The Ward seemed very friendly. The actual building was pretty cool. It was built around 1930, and was AWESOME. It had stained glass, and a bell tower, and was 2 stories. I guess it was one of the first original churchs built when El Paso was founded. Or something like that. Captain America could tell you the story. If he were here... Sniff. Sniff.
I've gotta say, though, it was the NOISEST Ward I've ever been in. And I've been in some noisey ones. From what I could see from where I was sitting, it appeared that 75% of the people had little kids. And even if everyones kids only made 3 noises during the whole of church, that's still a LOT of noise. Because of the sheer volume of kids - hehehe. And there was a lady 3 rows in front of us that had a son (maybe 6 or 7) who refused to sit quietly (I didn't see a dad, she was sitting by herself with 4 kids). I think the poor little guy must have had something "special" about him. The poor mom was struggling. She had 3 other little ones besides the "loud" one. About 1/2 way through, some nice man came and asked if he could help, and took out the boy. I'm glad that someone came to help her. I've been there/done that before. I'm sure she was grateful for the helping hand :)
So, I'm assuming that the program was good, but frankly, it was really hard to hear. But, the plus is that it made my kids look like angels - ROFL!!! See, you should always look for the good, in any situation - hehehe.
The kids enjoyed their Primary classes. Even Jimmy liked his. He was telling me that he didn't want to be a Sunbeam (turning 4 yrs old class), but wanted to go back to the nursery (18 months - 3 yrs). After church, he said he liked his class, and would stay in there. Hehehe, good thing, because he wasn't going back to nursery - LOL.
We spent a nice, relaxing day at home. No computer or video games on Sunday, so I didn't have to hear arguments about who's turn it was on the computer. Geesh! I hate those fights :) We did watch almost all of season 4 of Doctor Who. We brought out our pillows and sleeping bags (since everything else is on the moving truck) and laid on the Living Room floor and watched TV. It was a great time! Can't beat a good Doctor Who marathon :) (I love you, David Tennent (Dr. Who), but don't tell Captain America)
We were able to scrounge enough stuff out of the little food I packed before the movers packed the rest up, to make lunch and dinner. We ended up with Taco Mac N Cheese (which we renamed El Taco Maco - ROFL!), and pancakes for dinner. I need to go shopping after the movers leave. My cupboards are bare, just like old mother hubbord - hehehe.
I'm going at 7:30 am today to try and get the kids registered before the movers get here at 9am. Hopefully the school will let the kids start today. If not, I'll just have a house full of kids, and movers, and boxes. Sigh. They should let them. I took all the paperwork home and completely filled it out. I even made photocopies of my lease, SS cards, Birth certificiates, shot records, my ID. You name it, it's filled out and photocopied. hehehe. So, keep your fingers crossed for me :)
This request is from Angela. She's making invites to her 3 year olds B-day party. I thought this WordArt would also be good on pics of kids playing in the great outdoors. In trees, in tall grass, in the bushes. You name it, my kids are in it when it comes to playing outside - LOL!
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Jungle - Tinglewood Institute
Jungle - Tinglewood Institute
Have you guys seen the Doctor Who Specials yet? They had one for Christmas, and they had another one for Easter. I liked the Easter one more. Just two more specials with Tennant, and then it's the new guy.
I wish they'd go old after this new guy. I'm getting bored with young, hyper doctors, and the current Master stinks.
I see that you mention the Easter special in the next post.
Heh heh, I have a secret crush on DT too (not so secret NOW though!). My DH knows all about it though. I got my family hooked on Doctor Who about a year ago and there's been no going back. I love that you had the info on the Easter special on your blog! I'd been wondering how darn long we were gonna have to wait for it.
Sounds like you did great as far as church & school goes. I haven't changed either in a bajillion years but then my kids are older than yours and we haven't moved (thank goodness) since we bought our house. I'm in SE Washington State and we have a ton of LDS in this area (we're members), in fact the Columbia River Temple is 4 miles away, maybe.
I linked to you and am sending a blog award your way. I love your work. You can check out the details at
your sunday sounds like mine. I made it through the opening prayer before my 2 year old started wailing! I had to leave with her before even taking the sacrament. Every time we went back in, she started to scream again. I think she's got this whole thing figured out. Anyway, Sister Case (remember her?) sat with my kids and when I got back, it looked like a cracker and crayon bomb had exploded. Everyone knew where the Westovers were sitting...Oh well, this is what we do right?
LOL -- I've been in noisy wards too! My kids are happy to help with the cacophony! I spend a lot of my Sundays in the foyer with my youngest lately. I figure they will grow up one day and I'll get to catch up on plenty of talks! LOL
Thanks for the word art!
Thanks so much for this fun word art! It totally ROCKS!
As a mother of 5 (at one time, my sister's kids lived with me for two years...long story) all under the age of 8, I had the best plan for the video/movie/thing!
Each kid has a day that is their day...they are queen or king of the day.
Kid 1 - Monday
Kid 2 - Tuesday
Etc. and that day they and only they get all the picks (movies, story time, sitting up front, etc.) It was so successful, that my parents even picked up on it. When the kids started arguing, my parents would say, "who's day is it?" and voila' problem solved. On the weekends, I made the kids take turns. I also incorporated who set the table, fed the dog, etc. As they got to be teens, and pretty much had their own t.v., and it was just chores (and sitting up front), we went to a week at a time.
Oh, I also colored coordinated their things:
sheets/towels/toy basket etc. and then I knew who left what were...LOL!
You gotta do what you gotta do! ROTFL!!!
Hugs from the heart,
Thanks! I know just where I will use this! :)
Bethany - Thanks for this cute word art - my daughter and I are going to Africa soon (to adopt a new sister) and will be visiting the rainforest reserve. I'm SURE we can use this for our pics! :)
wow! thanks so much for this word art I requested!!! You are on the ball. I can't wait to use it for my son's birthday invites. I love your word art, thanks for being so generous in sharing your talents.
thank you for sharing!! i LOVE your wa! Have an AWESOME day!! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Apr. 13, 2009. Thanks again.
So cute! Where did you get this font? I love it! Please email me, if you remember where you got it.
Sometimes it's a jungle in here as well! Thanks for the word art.
many thanks
well.., certainly is a jungle..thanks a lot for share..., great job.
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