But, I do have an appointment set up to get some migrane medicine next week. I actually have an appointment for a pap (nice, I know) on Thursday, and migraine meds on Friday. Then, the following Wednesday, Jacob has a Podiatrist appointment. Busy, busy, busy.
AND, on the 3rd, I get a new phone. Last weekend, Jacob dropped my phone on the concrete. Phone, meet concrete. I'm guessing they didn't like each other very much, because the screen no long works. Blank. Totally dead. I can get calls, and dial numbers, but I can't see a thing. Good thing I know what button to push to get to my contacts, and I know that Captain America's 1st, Maren' 2nd, and my mom' 3rd. But everyone else, sorry. I've got nothing for ya!
I actually remembered the order of buttons to push to get to my voicemail. Amazing, eh? I had 4 messages on there that I otherwise would never have gotten. So, if you call me, I won't know who you are (yeah, I depend on caller ID a LOT) and if you leave me a message, I won't get it - LOL! How did I EVER get by without a phone. hehehehe.
So, I got an email from Sam yesterday, saying that she had a challenge on her blog for me. OK, I admit, I was interested to see what it was. So, I go there. I'd seen things like this but I decided to take it a step further. Here's how you play. Go to the place you keep your digital photos (mine is in "My Pictures" (original, I know)). Now, open up the 6th folder. Now, pick the 6th picture.
OK, now she just wanted me to post it on my blog, but hey, I can't do anything simple and easy, now can I? You know me all too well - hehehe. So, here's what I want you to do. Find the 6th folder and the 6th picture, and scrap a layout with it, and me sure to use one of my WordArts. Shouldn't be too hard, because I have HUNDREDS of freebees.
Then, when you've completed your layou and posted it to a gallery, come back here to THIS POST, and leave a link. In one week (or so), I'll come back and look through all of the entries, and pick my favorite to win a $5.00 gift certificate to my store. Sound worth playing for???
So, good luck, and I hope you get a good photo to work with - LOL! Here's mine.

So have you seen the McDonalds Filet of Fish commercial yet? OMGosh!! There's this plaque with a singing fish (you've seen those, right?), and this big guy eating a fish sandwich, and the fish is singing "Give me that filet of fish, give me that fish.....", and junk. It's HILARIOUS, and a bit freaky. Unfortunatly, it's a VERY catch tune. I know what I'll be sining today - hehehe. And, so that YOU can have a dorky/freaky song in your head all day with me, here's a link.
This WordArt request is from Laura, who's son is graduating from his speech, occupational, and physical therapies, and she wanted to make them some cards. And, because this Friday, I'm coming out with a few "Linear" WordArt packs, here's a nice Linear WordArt for ya :)
Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!
Click HERE to go to my mediafire account to download the PNG file.

Forever - Champignon
Hi there,
I couldn't resist your challenge, even if it is a very embarassing photo! I was challenged not long ago and had already sorted the photo out (see here: http://kayjaysdaysproject365.blogspot.com/2009/02/day-46-and-ive-been-challenged.html) but I hadn't scrapped it. And then you challenged us, so I thought why not give you a good laugh, especially as you had a great wordart to go with it! hihi!
So you can find the layout in your gallery at ScrapOrchard http://scraporchard.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=29286)
I'll be back to see if I am the only one with an embarrassing picture!
Thank you for another wonderful word art. I love that saying and I think that I will scrapbook it with a picture of me reading to my grandchildren. You are so generous.
Its funny that we both had the same idea to take the challenge one step further. I had already scrapped my layout and used your WA. Visit http://sam-sammys-space.blogspot.com (Been Tagged, Blog Hopping and a new Layout)
i have been meaning to make time to play with a layout and now i HAVE to!! hehe :) Thank you for ALL you share, Bethany! This is going to be FUN! Have a GREAT evening!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
I told you that you could do it a million times better than me, and you did! Looks great, thanks again!
Thank you Bethany, my daughter is a teacher, I'm going to send her something with this (can't think what I will send, but I will definitely use it with her in mind.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 26 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 27 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Thank you!! :)
Hope you are feeling better today.
Thanks for the terrific teacher quote. My family is full of teachers so this will be well used. Thanks for your generosity
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Unfortunately box.net is not letting me download the word art b/c it says that you are out of bandwidth. :( It must be so difficult to do this with the 4shared problems. :(
I love your word art and as a mom of small children I love you blog, its nice to know I am not the only one that has "those days." I did your challenge and I can't get it to uploaded to your scraporchard gallery I have no idea what I did wrong, but it is posted on my blog http://ridgewayfun.blogspot.com/2009/02/scrappers-challenge.html I hope that will work as I would love a chance at some more of your fabulous word art!
my layout is posted
thank you for sharing this FUN! :)
Never could resist a challenge! This isn't the greatest picture, but it is #6 in my 6th folder. Here's my layout:
I am a teacher myself so.. thanks so much for the Wordart. And here's a link to my very first LO (look what you made me do!!): http://scrappycris.blogspot.com/2009/02/my-first-lo.html
Hope you're feeeling much better, Cris
I'm new to digital scrapbooking, but here's my challenge sheet -- http://scraphappysarah.blogspot.com/
I had to do this challenge. I ended up with a great picture because the 6th folder happened to be where all my pictures are kept. I landed on a picture of one of my girls from 2007.
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