Well, Saturday turned out to be a much better day than Friday - hehehe. I was up bright and early for my meeting. Brighter and earlier than I'd planned, actually. The curtain in my room (thick, dark brown corduroy) didn't get pulled before I went to sleep, so the bright El Paso sun woke me up. But that's OK. My alarm was supposed to go off at 7:45, and I ended up out of bed by 7:15am. No biggie. I had enough time to make up a handout for my meeting, so it was all good.
I was out the door by 8:20am, and headed to the church. I'm in the Primary Presidency, the organization in our church that's incharge of the children. We had a meething planned with the teachers. We got there 1 1/2 hours early to clean out the supply closet, restock what needed restocking, and assemble the handouts. We got it all done in time.
We had our Teacher Training meeting first at 10am. Heidi (the president) talked about a book, "Teaching, No Greater Call", and 7 points to being a better teacher. It was great :) Then, Jennica talked. She's a behaviorial specialist, and taught us about dicipline/motivation. She had some good things to say too.
Then, at 11am, we had our Teacher Board Meeting. We passed out updated info on class rosters, substitute lists, teaching tips, etc. We talked about that for a while, and split into 3 groups. It gave the ladies a chance to ask questions and voice concerns about their classes. We spent about 10 mintues in smaller groups, and got back together.
We had a nice lunch (well, I brought my own) of pasta/shrimp salad, rolls, and fresh fruit. With Brownies for dessert. During lunch, we played a "getting to know you" game. It was pretty fun.
Captain America was SO happy when I got home. It was 1pm, and he was done with kids for a little while - hehehe. I helped finish off lunch with the kids, and put Jimmy down for a nap. He's so cute. He'd just bearly fallen asleep when Katy came to the door with my cell phone. THAT'S why I hadn't been able to find it. When we went to take the dog to those people, it had fallen out on the floor of her car. hehehe. Mystery solved - LOL
So, I charged my phone, then slipped in with Jimmy to take a nap. That was around 2:00pm. I slept until around 4 pm. It was SO nice. When I got up, Captain America was mowing the grass. Correction, Jacob was mowing the grass, Captain America was teaching him how. It was cute to watch :)
Jimmy got up at the same time as I did, so we went to the kitchen to start dinner. We did some dishes, and cooked some food. I made a noodle/chicken casserole, and had enough to freeze 1/2 for later. Now, I have a chicken/noodle casserole and a taco casserole in the freezer. SO easy :) I think next time I make the taco casserole thing, I'm gonna split it into 2 smaller pans, so I can get 2 meals out of it. See, I'm thinking ahead :)
At 5:45pm, I realized 2 things. First, I was starving because I'd forgotten to eat dinner - LOL. And second, I wanted to make invites to Joe's b-day party (wednesday) and send them to Wal-Mart photo lab before the movie. Drat! I hurridly designed an invitation, sent it to Wal-Mart, and cooked some food. I was done by 6:30pm. Fast, I know. I hurried into my room to change, and Captain America was almost ready for our date too.
Anyway, here's Joe's party invite. If you're in the area, stop by and say "Happy Birthday" - hehehe. And see how cheap I am. Kelly Park (the sprinkler park) has FREE activities and lunch on Wednesdays. All I have to bring is the cake. I know, I know. But I don't care. I'm taking advantage of all of the "perks" the army has to offer :)

As we drove to the movies, I realized that I had no way to go and get the invites from Wal-Mart. The photo lab closed at 9pm, and the movie woudn't get out until after that. And I don't shop on Sunday, so it woudln't be until Monday that I'd be able to pick them up. And I wanted to pass thm out to the kids in Joes class on Sunday...... grrrrr. Should have remembered that one sooner. Drat!
Anyway, I tried not to think about it, and enjoyed the movie. No fights this time - hehehe. We saw G.I Joe, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Lots of action, enough of a plot to keep me interested, and hey, it's GI Joe. I used to watch the cartoons as a kid. And my brother had ALL the toys. What's not to love :) AND, Doctor Who (well, the Doctor before David Tennent) was the Bad Guy. LOVE him :)
Captain America wasn't quite as impressed with it as I was. He kept talking about how there was no ADA (Air defense artillery - his Army Job - ground missles who guard air space) presence in the movie. That kinda ticked him off - ROFL!
We got home at 9:30pm, and finished putting the little kids to bed. Jacob tried, but they kept sneaking out and going to Eme's room. Hopefully everyone's not too tired for church. I'd hate to see them nodding off during Sacrament meeting :)
This freebee is my handout from my meeting on Saturday. Isn't it cool! I thought it would be PERFECT for layouts of little kids :) Enjoy!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Your work is so incredible, Bethany! Thanks so much for sharing!
Ahh Bethany, your days sound like mine so much! I love the birthday invite! Too Cute! Thanks for sharing all your word art!
I have one question...WHERE do you get all that energy? Is it that little nap you take in the middle of the day...or is it I'm just much older than you and might as well chalk up my energy-loss to age? lol
Just wanted to thank-you for sharing your amazing talent with us. I love to read your blog. It makes me smile every time I read it. Your life is so busy and full and your family is just beautiful...like you! Dawn
LOVE the invitation! and thank you for sharing your wordart!! :) Have a SPLENDID evening!!
Love the BOM quote. Thanks!
My goodness! your work is simply AMAZING! thanks for sharing your love with others through your talent!!! you just made my day.
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