One of your commented on a layout of Joe the other day (you know, the Satan One - hehehe), and said "How did you get your kid to make a face like that?" Ha! How do we stop Joe from making that face - LMBO! Here's a few pics of Joe from the other day in the car. I always said that he should be a cartoon character, because he has SO MUCH expression in his face - what a Character! I just LOVE his blue eyes - they sparkle :)

Me and my new red bonnett. I have one in blue too - they're pretty :) I love the white eyelet lace trim :) And no, those earring are NOT period correct - LMBO! Nor is the gray sweatshirt. Or the hair - hehehehe. Girl ALWAYS parted their hair straight down the middle. Did you know?

Joe was SO proud of his clothes. I had to physically force him to put them back in his box - hehehe. He's SO excited for our Civil War Weekend :)

We call these our Trooper Boxes. Each kid has one, for all of their clothes and gear. They can sit out in camp, and don't distract from the "feel" of authenticity :)

And my corded petticoat. A lot of people use the metal ones, but I'm going for a "poorer" impression, and this is probably what they would have done. Take a normal petticoat, and sew on cording. Then, soak it in starch, and let it dry. It dries pretty stiff, and give your dress a nice full shape. To let it dry and shape it, I took the dolly outside, and put a circular laundry basket on top of it. Then, I put my petticoat over that, and tied it at the top. I had 3 cheapo Wal-Mart curtain rods, still in the plastic packaging in the garage, and I straight pinned those to the bottom, to keep the skirt "full". I could have been the female equivalant to MacGuiver, don't you think? hehehe.

We had playgroup at the park yesterday, and it was a GREAT time. Jimmy enjoyed playing outside with his "buddies", and I took a pile of Civil War clothes that needed button holes hand sewn on them, and chatted with the other moms. I'm glad I went - I really needed to get out of the house for a little while :)
I did get almost all of my sewing done. I made myself another apron and bonnet, and Eme another bonnett and apron. My sewing machine stopped working at one point today, and I almost started to panic, but Captain America did something to it, and it started working again. Have I ever expressed how much I LOVE that man :) It's kinda making a weird noise now, but it works. I'll take it :)
We did Scouts tonight at the church, and the little kids and I went to drop something off to Captain America, and I stay to chat with the ladies. OMGosh, we had fun in the hall. It's been a while since I chatted with people. I've gotta get out and socialize more often - hehehe. I'm becoming a computer recluse - hehehehe. It felt good to chat and laugh and joke around. I'm a funny person, you know - LMBO!
Well, it's late as I pre-publish this on Wednesday night, so on to WordArt :)

OK, girls, here's the final installment of the Twilight Wordart pack. I really had a BALL making these. I just love the books, liked the movies, and am having SO much fun listening to the soundtrack. And now that the series is done, I can stop talking about it - ROFL!
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG files, and remember, leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks!

OR, Click here to get the zip file, with all 4 WordArts and the document that lists the fonts :)
Your Trooper Boxes are a wonderful idea (and they do look like they belong in that period)!
Loving the bonnets, aprons, pants, vests, starch...!!!
glad you were able to 'get out'!
do you ever sleep???
I think you must be the original Energizer bunny!!!
You ARE the female equivalent to MacGuiver!! i am convinced, cause you are soo clever (with that petticoat!) i LOVE the costumes and those boxes!!! you are doing a FANTASTIC job!! Thank you so very much for sharing your wa!! Have an AWESOME day! :)
You are very good at sewing.I wish I could do that.
Thank you for the WA. I'm totally hooked on Twilight.
Read all the books and loved the movie.Can't wait for the next one.
Sandra from Germany
Your period clothes are AWESOME! You are so talented and I just love to see your creations...clothes and wordart!!
Thanks for sharing :)
Dziekuje Ci za wystawienie tego freebies-a. Chcialam Cie poinformowac, ze zamiescilam link do Twojego posta na mojej stronie SARIWO. Digiscrap Freebies Search Engine,by inni mogli tez dowiedziec sie o Twojej tworczosci. Patrz na artykul pod tytulem: 26 marzec 2009
Wow! You've been so busy! I really love that petticoat - what a great idea for shaping it lol!
Thank you so much for the gorgeous word art :o)
thanks for sharing love your WA
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 26 Mar [LA 08:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 27 Mar [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Thank you for your fantastic wordart. And thank you so much for introducing me to Twilight! I decided that it sounded so good I had to read it, and its fantastic. I just have to go and buy the other 3 books now - then I'm going to lock myself away and enjoy!
I adore what you do Bethany! You're FABULOUS at it! I just saw this one and HAD to grab it! I miss the Cullens...(read the series) I'll have to scrap a page for my niece maybe.
Thanks so much & Have a fun time! Great job on the sewing!
I used to do the Living History thing and LOVED it! I am so glad that your kiddo's are getting into it as well.
Have FUN and thanks for the WA, it is wonderful!
TY so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you! I picked up all the Twilight word art. :)
So fabulous! Thank you!
Thanks for sharing your beautiful wordart
Tks for the wordart
I Loved
Love Twilight so thank you for the beautiful WA!
Bethany,What a good job you did on all your clothing! Fantastic! And by the way, don't feel bad about bankruptcy. Sure, it makes you feel kind of depressed, but look at it this way. You did the best you could under the circumstances, and when you had done all you could, and it still wasn't enough, this is a way to have a new beginning. I'm very glad you got the house on post. That's great!
You know God is looking out for you, don't you?
Hugs Mona
Just stumbled upon your blog. What a great blog it is! Love your word art designs. Thank you for the Twilight download.
By the way, I'm an LDS Mom of 5 too and I love how you worded that they are all yours with your husband (in your about me section)! I might have to steal that! haha
please can we have some jacob quotes your work is fabulous im so in love with it and so in love with a werewolf.
i always look forward to seeing your work.
lots of love
tracie x
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