And thanks to EVERYONE who suggested names for this WordArt pack. I went with Moments. Thanks, girls, who recommended it to me! I've sent you your Wordart pack :)

So, it was another whirlwind day yesterday. My days are all becoming like that, aren't they - hehehe. I was up and out the door by 8:15am. Kidless, in fact! Jake was babysitting all the kids, so I was able to shop without distractions. It was nice :) I had $200.00 budgeted for this week, and spent $190, plus a $2.00 tip for the baggers. Not too shabby. Right on budget.
I hurried home, had the kids help me put away all the groceries, and Tom and I headed out to Wal-Mart. His glasses were in, and we just needed to pick them up. Unfortunately, there was only one person working, and a line was forming. I had a nice chat with the guy behind me. His stories seemed a little "far fetched" for me, but he seemed nice enough. I said I had 5 kids, and he said he had 4 girls 3 boys, a few step kids, and a few foster kids. Um, yeah, he didn't look that old. hehehe. Then he said how he'd been in a wheel chair for 10 years, and then was healed, and now had the body of a 27 year old. Um, possible, I guess. He'd just got back from a mission to the indian reservation up in South Dakota. Very possible. Maybe some people just have bigger than life stories. Anyway, he was entertaining.
We got the glasses (they look FABULOUS, by the way), and headed back home. We did a whirwind "get ready for the pool" job, and headed out. I was still the first of our friends to get there. hehehe.
Check out this scary bird that's always at the pool. OK, so it's not always the same one, but this type of bird. It ALWAYS has it's mouth open. Katy was like, "I wonder what it's like to always have your mouth open like that", and I was like "I don't know, let's ask Andrea when she gets here". ROFL! Sorry, Andrea. We love you, that's why we can joke with you - hehehe.

It's a scary little bird, with it's beady eyes, and always tries to steal our lunch. It's been known to fly away with a 1/2 a sandwich in it's mouth. Dang!
And here's a pic of Katy

And, I feel bad, but I didn't get a pic of Tom in his glasses. If you look behind Joe's army hat, then you'll see Tom in his new glasses. I'll get a better pic tomorrow, Mom :)

We headed home at 2:00ish. I lost Jim there at the end, but found him, thankfully. He'd left the pool and gone to the truck. He had a little "chat" about staying with the group. Tom was really concerned that we'd never see Jimmy again. Cute boy! So sweet to be worrying about his baby brother. At least he was safe. Don't scare me like that again, Jimmy! Stay with the group!
I helped the kids start some laundry when we got home, and Joe and Jim laid down, and promptly fell asleep. I tried to take a little nap, but got woken up by some dude calling my cell phone. Wrong number. Nice. So, I decided to start packing for our camp out.
I made a list of all the things that Jake/Tom needed to pack, clothes wise. I helped Joe and Jim get there stuff gathered. Each person gets a backpack with their stuff in it. I don't know what the campsite is like, cause we haven't been up there yet. We're packing swimming suits, just in case. You never know :)
We had dinner, and I watched Captain America mow the grass. I know, I'm so bad. I sat outside on the folding chair, and was "moral support". Feel free to invite me over anytime you mow your grass, and I'll 'moral support" you too! I'm just that nice :)
I am looking forward to our campout. The kids are getting excited too. We're big campers in our family. Well, I just like being dirty, so camping is right up my alley. I need to get the trailer unloaded (it's storing a bunch of stuff in the garage) and ready for camp today. Captain America gets home at 3:30 (or so he thinks), so if we're ready , we can be on the road by 4:00pm. But I'm not gonna hold my breath. We've never got to a campout before dark. Seriously. We always set up tents in the pitch black, by headlights. Hope fully this won't be the case too - LOL!
This WordArt request is from Ferryl. She wanted a WordArt that talked about walking in beauty, inside and out. I thought that this fit well enough. hehehe. I did my best :) Hope you like it! Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Love it, Bethany, so beautiful!
I have recently become addicted to your blog. LOL. I read it every morning with my cup of coffee in hand. Thanks again for the beautiful word art!
Your word art is beautiful as always, and you look beautiful, too, must be that radiating too!
that bird looks like it may be a brown headed cowbird (another blackbird) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown-headed_Cowbird
it has its mouth open cause it's hot, that's it's way of 'panting'. :)
thank you so very much for sharing such GREAT wa!! Have a SUPER day!!
Oh I love it, I wanted to post a thank you for your freebies before I'm off to purchase the sets, lol. Thank you so much!!!
You are so good at what you do! I would love to know how you do it! do you just use photoshop? Wow. ALso, women don't sweat, we perspire lol. didn't your momma ever tell you that? That would be a good word art, "never let them see you sweat-Secret commercial" lol
thank you Bethany! Your so generous...you should have a mouth open LO contest and of course word art to go with LOL
Your bird is a Grackle ... it should be the bird of Texas, cause we have tons of them. Birds (like dogs) don't have pores to sweat, so they have to 'pant' to expel heat & cool their bodies. Your buddy is trying to figure out how to get some water action.
Wow, Bethany- Amazing. Tonight I just found your site and I am thrilled. Wordart expresses so much to me, thanks for sharing. I have spent about 3 hours downloading your freebies. If you ever do any on dance/ballet quotes or such, I would be thrilled (I am a ballerina)! Again thanks for sharing. I look forward to all that is to come.
another beautiful set...
was Joe digging for gold? LOL
Love your wordart! Thanks for the freebies too!
Thank you!!! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 17 post on Jul. 25, 2009. Thanks again.
Your creations are really amazing!!!! I will forever be your fan :D
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