It was a nice, relaxing Saturday at home - I enjoyed it. We cleaned some, played some, we went through our Civil War boxes, seeing what clothes fit, and what needed replaced. All my dresses now fit, but their a bit big - ha! What a big change from last year :) Jake's pants and shirts are good, but he needs a new jammie shirt. Tom has most everything he needs. Eme needs almost everything new. Joe hasn't grown at all, so all his clothes fit. Jimmy, since he's potty trained now, doesn't need dresses anymore, so he has nothing to wear. So, girls, I've got a lot of sewing to do before the end of the month.
Sigh. At least I'm almost done with my book. I'm on page 326 of 481 or something like that. So, it shouldn't be too much longer before I'm done with that. I'll put sewing in place of reading, and all will be good :)
We set up the Civil War tents, just to get them all aired out, and make sure it's all still good to go. Don't want to get to an event, just to find that somethings broken. That would be bad :) All seems fine there. Of course, our side lot looks like a battle camp, but whatever - ha! The neighbors like it, I'm just sure they do - hehehe.
Tom and Jake were GREAT helpers today. They helped their Dad with lots of projects, and helped me keep the house clean. Captain America also taught Jacob how to cook pancakes and eggs. He's going on his first official Scout campout next weekend, so Captain America thought he'd help him by teaching him how to cook breakfast. What a great Dad moment :) I love my boys :)
Poor Eme's catching a cold, and she has this NASTY cough. He's slightly asthmatic, so it sounds really bad. At least we're on Spring Break, so I don't have to worry about her having to miss school. Hopefully she'll feel better in a few days.
And, to all of you who have emailed me in the past few days, I've been so busy reading, that I've been neglecting it a bit. As soon as I finish my book, I promise I'll be more attentive - hehehe. I'll try!
This WordArt request is from Linda, and I thought it was a very nice saying :) Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks, girls!!

Inside, Your - Felix Titling
Heart - Annabella Italic JF
Heart - Annabella Italic JF
thanks for the wordart. I might use this for a baptism layout. got any other ideas for baptism wordart?
Thank you so much for ALL you share! :) Have an AWESOME day!
If you look at the side column on the right, my WordArt is filed into categories (Thanks SO much, Gail). Just look in the religious section, and there should be a few baptism WordArt there )
This is just AWESOME. I needed this one today, and somehow He knew that and here it is. :)
Your word art is beautiful. I love the quote.
sleeping in is the best! Have fun getting ready for the reenactment. Its all part of the process lol.
Oh Bethany, I just love it! I can't thank you enough for doing this for me! I'm so glad others are enjoying it, too!
I'm with Brenda, I needed this quote today, thank you so much its beautiful
Thanks you! So sorry your kids are sick. Hope it doesn't last to long~
Thanks so much for your free word art. It will be so perfect on my layout.
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