I got the kids off to bed, and got Jimmy set up with breakfast, and read my book. Ha! We're you expecting something more? I sat on the couch and read while he watched Scooby Doo. We read, and watched, and talked, and played. It was a nice morning.
After lunch, I got ready for my Doctors appointment. Yeah, that was yesterday. Captain America took my truck to the mechanic today (yeah, having issues again), so I had his Saturn. He was supposed to be home in time to watch Jimmy. I got a call from him saying that I needed to come to the car place, and drop Jimmy off, then go to my appointment.
I LOVE Captain America's car, because it's cute and little and sporty. BUT, it's a stick shift. I can drive a stick (I got my license on a stick), but it's not my favorite thing. I overthink it when I'm stopped at a light, and panic every time, thinking I'm gonna kill it. I do GREAT on straight stretches, but when I'm stopped on a slope (or heaven forbid a HILL), I really start sweating. Well, I just missed the light today, and was stuck at a sharp rise. I could seriously feel my heart beating out of my chest (I felt like Bella - ha! I"m reading too much again!). But, I only rolled back a tiny bit, and didn't kill it.
I was so worried that my blood pressure would be high - I worked on calming myself down - hehehe. When I was 2 exits from where I was going, Captain America called and said he was done. I turned around, and met him on Post. He took Jimmy, and went home, and I continuted to my Well Woman's visit. I was all prepared with my book, ready to read while I waited forever to get in, but they were speedy. I didn't have to wait more then 5 minutes. Really!
I just hate Well Woman visits. And it's not like I'm not used doctors . I've had 5 children. I had a doctor, 2 midwifes, then 2 more doctors. Boy doctors and girl doctors. I even had a paramedic in training observe birth #5 in order to get certified. I didn't care at that point - ha!
So, I'm on the table, and the doctor is there (male), and his female assistant, and just as he's starting the exam, my cell phone starts ringing. And it keeps going and going and going. Man, talk about stressful. I'll remember to shut it off next time I have to do this. Next year. Thank goodness! But, it's over, and I did my yearly duty, and got checked out. Have you scheduled yours???? You really should, you know :)
I stopped by the commisary on the way home, and picked up some groceries. Jimmy's decided that frozen peas (right out of the bag) are his new favorite snack. What's up with that? Ha! I HATE peas, and I don't think anyone else in the family like peas. Not that I'm complaining. Silly kid :)
I talked with my bestest girl friend on the way home from the doctor/store, and sat in the driveway for about 15 minutes when I finally got home, enjoying my "kid free" time. Maren, girl, I miss ya :) Come visit me soon!!! :)
I finished off Book 3 of the Twilight series last night, and started on #4. Good thing she only wrote 4. I'd be in serious trouble with my family - LOL!
And, just for my mom, I have a few pictures for ya :) Here's the kid's school - isn't it nice:) Brand new :)

And this is one of the army gates. Did you know that you have to stop and show your ID to get in? If you come to visit, bring your ID - hehehehe.

Oh yeah, and Captain America brought home his BOLC III gear today. Battle Armor and such. We all dressed up in it, and had a GRAND time - it was a LOT heavier than I anticipated :)
Poor Jimmy wasn't expecting it - he was SO SO SO excited to put it on, and was SO SO SO upset when it was on him. He started crying, and after it was taken off, ran to his room and stayed in there for about 10 minutes. He's a strange little guy - poor thing :)

And here's a picture of Captain America, in full gear, with is new gun. He's SO proud of it. Nice one, honey (it's unloaded, and the clip is AWAY from the gun - so don't worry :)

Ha! I TOTALLY remembered to post my new stuff this week - you'd think I was on top of it, or something. Of course, you'd be very wrong - LMBO! Click HERE to go to my store to check out all my FAB products (hehehe). And remember, my stuff is on sale the first week it's released, for 20% off (makes a WordArt pack $2.00 instead of $2.50)

This one's made my Diana, on my CT - didn't she do a FABULOUS job!!! Thanks, girl!

And this one is by Minna, also on my CT. She totally ROCKS!!! Love your stuff, girl!

As I sat on my couch last night and contemplated what to make for a WordArt for today, I looked at my favorite scrapbooking quote site, and found this one. I just LOVED it, so I made this up for you guys. I would have LOVED to put it in a new WordArt pack, but to sell my WordArts, the quotes need to be from someone who's been dead for at least 40-50 years. So, this quote is out for selling ,but lucky you! You get it here for free :)
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file :)
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file :)

Changes - AL Verdigris
World - all used up
Hi! I just wanted you to know that I follow your blog and almost feel like I know you. Great job on the diet sucess! Also have to tell you that frozen peas were my son's favorite too! They are funny, aren't they? I also feel compelled to tell you that you have a VERY handsome hubby! Have a good day and thank you for all of the freebies!
Y'all are so cute in Brent's army gear! Haha. Looks like you did have fun!
Thank you for the WA -- L.O.V.E the quote!
i soo enjoy reading you! almost daily, you crack me up or just make me smile at times but it's ALWAYs a pleasure! :) Thank you so much for sharing your FUN & WONDERFUL wa! :) Have a GREAT weekend!
OMH Jim looks so much like Joe there I thought it was him!! Holy Cow...what fun! You look most attractive in the armor.. is it like the spirital kind. . only heavy??
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Mar. 13, 2009. Thanks again.
Hey, I feel just like you do about driving a stick shift. It's a full scale panic if I get stuck at a light on an incline and someone pulls up real close behind me. YIKES!
Such an awesome quote and you make it beautiful. Thanks for sharing :)
Thank you! Thank you! :)
Oh, nice! But then your word art is almost always nice. When it's not nice, it's fantastic. Thanks so much.
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