Check it out, girlies! We're having a sale :) If you spend $10.00, you save 40%! Aren't you excited??? AND, I have some new stuff this week. It's not on sale 20% off, because of the spend $10 get 40% off. If you buy all 4 of them, it'll add up to $10.00, so you get the 40% off, which makes it $6.00 for all 4, or making them $1.50 a piece! What a great deal is that!!!!
OK, shameless plug is over! Click HERE to go to my store :)

Here is layout from my CT girl, Jen (Graham Like the Cracker)

So, I woke up yesterday morning at 5am, realizing that I hadn't sent something into my online advertising that I was supposed to. Do you ever do that? Where you basically sit upright in bed, wide awake, heart racing, going "OH crap!". Yep, I had one of those moments. So, I made up what I was supposed to, and sent off an apologetic email with the items attached, and hoped that they'd accept it, even if it was after the deadline.
I must have went back to sleep, but it wasn't the same. My plan is to sleep in today. hehehe.
I got up at around 8am for real (hehehe), fed the kids breakfast, and even chatted on the phone with my Mom. She and my dad drove to Utah to visit my sister and her family for the 4th, so she and Dad were still in the car driving. Don't know how they do it, but they drive all night, then get there at about 9 the next day, and play all day long. I don't know if I could do it - I'd fall asleep, I bet :)
I made a quick stop at the commissary before our pool time, also. I'd bought the wrong soda yesterday, and I was also out of yeast. I make "pigs in a blanket" for the kids each week, and the biscuit dough is kinda rough. I used roll dough this time, and they were soft and yummy this time. The kids LOVED them :)
We were at the pool by 11am with Katy and Adela and kids. Adela had her sister and her man in town for the weekend, so we got to meet them. They're good people :) We coudln't stay too long at the pool, though, because Katy was giving someone a ride home from the airport, and I had an appointment for a physical for Jacob.
We hurried home at 12:45pm, changed clothes, straightened up a bit (ok, so really I checked emails, you caught me!), and headed out to the Scout Office. I needed a physical form. My ink cartridge is TOTALLY dry, so stopping on the way was my next option.
We got to the clinic with 1 minute to spare! The little kids were a bit naughty, but not bad considering I had all 5 with me. Sigh. Not so much fun. But, it was a cheap physical. Only $10.00 because it was for a Church Boy Scout activity. Sweet! I could have got it free through my insurance, but they couldn't have gotten us in that fast. And Jacob needed it for Monday. And everythings closed on Friday. Yeah, they were a real life saver!
We came home, did chores, cooked dinner, then I was off to a Pampered Chef party. I told the girl that I wasn't buying anything, because I'd bought at the last party. She said that was ok. It was at Adelas house. Adela, her sister, Katy, Laurie, Chelsey (she was the consultant), and Heather (the Sentsy lady) were there. We had a lot of great girl talk, and fun just hanging out. I'm so glad for friends!
At 7:45pm, I headed back home, and Captain America and I went for a walk on the tramway. OMGosh! I was sweating by the time we got to the top. This walk was NOT for the faint of heart. Heck, it really wasn't for me. The army guys run it for PT. They're insane! I was going SO slow. I told Captain America that he didn't want to take me, because he woudln't get a good work out because I'm slow. He said that he's walk my pace, and it would be fine.
About 5 minutes into it, he complained that I was too slow. Nice. He quickly re-tracted his comment, though, after being reminded about the whole "go at YOUR pace," and "not ditching" me comment earlier.
We did make it to the top. Boy, was it high. But a great view. It was dark by the time we got up there, and the lights in the city were BEAUTIFUL. I have a pic on my phone, but I can't download them. I'll text them to Captain America, and he can email them to me, and I'll see if I can maybe get them on here tomorrow.
So, here it is, 11:31pm on Thursday night, and I'm beat. I got a real quick freebee for you. No, nothing bad happened, I just thought it was funny. Yes, accidents do happen. And I have a TON of "accidents" pictures that this would be appliciable for!
Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work. Thanks!

I love that freebie today - perfect for my 2 boys. I'm off to check out your store. Thanks again for being so generous!
Thanks for the wonderful freebie Bethyany....beautiful as always!
Thank you so much for sharing! :) Have a safe & WONDERFUL Fourth!
A perfect piece of word art for boys - thanks! Love your blog too!
Thanks you...I have a son and this is perfect!
My first grandchild was born in January. He's such an adorable little thing - but I know this word art will definitely come in handy soon. LOL Thank you for sharing!!!
Exactly what I need :D Thnaks for your kindness!
So cute! Thank you!
awesome! thanks :)
Love this sentiment! Perfect for my little 3 year olds 1st black eye photos from last week! Thanks!
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