AND, I got my mailbox key. Our subdivision has locked mailboxes, which just HAPPEN to be across the street from my house - lucked out there! I went to check out the mailbox, and make sure it worked. I wasn't expecting mail, since I'd just put in my change of address form that day, but guess what? The box was FULL! 1/2 of it was from the previous resident, but the other 1/2 was actually mine. A few bills, some jun mail, a "New House" card from my Aunt Toni (ThANK YOU!), Valentines from my Grandma Ida (THANKS!), a letter to Jacob (11) from his Sunday class back in Oregon, and a package from Brenda (a blog reader) with a cute little charm bracelet and a FANTABULOUS candle (cinnamon - yummmmmy!) as a house warming present. Wow! I was in HOG heaven. It's funny, but checking the mail and going through it has always been one of my favorite parts of the day - hehehe.
We got 2 new tires for the truck today. You know, it feels like we've spent a lot of money on the truck lately, but I guess if you break it down, it's only been about $1000 a year. That's cheaper than a suburban payment. What's that, like $600 a month? Our truck is paid off (thank goodness), so money on repairs (and upkeep) is all we pay each year. Anyway, tires. Apparently I, um, parked too close to the curb too many times, and wore it down to the point where it needed replaced. Oops. Ha! I just talked to Captain America, and he said that was just superficial, and just looked bad. It didn't really hurt the tires (besides appearance). What ruined them was the ball joints, which caused irregular wear on the tires, and hence, ruined tires. Yeah, I just typed what he told me - LMBO! Remember, I don't speak Automotive - ROFL!
Well, we learned today that what Captain America has been experiencing is not dust and mold allergies, but altitude sickness. Nice, eh? They say it should go away in about a month. So, my beds weren't bad, just old. :( As much as I LOVE my new bed, it would have been much cheaper to keep my old one. Who knew? Live and learn, I guess. At least we had the money at the time. And, secretly, I'm glad we got some new things. We're only ever got hand-me-downs. Getting something new every now and again is kinda fun :)
And, yet another take on "Love is in the Air". Do you all have FUN layouts you're making with them? Valentines Cards? Anything? LOL! Click on the image below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

I have had DL's in 4 different states (I'm a military spouse)... and when I recently got my Virginia DL... I was shocked that I walked out with a DL rather than a piece of paper. California and Florida both do the DL's in the mail... my home state I believe has also gone to the DL in the mail or maybe they are talking about it.
we recently had a tire blow out and had to replace one! it cost $132.00!!! sheesh!! With the One World, One Heart giveaways ending today, i should be able to get some time to play with your AWESOME wordart, finally!! YAY! :) Thank you so very much for sharing your talent!! have a BEAUTIFUL day!
Your word art is super-cute! Thank you for sharing your talents!
Thanks for another cute word art.
Beautiful word art! Thank you very much! :)
KS does their license the same way...a piece of paper for a few weeks. And I've seen people whip that piece of paper out in the grocery store to write a check. Honestly.
I just got my SC license yesterday. While I *did* walk out with my plastic laminated card, it was the PROCESS that was hilarious. Good thing I happen to keep all my important paperwork together and just grabbed the envelope going out the door. I'm going to post a blog about it later on (I posted a much more important one about SAHM, so I want that on top). But I didn't have to raise my right hand and swear...that's for sure.
Washington does that with the licenses, too. Except it can take up to 6 weeks. I'm pretty annoyed with them at the moment about it, actually. I renewed mine on New Year's Eve and got the temporary with a V-day expiration date. I had it sent to my parent's PO box, since my husband is going to school in another state. Apparently the post office didn't like that and sent it back because my name wasn't on the PO box (married name and all). The DOL destroys returned licenses. I had to file for a replacement online, but that costs money. So it's costing me $45 to get a $25 driver's license renewal. I'm annoyed.
Aaaanyway, not sure why I told you that looong story LOL! But yeah, a lot of states do that from what I gather.
Thank you !
Another beautiful wordart about love! Thank you so much :)
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