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Kit by Scrap Shana - Young Love
WordArt by ME!
Jimmy found a bowl of chocolate pudding on the kitchen table, and made a royal mess of himself. Two questions. First, why was the gate open (isn't that why we have a baby gate!), and second, why on earth was there LEFT OVER CHOCOLATE pudding. That just doesn't make sense! Hehehe, looking at that cute pic of Jimmy above, he isn't really as messy as he could be, is he?
WordArt by ME!
Jimmy found a bowl of chocolate pudding on the kitchen table, and made a royal mess of himself. Two questions. First, why was the gate open (isn't that why we have a baby gate!), and second, why on earth was there LEFT OVER CHOCOLATE pudding. That just doesn't make sense! Hehehe, looking at that cute pic of Jimmy above, he isn't really as messy as he could be, is he?
Thank you for creating this!
Love it! TFS
LOVE the word art on this layout! Thanks for using this kit! The layout is beautiful!
You are so kind to share with us .I think you should have a little choc everyday as a life without chocolate is not good ,i have been without chocolate for two weeks and when i look back im not happy about it ,tomorrow i am having some .
Thank you sharing your fabulous word art.
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