It was a whirlwind morning, but we got there on time. A little early, in fact. And everyone looked pretty presentable. Tom and Jim were both missing buttons from their Sunday shirts, but Jim had on a vest, and Tom had a tie to cover it. Good enough for me. Everyone got food, except Joe, so I made him a real fast peanut butter sandwich to eat on the way.
Church was good. It was Fast and Testimony meeting. Emeline wanted to bear her testimony. It's a time, once a month, when the members can publically say what they believe in. She was so cute. She started off saying what she believed, and ended up kinda expounding truth - LOL! Friends will be there for you. Your family loves you, and you should love them. People should help each other. Be nice. It was WAY too cute. She was concentrating really hard on what she was saying. Too stinkin' cute! We'll have to have a family home evening lesson on "how to bear your testimony". I think the kids can all use a refresher course.
I taught in primary for Sharing time. My theme was about the temple. So, we learned what a temple is (a house of god, a place of love and beauty), and what you do inside the temple (covenant with Heavenly Father, make promises, feel the holy spirit, be sealed together). We sang the song , "I love to see the temple" (one of my very favorites), and talked about a scripture. Then, Captain America came and helped me, and talked about the temple recommend interview. How anyone has the potential to go to the temple, but we have to make good choices, and follow Heavenly Father to get a recommend. We talked about preparing to go to the temple now, when they are kids. It was good.
Then, I handed out a little bookmark as a handout. I told them to put it in their scriptures and remember the temple. They seemed to like it. Well, the older ones. The little ones just tried to eat it - ROFL!

When we got home from church, we decided to take another family picture. Since everyone was still in their Sunday clothes, and looking all nice. I wanted to do it in the backyard, since the last one we took was pixelated. So, we drug a chair and a stool in the backyard to prop the camera up on. Our neighbor guy noticed what we were doing, and hopped the fence so he could take it for us. What a sweetheart!
We went in the front yard, and he positioned us in the shadows, where he thought we'd look the best. He did a FABULOUS job. We got 3 really good pictures. Here's my favorite. I worked my photoshop magic on it, and this is the result. What do ya think??? (And, not bad for no shower day - hehehe)

Once we were done with the picture, everyone changed clothes, and we cooked lunch. Cheese & cucumber for me, and Mac N Cheese for the kids. After lunch, I told the kids that we were starting a new family tradition. Naps or quiet reading in their rooms. I read for a little while, then fell asleep around 1:30pm. I woke up at 4pm. OMGosh, it felt good. I woke up because Jimmy had woken up from his nap, and the kids had left their rooms, and were being noisy. Very loud. But I was done sleeping.
I came out, let everyone else out of their room (hehehe), and started on dinner. Taco salad. It's Tom's FAVORITE. Jimmy? Not so much. But you can't please everyone all of the time. The other kids liked it.
After dinner, the kids were a bit out of control. At one point, i noticed they were running laps around my living room/dining room areas. Not so good. About that same time Andrea sent me a message saying she was going to the park, and wondered if we wanted to join her. Typically, we don't go to the park on Sunday. But I had to agree with her. My kids were MAJOR out of control, and needed to work off some steam. So, we went to the park at around 6:30pm and stayed till 8:30pm. It was such a nice evening. Katy came and hung out with us too. It was a good time.
We came back home, cleaned up for a little while (you'd think that with all of the cleaning, my house would be clean. but, um, not so much), cleaned Joe/Jim's room (thoroughly trashed), and put all the kids to bed. I played on the computer for a while, and read for a while. Captain America came to bed at around 10:30, and was asleep by 11pm. I saw that Katy was on Facebook, and she said "Hey, let's go scare Andrea'. hehehehe. So, I snuck out, and walked down to their houses. She met me outside of Andrea's house.
We snuck to the window by her computer, and tapped on the window, but she wasn't there. So, we went to the backyard, and tapped on the kitchen window. We could kinda see her through the blinds. She was on the phone. We tapped a little bit more, and she left the kitchen. Dang. We were beginning to think that she was deaf -hehe. We went back to the front, but still didn't see her. We tapped on the window a little bit more, then knoced on the door lightly. And again a little bit harder. We were afraid she'd get her gun and shoot us if we scared her - hehehe. She turned on the porch light, and I jumped up and down waving in front of the peep hole. She came out, and was like "YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH"!!! hehehe. We told her we were afraid that she was gonna shoot us - LOL! She took it well - ha! She invited us in, and we heard her side of the story.
She was in the kitchen chatting with Kim on the phone, and she thought she heard rain. She ask Kim if it was raining, and Kim said no. She said it was probably us playing a trick on her. To go outside and check. Andrea was spooked, and went upstairs to look out the window. No rain. hehehe. Then, she came back downstairs to look for us on the computer, when she heard the tapping on the window again. The the knocking at the door. But when she looked out the peephole, no one was there (we were off to the side, in case she decided to shoot us - hehehe). Then, she looked again, that's when she saw me.
Yes, I know, we act like teens. hehehe. Aren't you glad you don't live close to me. Katy and I wold come to your house and freak you out too - what a mean trick - LOL! It was kinda funny.
After that, we stayed and hung out. We played on Farm town, at the Inn, for a while, but it wasn't too exciting. We researched boob jobs and tummy tucks (a girl can dream, right?) and talked about random things.
Katy and Andrea walked me home at 3am, then walked themselves back home. Thanks, girls, for walking me back home! It was a fun, spur of the moment evening!
Monday, we're gonna go to the pool, go to Wal-Mart, and I need to call about a Virtual Academy for Jake. He's wanting to be homeschooled in 7th grade. I'll have to look into it. There's a virtual academy for all of Texas that we could do for free. I'll call them tomorrow and find out more info.
OK, so for my freebee for today, I decided to give away the WordArt from my family picture. I thought it was SO cool for a family picture. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

Bethany: I just enjoy reading your have a beautiful family! It's good to have quiet time sometime - never a quiet time in my household since I have two rambunctious kids! LOL Too much energy!
Thanks for sharing the freebie! LOVE LOVE your wordart! You are so talented!
Alma =)
Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL wordart!!
i really LOVE that B&W photo of your family! :)
Have a MARVELOUS Monday!! :D
Love the family pic!! And that was my lesson to teach( but I was gone..) I could have used the bookmark! dang!!
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Alpha(s),Font(s), Word Art(s) post on Aug. 03, 2009. Thanks again.
Thanks for the word art!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 03 Aug [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 04 Aug [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Thanks so much for the great wordart
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