We got my truck fixed yesterday. Apparently, it had something wrong with the....um....balls? (LMBO!) Ball joints, maybe? I don't speak Automotive any better than I speak Army - LOL! I guess if it had broke while I was driving, my wheels would have fallen off , and we would had crashed and burned pretty hard. Nice. But, it's all fixed now.
We dropped the truck off at the mechanic on Post (isn't that cool? and army mechanic - LOL!) at 8:30 ish, and Jimmy and I went with Captain America to do his Army errands today. We got to meet the guys at his battilion office, to wait in line for an hour and a half at the ID card place, only to realize that we were gonna be late for his next meeting (but I did give my number to the nice family sitting next to us, and they seemed happy to have jumped up in line - hehehe), to eat lunch at the PX, and go to a few more errands with Captain America. It was pretty fun.
Here's a few pics from our time at the ID card place. It was going SO slow - we were there for 90 minutes, and it went from B214 to B216. I was B221. Holy cow! I'll have to go back one day when Captain America's in Ohio (he's taking Jimmy, I think) and bring a nice, good, long book - LMBO! (or my laptop, and design - hmmmm, now there's an idea!)
Anyway, here's 2nd Lt Harty, and 2nd Lt Harty - LMBO!

While we were on Post, we saw, in the paper, an ad for mattresses CHEAPER than Big LOTS. We decided to go and check it out. First, though, we had to go home and get the kids from school. The guys from the battallion office gave us the idea of trying to sell the old mattresses on Craigslist, so we decided to give it a shot. Who knew it would be such a great idea :) I've already got about 5 emails about it. Crazy, eh? We offered all 5 mattresses for $100. We'll see if any of them pan out. That would help with the replacement cost, at least a little bit.
After getting the kids from school, we went back on post to pick up my truck, let Captain America sign some paperwork, then back to the house, pick up the trailer, and back across town to the mattress store. The were out of the King bed that we wanted, but had one for $399 (instead of $299) that we bought. We also got a futon mattress to go on the bottom of the kids' bunk beds, and a twin mattress set (they only had one, not 3 like we needed). We paid for the stuff, loaded it up what they had in the trailer, then headed out for the warehouse (across town) where the king bed was. It was getting dark by this time, but we managed to find the place.
The guy coudln't find the bed that we bought, so he ended up giving us the next one up - SWEET! It was a $600 mattress, I think. It had the built in pillow top part. How cool is that :) We tied it on top of all the other mattresses and down the road we went. We still have 2 more twin bed sets to buy (and a top mattress for the bunk bed), but at least I have my new bed - LOL! It's SO nice - I'll let you now tomorrow how good of a nights sleep I got - hehehehe.
Captain America gets to go play army man tomorrow. His group is dressing up like the "bad guys" for the AIT (Advanced Individualized Training - ha! I do speak some Army) Students to practice on. They're re-creating the streets of a Middle Eastern town, to give the students a feel for where they're headed. This should be right up Captain Americas alley. He gets to dress up and shoot people with paintball like guns. Every little boys dream - LMBO!
So, in honor of the "Big" day on Saturday (hehehe), and our "Love is in the Air" sale over at Scraporchard (30% off), I have 5 days of "Love" for you. 5 days, 5 different WordArts, all the same saying. Sounds fun, eh? Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

LOVE - Pharmacy
all rest - Renaissance
We dropped the truck off at the mechanic on Post (isn't that cool? and army mechanic - LOL!) at 8:30 ish, and Jimmy and I went with Captain America to do his Army errands today. We got to meet the guys at his battilion office, to wait in line for an hour and a half at the ID card place, only to realize that we were gonna be late for his next meeting (but I did give my number to the nice family sitting next to us, and they seemed happy to have jumped up in line - hehehe), to eat lunch at the PX, and go to a few more errands with Captain America. It was pretty fun.
Here's a few pics from our time at the ID card place. It was going SO slow - we were there for 90 minutes, and it went from B214 to B216. I was B221. Holy cow! I'll have to go back one day when Captain America's in Ohio (he's taking Jimmy, I think) and bring a nice, good, long book - LMBO! (or my laptop, and design - hmmmm, now there's an idea!)
Anyway, here's 2nd Lt Harty, and 2nd Lt Harty - LMBO!
After getting the kids from school, we went back on post to pick up my truck, let Captain America sign some paperwork, then back to the house, pick up the trailer, and back across town to the mattress store. The were out of the King bed that we wanted, but had one for $399 (instead of $299) that we bought. We also got a futon mattress to go on the bottom of the kids' bunk beds, and a twin mattress set (they only had one, not 3 like we needed). We paid for the stuff, loaded it up what they had in the trailer, then headed out for the warehouse (across town) where the king bed was. It was getting dark by this time, but we managed to find the place.
The guy coudln't find the bed that we bought, so he ended up giving us the next one up - SWEET! It was a $600 mattress, I think. It had the built in pillow top part. How cool is that :) We tied it on top of all the other mattresses and down the road we went. We still have 2 more twin bed sets to buy (and a top mattress for the bunk bed), but at least I have my new bed - LOL! It's SO nice - I'll let you now tomorrow how good of a nights sleep I got - hehehehe.
Captain America gets to go play army man tomorrow. His group is dressing up like the "bad guys" for the AIT (Advanced Individualized Training - ha! I do speak some Army) Students to practice on. They're re-creating the streets of a Middle Eastern town, to give the students a feel for where they're headed. This should be right up Captain Americas alley. He gets to dress up and shoot people with paintball like guns. Every little boys dream - LMBO!
So, in honor of the "Big" day on Saturday (hehehe), and our "Love is in the Air" sale over at Scraporchard (30% off), I have 5 days of "Love" for you. 5 days, 5 different WordArts, all the same saying. Sounds fun, eh? Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

LOVE - Pharmacy
all rest - Renaissance
That is o cute! I love your work! Thanks so much!!
i LOVE your photos AND your wordart! Thank you for sharing! :D
"leave some love if you like my work" ... just some love... I will like to leave a lot more than my love, you work is amazing and I really really enjoy it! A big thank you! you have the most wonderful family ♥ A fan from Norway.
Lots of love for you and your great gift of wordart.
Thank you! I simply LOVE your wordart!
Hi Brittany - thank you for the lovely word art - I downloaded two of them. I'm looking forward to using them for my favorite projects.
Your little fella is SO cute - bet we know what he's going to do when he grows up ;)
Hi Bethany, I've been following your blog for about a month now and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy it! My husband is in his last semester of Army ROTC and graduates in May. He was prior enlisted Air Force, so we too are about 10 years older than everyone else! Army life is quite a bit different than Air Force life, so it is fun to get a little sneak peak in to what is in store for us. My hubby is going to be in the Medical Corp and we are hoping to get our orders in the next couple of weeks. You definitely have to learn patience in the Military (which I have little of)! Anyway, just wanted to say "hi" and send a big thank you for the word art. You are awesome at it!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 10 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 11 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
Thank you, Bethany. It's a wonderful WordArt.
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Valentines post on Feb. 11, 2009. Thanks again.
Wonderful word art! Thank you very much! :)
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