Here's a few pics of Joe throughout the years. Here's Joe when he's just a tiny little guy.

Somehow, we've misplaced a few years worth of digital pictures. I'm trying to not think about the possibility too hard, for fear that it'll be true. Anyway, here's a pic of Joe, almost on his 2nd birthday (maybe a month shy)

So, yesterday was a crazy busy day. But I'm afraid that today is gonna be even more busy.... I can't wait till it's all over - hehehe. The girls and I had talked about catching a movie on Tuesday, but the longer the day went on, the less it seemed likely. I spent the majority of the morning reading. I SO love a good Fan Fic - hehehe. I know, I'm getting obsessive again. Andrea called at around 11am, wanting to know what the plan was, and to say that she was going to buy cold mecidine for Sam. I told her to drop Ben off to play with Joe, and while she was here, I loaned her come cold medicine. My bathroom is like a pharmacy. Seriously. I have a fix for what ails you - hehehe.
She also needed envelopes, which I had, so I just saved her 2 stops. She just needed to go to the library - LOL. Ben stayed and played, and I fixed lunch. The little boys played in the backyard in the hose and "decorative rock" - otherwise knows to the rest of the world as dirt. They were SO dirty - hehehe.
Andrea called at around 1pm and said that we should all go school shopping for the kids. Without them - ha! So, I made Ben and Joe hop in the bath, put Jimmy down for a nap, got the boys in clean clothes, got the big kids all situated, and we headed out to Wal-Mart. It was Kim and I and Adela (woohoo!!! she finally came back!) and Katy and Andrea. What fun we had! I got all of the supplies for 3 kids for about 20 bucks. That's fabulous, compared to how much stuff we needed at all 3 schools last year. This was much more reasonable. I bought another 20 bucks worth of supplies for the house (paper, pencils, pens, crayons, markers, glue, etc). Have you ever tired to buy crayons when it's not school shopping season? It's outrageous! I bought about 12 boxes. If I'm conservative with them, they should last for a while. I hope :)
We stopped at Sonic afterwords, and got their GINORMOUS drinks. Yummy. I got Diet Dr Pepper. I bet that's why it's 12:38pm and I'm still going strong. I don't drink caffiene, and that was a MASSIVE soda - hehehe. Maybe I need another one for Wednesday. I've got a LONG day ahead of me :)
We came home, settled in for a bit, and the internet went out. WHAT??? I called Katy, and her's was out too. So was Andreas and Adelas. Dang! Now what to do? Seriously, it was pretty pathetic. I was at a loss as to what to do. I decided to design. I already had 3 of the 5 WordArt packs done for the week. By the time I needed to start dinner, I had 8 of the 5 done. Woohoo!!! Ahead for next week :) I need to have a loss of internet more often..... no, not really. It wasn't soo cool :)
We had dinner, and Captain America, Jimmy, and I headed back to Wal-Mart. Captain America had some "pricing" to do for the goodie bags that will be handed out to the kids on the Army Class trip we're taking on the 22nd. It'll be fun to put those together.
We also need toliet paper and mini marshmellows. I know, essentials - hehehe. We're doing the marshmellow wars on Wed. night, so now was the time to buy them. I also found some sheriff badges and red balloons for Joe's party. Should be a lot of fun.
While we were there, Andrea called wanting to know if I wanted her to get some White Glue for me. They were out earlier in the day. She was at a different Wal-Mart. With ALL the girls. How rude - I told her I was crying inside that they'd ditched me (ROFL!). I was just teasing. She said that they all got together to go get Joe a b-day present, and didn't want me to see. Such funny girls!
We got home, put the kids to bed, and I needed to make cupcakes. And I'd forgotten to buy cupcake papers. I texted Andrea, asking if she had some I could borrow. About an hour later, they were back, and I walked down to get them. Katy was still dropping people off at their houses, and I talked her into letting me come over and make the cupcakes there. I needed company. Everyone at my house was sleeping. Hopefully I wasn't being annoying by inviting myself over. :P
We made cupcakes, and chatted, and filled waterballoons, and ate diet jello and water, and just hung out. I was home at around 11pm, and made homemade playdough for Joe's party. I only have 16 badges and 16 bags of playdough, but I have absolutely no idea how many kids are coming. I figure if there's not that many, they can have one of each, and if a ton of little kids show up (some of my friends have a butt load of kids (like me) - hehehe), they can pick either/or.
I'm gonna read a little fan fic before I got to bed, then get up in the morning, make frosting, frost and decorate the cupcakes, find my party supplies, and try and be at the park at 9:30ish. Wish us luck!
Here's this weeks WordArt Wednesday. I've been hanging onto this quote for a while now, and I was so glad to finally make it. I just LOVED it when I read it. Something about the way that it flowed. I don't know. I just liked it. I thought it would be great for pics of kids/adults doing something artistic. Or beautiful nature pictures. Or especially a Sunset/Sunrise picture. You know, when the sky is red and orange and looks like it's on fire. That would be fabulous!
Click HERE to go to scraporchard to download the ZIP file, and leaves some love if you like my work. Thanks!

That's so sweet! Happy birthday, Joe!
Happy Birthday Joe!! HUGS!! :)
Wishing you luck to get it all done, Bethany!! :)
Thank you so much for sharing your FUN wordart! Have a WONDERFUL day!
Thanks and Happy Birthday to Joe! I have a nephew Josiah who is also blonde and blue-eyed. He was five in April but they live in Haiti now (missionaries). I hope you can find your missing photos. That is SO frustrating, I know!
Just to be nosey - you said "came to our family" - is he adopted? Happy Birthday to Joe!! I hope it's a great one!! My neice turned 6 in February, it's like they hit 6 and it's Big Girl/Boy time... lol! I hope you guys are having a great day!!
Well, I meant "came to our family" as in came from Heaven to our family. Nope, he's not adopted. I birthed the child - LOL
Gotcha! Hubby and I are going to be trying again this year to get pregnant... should be an interesting time!!
Love the wordart -- Glad you liked the saying:-) So glad you posted pictures of the barrels and stuff. I have memories of playing on those types of barrels when I was little. Must be something from my days in NM and TX. My grandmother lived in El Paso and we lived in Carlsbad. So maybe played on them when we lived down there.
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