't advertise it so you have to ask...it's worth a try...
Thanks for the word art. I hope the furniture buying is a success and that you'll soon be settled in to your new home, new lifestyle, new committments --- time to take smaller bites!!
Although I don't know you really I just love you. You amaze me. What are you doing? YOu keep up with your word art even though you are MOVING! I think it would be okay if you took a little break. I don't always leave a comment but I really do appreciate your work and your sharing spirit
El Taco Tote, is one of Kelly's favorite places to eat. Guess I will have to try it. Have fun unpacking and thanks for the cute word art!
Bethany, I'm so glad Brent made it safely home and that the "moving truck" is unloaded and returned! Yay! Have you heard about Freecycle? A friend told me about it (Google freecycle for your area). It's a Yahoo group and is just amazing. You can post a WANTED notice or an OFFER for anything that you decide you don't want to keep. It's totally amazing how people are willing to help! Thanks so so much for the great wordart!
Hi Bethany
You can go to www.bookoo.com
It is a giant fleamarket online.Mostly stuff from military people who leave to the next place and can't take stuff with them.It has the States and Overseas on it.I'm using it in Ramstein Germany right now.Sometimes people give stuff away for free.Great to sell your stuff too.They sell everything.Hopefully one is for your community.
We love it and we plan on using it before we PCS. Check it out,Ithink you will like it.
Take care.
Sandra Cochran from Germany
See if you can find a discount furniture store. We have one in the town I live in and its so much cheaper. You can also order stuff from the PX and can occasionally find it for cheaper there (course there is always the no sales tax that helps).
Best of luck with furniture shopping!
You just AMAZE me with all you have to do, you still don't forget to share your AWESOME wordart! Thank you so much for ALLLLLL you share!! Hope you have a FANTASTIC day! :D
Just a quick note...the quote should say more THAN you can chew. Thanks for all your hard work! And try craigslist.org to find cheap furniture!
Definitely Craigslist.org. That's where I got my kids' beds.
love the word art today!! sometimes that is so appropriate! i hate buying new couches.... good luck.
I don't envy you in the moving department; I hate it, and I'm not going to do it again! Since we're retired, we don't have to anymore, lol!
I just read a tip about removing yuckies with WD 40 - give that try on that nail polish stain. It removes lipstick and crayon marks from walls, so who knows? It won't hurt the carpet. Just blot it well afterward, then wash with a little mild detergent and water. I also LOVE Greased Lightening for stain removal in laundry; it even does mustard and heavy black grease stains! It'll probably even work on dirty little boys and soldiers, but I don't advise you to go there!
Good luck with your furniture shopping, and have fun!
Thank you for the word art! I know how you feel when it comes to the price of furnature. Don't know if you have one but we have a Home Zone and you take it the day you buy it and the prices are not too bad. Much better than ordering and a month later is comes in. Did that with the dining table, 3 yr old and tv trays do not mix well.
Welcome to El Paso. I've been reading your blog from time to time and thought you'd like to know where to get some really authentic Mexican food. Try Kiki's on Piedras. It is awesome.
Consider slipcovered sofas..you can wash the covers when they get dirty. I bought two from Rooms to Go in denim, look like a favorite pair of jeans...or try IKEA they have lots and are very reasonable.
It should actually be "Bite off more THAN you can chew?" instead of "more THEN you can chew?" Just so you know!
Check to see if there are any consignment shops in the area. That might be someplace to find a decent used sofa.
Just wanted to share a link to a layout I just posted using your wordart
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You
Thanks! I'm enjoying my ever-growing collection.
it should probably be spelled "than", not "then".
Beautiful couches, beautiful word art. Just thought you'd like to know the last one is spelled wrong -- should be THAN not THEN.
I am learning so many things from your commentors!! and thank you for the word art. Kathy
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