I want you to know that I searched the internet from top to bottom (ok, I may be exaggerating just a bit) to find a nice, short (always the key) poem on baptism to make a nice WordArt for Heather, but there's nothing. Absolutely nothing. So, this is what you get. I think it turned out quite nicely, but I still wanted that nice, short, and sweet poem. Oh well, we don't always get what ya want, right?
So here's 2 choices. The more "girly" choice, and the more "boyish" choice.

Baptism - Scriptina
Baptism - Scriptina

My, baptism - Pharmacy
Day - Stephanie Marie JF
My, baptism - Pharmacy
Day - Stephanie Marie JF
Thanks for the word art. I'm going to use it for a layout of my husband's baptism last year!
Congratulations on your weighloss. That's awesome. What diet are you following?
Thank you so much, Bethany! This is beautiful - I love it and can't wait to use it!!!! :)
You just started a diet last Monday and you've already lost 8 lbs? HOLY MOLY! Now you HAVE to tell us what it is you are doing. :) Thanks for the wordart!
This is GREAT; it's SO hard to find anything for baptism pages - thanks!
And 8 lbs since Monday? What diet are you on??
Congrats on your weight loss and a big thanks for the word art. I love your work!
What timing! My little niece was baptized on Mother's Day and my son & DIL were the sponsors. Now I have a beautiful wordart to scrap some photos from that special day. Congrats on the weight loss. I am with the rest - you have to share your secret! :-)
There's a great song my husband used for his baptism it's "Down with the old man" by Kenny Chesney. HERE are the lyric. Not that these aren't beautiful, just thought you might be more inspired. ;)
I love all of your art! Your quotes are beautiful. I'm so proud of you for having 5 kids, all yours, all the same dad, and they are beautiful. Congratulations on everything!!
All of your word art is beautiful. I've been downloading like crazy. THank you for sharing your talent!
Thank you for sharing the beautiful word art with us.
Thank you for this one, I've been looking for a font like this one for so long... I'd like to make my own baptism invitation for my baby... :)
Thank you for this one, I've been looking for a font like this one for so long... I'd like to make my own baptism invitation for my baby... :)
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