Her store is 50% off, and she's got this AWESOME freebee for you all. Click HERE to go to Amanda's store to pick up these quickpages....FREE!!! Remember, you need to be logged into the store in order to download the QP's.

So as an update from our ward party on Saturday, the Mayor of Whooville guy realized (or someone told him) that he was being a putz, and came and apologized. That was nice. He was making the rounds, apologizing to all the mom's with small children that he'd offended. He was very humble, and seemed truly sorry. All's forgiven :) No worries :) (but hopefully next year they won't put him in charge of the food - LOL - or have him help with an adult social - he'd be good with that)
Church was good. We had a new family in the Ward speak (well, they moved in in August, so they're a few months new). Erin and um, Brother Linton. He's a dentist, and she's a registered dietition, but is a full time mommy right now. They're a pretty fun family. Great talks. I even got to hear a bit of it. But mostly what I was thinking about all of church was "NEXT SUNDAY MY MAN WILL BE HERE WITH ME!!!!". Can you tell I'm a little bit excited :)
OK, so I have some random pictures to share with you. Here's the first. My sister, Madi, said that she's gonna make these for us when she comes to visit. So you're all my witnesses. YUMMY!!!

I give my boys haircuts. Do you? I can't see paying for haircuts when I can just buy a pair of clippers and do it myself. Sure, sometimes they're a bit wanky, but they, they're little boys. Well, one of my little boys (um, TOM), has hair SOOOOO thick that it clogs normal clippers. Someone (I can't remember now) recommended that buy dog clippers. So when we were at Wal-Mart on Saturday, I did. They were only a few dollars more than the normal ones. And guess what? They were FANTASTIC! Didn't clog up or anything. Woohoo for the dog clippers!
So, my kids got hair cuts before church. Jimmy was first. My little blond boy. I left the top part long, just shaved the sides and back. They were passable. Captain America may have to fix them when he gets home :) Joe was next, then Tom. Then Jake. But, they all got hair cuts AND showers. Yeah, that shouldn't be such a big deal, but believe me, it is. We aren't at the age yet where showering comes easy to the boys. Believe me, they REALLY need it, but they don't like to do it. You moms of boys. DOES this get better? Will they eventually LIKE to be clean?
Anyway, check out this pile of little boy hair. Top left - Jim; Top right - Joe ; Bottom left - Tom; Bottom right - Jake
Here's Tom in his bed. A cot in the garage. If your kids ever complain about their room, just pull up this post, and tell them, "Hey, at least you're not THIS kid" LMBO!!!

And I told you that I'd bought a new camera, right? Mine was breaking. Anyway, check out how GREAT and fabulous my flash works. It was PITCH black in the kids room. My flash rocks. LMBO! I'm SO glad that I'm not sleeping in that bed - geesh!

All rest - Annabelle JF
that picture looks verryy YUMMY!! :)
i used to cut my boys hair too when they were little. i LOVE your wordart and thank you so very much for sharing your AWESOME talents! Happy Holidays!! :D
Beautiful - Thanks! Oh, and thanks A LOT for sharing the yummy, yummy, yummy pic of that dessert...I'm now ravaging my pantry for some sort of chocolate to satisfy my craving. You're so evil! ;)
Thank you so much for the wonderful word art - I love it and can't wait to use it!!! I'm glad things got better from your ward Christmas party! I couldn't believe it when I read that first post - glad he came around and apologized!
Thank you for the great wordart. You have the perfect touch to making it look great. Glad Mr. Grinch came by to apologize. I was getting fired up just reading your post and wanted to take him outside and give him a good shaking.
What a beautiful word art. Thank so much for sharing!!
I also wanted to stop by and thank you for your generous offer of sponsoring TheScrapCity.com for the month of Feb! That is so wonderful of you!!
Thank you!
Between the snow we already have, snow in the forcast, and the frigid temperatures we are having I think I am pretty safe and assuming that I will be using this word art this year. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 15 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 16 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).
Woohoo! Your man is coming home soon!! First I wanted to put your mind at ease: I have 2 boys (15 and almost 13) and they shower daily. I can't get them to go anywhere without one. I think perhaps once they discover girls they want to impress. LOL!
And second, another big THANKS for such a great wordart!!
Thank you very much! I LOVE cheesecake!!
Thanks so much! I think I have figured out this comment thing. We'll see if this works! I love your word art! What a blessing!
Thanks for the freebie! I have two boys (8 and 6) that I give haircuts to. I would love to pay someone, but can't justify it. I have to sometimes use the biggest guard and work my way down to the size I want because their hair gets pulled by the clippers.
And I'm lucky if those boys get a shower even twice a week. They ALWAYS get one before church, but then the use a week's worth of water just doing that!
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas in New England. Thank you for the beautiful wordart, Bethany.
thanks Bethany, beautiful as always.
Your little guys are adorable.
Perfect! THank you so much! I'm here in Oregon too and enjoying our White Christmas, Thebk you for the WordArt!
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