Dang, I'm tired. It's 10:54pm, and after I write this, I'm gonna read a quick chapter, then go to sleep. *yawns*
So my alarm went off at 7am, and I got up and went about the morning. Breakfast for the kids, sent them out the door at 7:25am to the bus, got Jake going with school, and I walked down to Andreas house for exercise. We got in 4 workouts so far this week. Not too bad!
We were done at 9:30am, and hurried home to change and get ready. I threw on some jeans, changed my shirt, gave directions to the kids, and Andrea and Veronica came to pick me up. We were headed to the movies. Jake was excited to take a break from school, even if it was just to play with Jimmy :) hehehe. They were planning on playing in the backyard for a while.
We got to the movie just before it started. "When in Rome". It was SO funny. We laughed and laughed and laughed. And I realized that Andrea is SUPER noisy in movies - hehehe. She carries on a dialog with the film - hehehe. Love ya, girl - ROFL! I'll go to the movies ANY time with ya!
After the movie, we went to Carlos and Mickeys (a Mexican restaurant) for lunch. Leigh (my neighbor) and her friend met us there. We had a lot of fun eating and chatting. I'm still doing perfect on my diet (day 2), so I didn't have quite as much fun eating as I would have liked, but I had fun chatting. hehehe.
I was down when I weighed this morning, you know. That made the day go better - hehehe. I've gained almost 30 lbs since summer, and I'm gonna lose it here soon. I am. I know I keep saying that, but I think it's gonna stick this time. Really - LOL! I had a perfect day yesterday, and was 4 lbs down this morning. We'll see if I'm down again tomorrow morning when I weigh. And yes, I know, I'm not supposed to weigh everyday. But I like to :)
Anyway, we were home at around 1:30pm. Jimmy helped me make some soup for Captain America and Tom and Emes campout. It had diced chicken, and ground turkey, and sweet potato, and onions and celery and garlic, and black beans, and kidney beans, and basil, and stewed tomatoes and brown rice. Smelled pretty good.
Next, we made some homemade bread. The recipe wasn't too good, but I just crossed my fingers, and went with it. I didn't get to knead it very much, because it was just a clump. Definitely not gonna use that recipe again. I like my bread a little fluffier.
Anyway, I got 3 loaves started, and put them to rise. I went at 3:30pm to pick up the kids from the bus stop, and came back home and cooked some food for the Blue and Gold Banquet. This one was for Joe. I cooked a package of whole wheat pasta with 1/2 a diced sweet potato, then sauteed some garlic, onions, basil, and celery, with chicken from the other day. After it was cooked, I tossed the chicken mixture with the pasta, and added 2 diced tomatoes. Smelled pretty good.
I chatted with my neighbor Leigh a while right before the Blue and Gold. She had some clothes she was wanting to donate, and I said that I'd give them to Captain Americas Battery to give to the Haiti Relief effort. I asked if I could look through them first, and she said "go ahead". OMHeavens, she had some CUTE stuff. I kept about half. I just LOVE getting cute new things, especially if it's free. Now, what to wear first - hehehe.
I picked out a cute red polka dot silkie shirt, coupled with jeans and a black zip up sweater thingy, gathered the kids, the supplies, Captain Americas scout clothes, and headed to the Blue and Gold. We got there at around 5:45pm. It looked really good. We put out our little blue lanters on the tables we were in charge of, gave the guy the DVD that I'd made with the slide show, put the food in the correct place, and sat down at a table we'd staked out as our own :)
It was a very nice Blue and Gold. They had the opening flag ceremony, food, then the FOS (friends of scouting - fundraising) PResentation, then the advancement ceremonies, then the Native American Dancers, then closing, then cake. I should have liked the evening more, but we'd just done it on Wednesday - hehehe.
Joe got his Tiger badge. We were SO proud :) He did get a bit upset, though, that he couldn't pin the Tiger Pin on his dad. Mom's usually get it, because they come to the stuff with the boys. He was ok about giving it to me, though - LOL!
And yes, mom, I did get pictures. BUT, Captain America took the camera on his campout, so I didn't get a chance to download it. It'll be a few days before I can get the photos on here :) Sorry :(
We were home by 8:30pm. I was beat. Captain America started getting things ready for his trip. He wasn't sure if everything was gonna fit in the little Saturn or not. Tom and Eme got to come with him, but only if the stuff would all fit. They were going to Socorro New Mexico for a reenactment. Those two were SOOOO excited about it.
Finally, at 10:30pm, Captain America and Tom and Eme headed out on their trip. 3 hours. It was gonna be a late night for them. Joe fell asleep on the couch watching a movie, and after the movie, I helped him to bed, and snuggled with Jimmy in his bed. He was out solid after about 45 seconds.
I'm looking forward to a quite morning tomorrow. Sleeping in, and not doing anything in particular. I had stuff going on in the afternoon, but that's a long ways off - hehehe.
Click on the links below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today (look for timestamp: [27 Feb 01:00pm GMT]).
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 9 post on Feb. 27, 2010. Thanks again.
Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list
Hey Bethany - what a neat surprise to find my word art suggestion today "Let us Walk in the Light of the Lord"!! I went first down to the word art before reading anything else and thought "hey - cool! how about that, that's exactly the Scripture I need" LOL Then I read just above it that you had found my request for it. Thanks a bunch! I love it. I know the church will too.
Bethany, your wordart is the best, and this one on Family Ties is exceptional. Thank you for your generosity.
THANK YOU very much!
Thank you! This blog post will be advertised on CraftCrave in the DigiFree category today (look for timestamp: [02 Mar 01:00pm GMT]).
So nice, Bethany! I just mde a family tree and this will go great with it!
Thank you so much for this freebie!
East El Paso, TX
Beautiful word art. Thanks so much!
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