Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.

Kit by Shabby Princess - Dinner Party
WordArt by ME!
This picture was taken when my parents came out to Ohio (from Oregon) for a visit at Thanksgiving time. They took us all to the movies (to see Disney's Enchanted), and we arrived about 45 minutes too early. Jimmy had fallen asleep, and I was doing my best to keep him asleep. While it is precious when they fall asleep in your arms, it's better if they're newborn, cause they sure get heavy when they get older!

Amelies Tasty Kit and Terre d'argile Kit!
Thanks to Carla for sending us this layout! Isn't it perfect. Doesn't it feel very peaceful and sweet, just like a sleeping baby. And, I love how she has color on part of the photo, and black and white on the other. Simply wonderful! Thanks.

Kit - Celebrate a Boys Spring, Designs by TerrellS, Moo Two Designs
Template - by me - coming to Moo Two Designs Template Tuesday in April
Wordart by ME!
Thanks so much to Melody for the sweet layout. I know that I have a ton of pictures of my husband sleeping like this with our children. I so LOVE it! Thanks so much for sharing :)

The flowers are Misty Cato's
and the frame is from ShabbyPrincess
WordArt by ME!
Thanks so much to Lois for sending in her layout! I simply LOVE how the flowery font goes with the overlay on the photo. AWESOME! You really did a fantastic job :) Thanks!!!
yesterday was st patricks day, and although I am NOT irish (at least I dont think so =) ) I feel SO SO LUCKY to have found your site!
I am always at a loss of what to say once a scrapbook page is done, photos in place, elements scattered, names and dates...
BUT NOW...this is SURELY the key to bringing a page ALIVE! =)
thank you ever so much....
There is one quote/phrase I used on a layout of my son when he was a toddler and I got photos of him sleeping and did a layout of it...
"The many faces of you"
Oh yes that is so true! Thanks for this wonderfull WA!
I have a quote from waaaay back that says "dream" and then a definition
sleep: noun 1. to rest
2. sometimes accompanied by tender little sounds and faces
3. an opportunity for paretns to watch with wonder and remember that this won't last forever.
SYN.-to nap to dream
I'm sure you could do something fabulous with that.....
:) ty ty ty so very much :)
This is precious and it just what I needed for some pics of my hubby and daughter (they take an afternoon nap together every day after she gets home from preschool). it is beautiful!
Wonderful wordart. Love it
Is it gone??? Can't forgive myself I've missed it!
I can't get the link to work... :-(
It did not work for me either. I was wondering if you could email it to me? Or send me a message if you get the link working again. I would love to use it!!
So true. Thank you.
Oh no. I can't access it either.
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