Here's Jimmy and I, waiting for our pumpkin - Joe and Tom are on the right. Check out that scrowl on Jimmy's face - ha!

And here I am, carrying Jim and Joe's pumpkin. Looks like I have giant, um, yeah, pumpkins - ha! Tom's in the background.

We went to a local Pumpkin give away yesterday. Wow! I think the whole town was there! There were bags of candy for the kids, games where they could earn more candy, food (pizza, soda, hot dogs - the line was WAY too long, so we skipped that one), then free pumpkins for kids under 18. What a great idea. Besides the HUGE crowd, it was pretty fun!
Thanks so much to Laruen for this request. I think it turned out pretty cool! Maybe not my typical WordArt, but I think I like it :) Click on the image below to go to my 4shared account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Unique - Weltron Urban
Creativity - The Buns
Unique - Weltron Urban
Creativity - The Buns
Looks like choosing just the right pumpkin was fun! Thanks for sharing your day... :-)
Thank you too for your wonderful wordart. This gift is appreciated!
Well, seeing as how this was my request . . . I LOVE IT. It's just what I wanted. Thank you so much. I always thought this was a pretty quote and with all the creating we digiscrappers do . . . it's just perfect. You're AWESOME!!
Thank you very much for sharin this great WA!
Thank you! Thank you!
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