So, after getting the kids to school, Jimmy and I headed to Wal-Mart to buy the 39 gallon lawn bags. Tricky, aren't I - hehehe. All of our trash bags were accumulating in the garage, and it really needed taken care of. (plus, since we're without a washer/dryer until Captain America gets home, and I didn't want to go to the laundry mat, I bought new socks for the little boys. I know, I'm lazy - LMBO!) Jimmy and I sorted trash/cardboard for a bit, and I realized that it was the 2nd. That means that rent is due by the 3rd. Oops. So, I mapquested the rental place online (I know, I know, I keep coming back to mapquest), wrote down the directions to and from there, along with the post office address (we have a locked box for mail in our subdivision), and headed out.
And guess what? I didn't get lost at all! Woohoo. I think I'm maybe sorta kinda getting used to the city. I at least recognized a few of the places I drove today as places I've been before - LMBO! And the rental place was CLEAR across town. It was a 20 minute drive, at least. So, Woohoo for me :)
After the post office, I saw a BigK, and decided to stop for a bit. I got a really fun storage shelving thing for the little boys' room. I've ALWAYS wanted one like this.
I also got these cool wicker baskets that I thought would be nice in my living room. We have built-ins in the living room, and I thought the baskets would be fun. Plus, they were 50% off. Can't go wrong there - hehehe.
Only Eme had homework tonight, so the big kids played computer/games for a few hours, and helped me organize the garage for a bit. They also cleaned their rooms. You know, we really don't have that many things here, so why their rooms were trashed is beyond me. Come on, boys. Work with me here :)
Dinner, a little evening TV, kids reading in their rooms, more TV and some computer time for me. Busy day. I didn't get all the stuff put away like I wanted before Captain America got home, but I tried :) And, I did a PERFECT day of eating today. That's saying a lot. I've been, um, sigh, stress eating a bit as of late, and that's not gonna help the Christmas LBS come off - lol! But, I did a perfect day today. Tomorrow should be easier. Those first 3-4 days are rough, though. After that, your body starts feeling good, and the cravings go away.
Captain America is set to be home around Midnight. Remember, I'm prepublishing here. I think I'm gonna finish this post, and get some sleep. We've gotta be up at 7am to get the kids to school on time. I'm missing our Chicago school that started at 9am. Yeah, that was NICE! hehehehe.
Oh yeah, and before I forget, thanks for all the suggestions on the carpet stain. The nail polish remover got all the of the actual nail polish out of the carpet, but the fibers were stained pink. So, the shaving cream didn't help, because the polish itself was gone. As for the sharpies/crayons/pencil on the walls, whoever painted here used flat paint, so when you try and wipe/wash off the walls, ALL the paint come off too. Nice. Come on, people. This is a RENTAL. Use Semi-gloss - hehehehe. So, not quite sure what we'll be doing about that one. I guess that's why we paid a security deposit - LOL
So, I made you up this nice Valentine-sey WordArt, and hope that ya like it. Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Love - Stephanie Marie JF (one of my favorites, but boy is it spendy!)
Irresistibly - Love LetterTW
Love - Stephanie Marie JF (one of my favorites, but boy is it spendy!)
Irresistibly - Love LetterTW
hey there, busy on this end lately kids and hubby sick with bad flue and crab but wanna leave suggestion on crayon and so ... did you try erasers? A Rubber should really help it ( ask me, walls, floors and tables .. Rubber Erasers does it!!!)
Good luck on that. Thanks ever so much.
Love it, as usual :).Thanks,Cris
Your work is wonderful!!!! Thank you for sharing all your work and life with us!
I love your work and am always excited as to what you come up with next, amazing!! I have a suggestion, I went a bought a larger camera bag and use it as a purse (always have the camera with me, *wink*)...This may not match my outfit or shoes but I can dress it up when needed...I am kinda "Hippi Dippi" anyway...Might help a little...Good luck getting everything together in the new house and congrats on finding your way around....
Get the Magic Eraser for the walls, those things are miracles! Gets everything right out. As for the the nail polish, I got nothing. Glad to see your getting used to El Paso.
I have dealt with my own share of marker on the wall. I use the Mr Clean magic eraser. It takes EVERYTHING off your walls, except the paint! Seriously give it try. Oh, and they are fairly cheap because they last a long time. The carpet? Well, no suggestions there. Thanks for the wordart! It is lovely
You do such great things with words/fonts! I just love it. I downloaded this one, plus a couple of others, and I know I'll be back again for some more of your talent.
Thank you
This is perfect. I think I'll use it in my wedding album too! Thanks!!
Lovely! Thank you!
Hi! I see there are a lot of suggestions for the magic erasers -love those! I also wanted to suggest a bottle of Spic n' Span's Cinch (its in a red bottle). It works great for walls! I love your blog and am happy that you are getting (somewhat) settled! Good luck!
GREAT bargains! Thank you for sharing your AWESOME wa! Hope you have a FUN evening! :D
Awesome word art for today! Love it!
Those storage shelves for the kids are great. I have bought it twice... it is really great for train tracks and blocks!
I really like this - TFS!
Thank you so much for the wonderful WA.
Thank you for the Lovely Word Art.
To get the marks off the walls try toothpaste with whiting in it. My kids wrote with crayon on my plastic table cloth and it came right off. Sometime the magic eraser takes the paint off so me careful.
Thanks so much for this lovely wordart !
merci pour ce superbe WA
Thank you so much Bethany fo this wordart ! So lovely.
Here is my layout with :
Thank you :)
thank you this is just perfect!
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