So today was a FABULOUS day, just like I hoped it would be :) I, um, er, *cough* could have had something to do with the fact that I started my period last night. Crazy PMS will get me every time - LMBO!
Captain America and I drove the kids to school this morning, and as we dropped them off in their classrooms, we got to meet their teachers. NICE people. And the classes seemed very friendly and welcoming. My kids were SO excited. Joe seemed a little apprehensive about going into the room, but quickly warmed up to it all. He's now an all day kindergartener, instead of 1/2 day. Hopefully it works out for him - hehhe.
Eme was SO excited she could hardly stand it. Tom's class was out and about when we dropped him off, so he just went with the office lady, and Jacob got a "boy" teacher. He was pretty excited about that. He also gets to be in Orchestra again. Back in 4th grade, he learned how to play the cello. He was pretty stoked about that.
After getting the kids to school, Captain America, Jim, and I headed into post. I'd never been there, and was pretty excited about seeing it :) Jimmy too. We first went to do some paperwork (ok, so that part was LESS than exciting), but after it was all done, we went to the ADA (Air Defense Artillery) museum. It was SO cool! Army vehicles and missles everywhere. We're definitely coming back with the big kids. They'd SO love it.
Here's some pics from Captain America's cell phone - my camera was left at home, again. sigh. one of these days I'll remember it - LOL! And yes, it was a bandana day. Some days are like that - LMBO!

After that, we went to lunch, then he had to be back with his, um, group (?), at 1pm. er, sorry, 1300 (hehehe), which lasted for 2 minutes, then we went to the Commisarry (first time!), which is the Army Grocery store (great prices, by the way), and to the PX. We looked around a little longer than we probably should have, and had to RUSH to get home in time to pick up the big kids.
But, we made it in decent time. They said that they had WONDERFUL days at school. The kids were SO nice and friendly. When we lived in Joliet Illinois (Chicago), our school was 70% hispanic. But those kids weren't really friendly to my kids. They only wanted to hang out with the other hispanic kids. But it wasn't the case here. Everyone seemed interested in making friends with them, and my kids were SO excited about it. Thats the way it should be :) My kids are DEFINITLY in the minority. I think our school here is about 95% hispanic. Eme was the only white kid in her class, and I think there was on other in Joe's. Hehehehe. It's good for them. Helps them know that we are all Heavenly Father's children, no matter our ethnicity. He loves us all, just the same :)
Anyway, they each came home with a school supply list. Great. I got to buy school supplies, not once, but TWICE this school year. sigh. So, we headed off to Wal-Mart. But first, we stopped by the school uniform store. They were having a sale, so the t-shirts were only $4 instead of $5. Not too bad. I was worrying that they'd be 10 a piece, and that would add up REAL fast. We spent almost $70 as it was. Everyone got 3 new shirt (well, they were out of Tom's size, so we had to order some for him). Yellow, black, and gray tee's with the school logo on it.
Wal-mart was LONG, but I managed to get near everything on the lists. They were out of pencil sharpeners, but had everything else. Woohoo!!! School shopping is done for the year. Again - LMBO! The kids were REALLY excited about their new supplies. Funny how they get so much joy over such seemingly small things.
Back home, ate dinner, did homework, bedtime routine. All in all, it was a great day. Busy, but fun. And I got to spend the whole day with my sweetheart. He flies out tomorrow to Columbus to move all of our stuff here. While I'm looking forward to having a TON of time on the computer, I'll miss him. Hurry back honey - I"ll miss you :)
Today's WordArt request is from Kristen. She wanted to use it on her invitations to her 4 month olds dedication. Hope you like it, girl! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Precious - Champignon
G - Monotype Corsiva
ift - An Unfortunate Event DeWarped
Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed reading of the journey you have been on the last several months. You are a strong woman to have done all of that and on your own. I also wanted to tell you that you really are missing all the wonderful weather we are having here in southern Ohio. Level 1 snow emergency today with more severe weather on the way. Enjoy Texas!!!
Thanks so much for your beautiful shares. They are so appreciated!
I read your post from yesterday and it sounds like you are all settling in well in your new home. Good luck!!!
Sounds like you guys are all settling in just fine.
Thanks for the terrific wordart!
Thank you for the beautiful wordart. I'm so glad that you guys are settled in now and the kids all like their new school.
it's soooooo nice that you both could take your children to school on their first day!!! How WONDERFUL! :D LOVE the photos!! i have never been to Texas so i didn't know of that place either! Very COOL! i wish your husband safe travels!! But glad you will have time to PLAY! :D Thank you so much for your AWESOME wordart!! Hope you have a GREAT day!
Thank you for the awesome word art. And...your kindergartner will love all day kindergarten, they learn so much and it truly benefits them. I love hearing your story. You really should write a book about your life, it's quite an adventure!:) Please thank your husband for his service in the military, and for your family for sharing him with our country! I'm so glad you had a better day, I know how it is when you move to a new place, it can be overwhelming, but your kids sound like they handle change well! :D Have a great day! God Bless!
thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful quote.
Hello Bethany,
I'm happy to see that everything seems to fall into place. it must be difficult after all this time spent apart...
I hope it is as good as you expected
Thanks for another lovely wordart! and remember, if you ever need help with Spanish, don't hesitate to let me know. Cris
Thanks for another lovely wordart! and remember, if you ever need help with Spanish, don't hesitate to let me know. Cris
thanks so much for the wordarts. i used several of them today:
Thanks so much for your beautiful word art, and welcome to El Paso. I've been following your blog and your adventures while moving. I made the trip from Phoenix to here and broke down a couple of times - that was no fun! I understand completely how you felt after finally arriving home!
Best wishes on your new journey and hopefully we'll meet one day. It's a big town, but you'll get to know the regulars at the commissary, PX and hospital.
Give me a call if you get lost or need directions,
Hi Bethany,
I have a really cool challenge for you on my blog. Check it out and have some fun!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 27 Jan [LA 07:45pm, NY 10:45pm] - 28 Jan [UK 03:45am, OZ 02:45pm] ).
Those are pretty awesome pictures even being taken on a camera phone! My son would love to be able to see the tanks and stuff...pretty cool. You should do what I do, just carry your camera in your purse. I have a little Canon powershot that is small enough I pack it everywhere I go, and then if I ever need my camera, I always have it. Guaranteed, if I don't have it I will wish I did!!
You incredibly talented and creative soul! You've kept me up WAY WAY WAY past my bedtime and had me drooling over your amazing word art.
Best of luck to your family as you settle in to your new home!
Thank you for the lovely wordart, Bethany.
You and your husband are raising your children to be decent, caring and happy. Children are a 'gift'. Spend quality time and your values will become theirs.
At times, we've all tempted to stand in the refund line with our little 'gifts'. Then we count our blessings.
Happy new home.
Oh, it is beautiful! thanks!
This is the most perfect word art; thanks so much for creating it and then sharing. It sounds like you are adjusting well to the new situation. God bless.
Thanks for the beautiful wordart. :)
This is precious. TYSM! I have a request if you get around to it! It's a quote by Helen Keller. For some reason I thought maybe you had done this before but maybe I am wrong? "What we have once enjoyed we can never lose, all that we love deeply becomes a part of us." ~Helen Keller. My sister gave me this quote after my son passed away and I absolutely cherish it! Thank you!
Thank you so much Bethany !!
You can see here my page with this wordart :
Beautiful wordart! Great for the pictures of my beautiful boy!
First I want to thank you for serving our Country I know that the entire family sacrafices so much.
May God bless you always.
Thank you for this amazing word art love it.
I came across your blog was looking for Going to be a Grandma or Going to be a big sister and came across this amazing collection of word art. Thank you
Gina G.
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