This is a WordArt request from Allison. I think that it turned out pretty good. Isn't it true, that this is TOTALLY how life goes. Especially the older we get. It seems that the days just drag on sometimes, then when you turn around, a whole month is gone! Where did it go. Can you believe it's already APRIL! How did that happen :) hehehe.
Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave some love if you life my work. Thanks!

Moments , Time - An Unfortunate Event DeWarped
Days - ATCitadelScript
Beautiful sentiment, and beautiful design!
beautiful! thanks!
I think time zooms by the most when you have children. It seems just yesterday my daughter was so little and now she is getting so grown up.
Great job!
Muy lindo, gracias por compartirlo
Oh yes, I'm definitely guilty of not using what time I have very wisely!
Interestingly, even my older kids (young teens) are noticing how quickly time passes.
Thanks for the thoughtful word art!
Thanks so much!
Thank you!
Very nicely done. Thank you for sharing - so very kind of you.
Thank You for sharing your lovely work!
Very beautiful! Thanks
Thank You for sharing your fine work and mosto of all many thanks for the tutorial about the colour changing...absolutely useful!!
Your link is broken for the "Moments Days Time" WA...did you know this?
It's working now :) I re-loaded it to 4shared, and it downloads - Thanks Sharon!!!
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