Well, my house was clean yesterday. For an hour. hehehe. We cleaned from 8 to 10, and it actually looked pretty good. Floors vacuumed, clothes put away, counters washed, floors swept, piles moved (or hidden), room cleaned, bathrooms cleaned, dishes done, laundry done. It was pretty nice :)
The rental inspector came a little after 11. It's so they have a written document of the state of the rental when you first move in, so they can compare the state of the rental when you move out. Anyway, he was there about 40 minutes, and left. It quickly deteriorated from there. hehehe. But then, with a house full of kids, you can't really expect anything else :)
By the time Captain America got home, it looked a little cleaner than normal, but not really noticeable. Sigh. Oh well. I know it was clean :)
I sewed on my new Civil War dress today. I got the bodice and lining all sewed, and attached them. Then the arms sewed, and attached. I got the waistband assembled, and attached to the bodice. I cut out the skirt, and sewed in a pocket, then attached the massive skirt to the bodice. It looks pretty good. Now I just need to sew button holes (by hand), sew on buttons, and hem the bottom of the skirt. Not too bad for a days worth of sewing. Hopefully it fits when I'm done - LMBO!
Captain America and Jacob went on a Boy Scout campout last night. They got all packed and ready from 3-5, then left at 5. I sure hope they have fun. It's always pretty tense the hour before a campout, because of all the last minute packing, and organizing, and such. Hopefully it goes well, and they both have fun :) I sent them with yummy treats, and the weather is PERFECT! In the low 80's with no chance of rain. How perfect is that :)
I think Jimmy is getting sick. He's been whiny and clingy all day, and took a nap this afternoon. While it does slow him down, which means less messes to clean up after, I'd hate for the little guy to get sick. Sigh. I'll have to keep an eye on him, and see what's up. Hopefully nothing, and we can all just be healthy. I hate cold/flu season :)
I hooked up our Digital Converter Box yesterday. I'm so smart - LOL! Instead of getting 5 channels, we now get about 10. Sure, some of them as Spanish channels, and I don't speak Spanish, but it's some variety, eh? hehehe. We do have a weather channel now, which is kinda nice. And, I can actually see the shows I'm trying to watch. No more snow. That's SO nice. I can see what's happening on Survivor, and actually read the captions - LMBO! Has anyone else got a Converter box? Anyone else out there without cable, using an antenna?
Isn't this one fun :) After a long day of cleaning and sewing, I decided to just do something fun and easy, no thought required - hehehe. So, no request today :) Click on the links below to go to one of my accounts to download the PNG file (and if one of them is out of bandwidth (read - box.net), just pick a different one). And, leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

thanks Bethany, I love it!!
Thanks so much, Bethany! BTW, has anyone told you that box.net says you're out of bandwidth? No biggie, as mediafire is just fine. Just thought you might want to know.
Enjoy your weekend!
now, this is cute!!! Thanks!
Thank you for the COOL wa!!
i sure hope we get to see a pic of your Civil war costumes.... your sounds AWESOME!! And WAY to GO on sewing it yourself!!
i also hope your little one isn't getting sick! then it goes around the whole family.. no fun!
Thank you for ALL that you share, girlfriend!! :) Have an AWESOME weekend!
Hi Bethany,
Just wanted to let you know that I have made a card on my blog using one of your Word Arts.
Also, are you aware that if you try to download off Box Net it says that you are out of bandwith? I think someone else who does freebies has said the amount of storage they give you is only small.
Thankyou for your wonderful creations, you are very talented and I love hearing about your family. I have also ordered the Twilight books :)
Love and Hugs xxx
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Cat(s)/Dog(s)/Bear/Bird/Butterfly/Other Animal Theme post on Mar. 21, 2009. Thanks again.
cute bug!
Great dragonfly, thank you
Thank You sooooo much or all these amazing Wor Art Gifts
I am so happy to have met You and have found just what I need to cheer My Daughter up
Bless You Bethany
Lots of Love and hugs
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