Sunday was good at the Harty house. We had Stake Conference (church) today, and the Stake Center is about 30 minutes away. Still in town, but El Paso is HUGE. We drove over the the West Side (by the outlet malls we went to on Saturday). It's so pretty over there. I just LOVE the houses. Conference didn't start until 1pm.
I worked with Jimmy to get his and Joe's room cleaned before church. It was TRASHED in there. It looks fabulous now. Still kinda smells like pee, though. Nasty. One of these days, we'll move past that..... right?
We ate lunch before church, then headed out. It took longer to get there than we thought (or something - either way we were late) and were about 15 minutes late. There weren't 7 seats together anywhere we could find, so we split up. Captain America and Jimmy and I got 3 seats together, and there were 2 more behind us for Joe and Eme. Tom and Jake were 2 rows back and to the side. Still in "I'm watching you" range. hehehe. The kids did FABULOUS for sitting still for 2 hours. Good thing we remembered pencils and paper :)
After church, we had "mandatory reading/nap time". I just love it. Jimmy and I took a nap (well, I read and he slept, then I slept for a bit too). I got about an hours worth of nap in. We fed the kids, fed ourselves, then cleaned up the house a bit more.
At around 7pm, we headed ot the neighborhood park. Adela and Katy and Andrea met us there. The kids were going crazy in the house, so it as nice to let them out for a while. hehehe. You could tell that the girls were all tired, cause we just kinda sat there and looked at each other - ROFL! I think we'll all end up in bed early- hehehe.
When we got back home at 8 something, we put the kids to bed, and I played on line for a while. I re-designed my personal and wordart blogs, and chatted on Facebook for a little while. Captain America was studying for a big test, so he wasn't around. Come to find out, he really wanted me to come and hang out with him, but I was trying to give him "study space". Sometimes you can't win for trying.... Hopefully after his big test today, he'll be in a better mood. It's stressing him out. Poor guy. One more month, and school is over.
Today is pool day, and Jake wasn't to go to Wal-Mart to return something he bought last week, and wants to go to a computer store to look at an MP3 player he saw an ad for last week. I sure hope they have some left, or he's gonna be grouchy too. And I can't handle any more grouchy. hehehe. I already filled the montly quota for our house single handedly last week - ROFL!
This WordArt suggestion came from Mary. She sent me a message on Facebook requesting it. But for some reason, my Facebook account freaked out and no longer sends notifications when things like messages come through. Good thing I've been checking it lately - hehehe. I wonder if it's ending up in my spam file? I never thought of that :)
Anyway, I thought this quote was pretty cool! I hope you do too. Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Bethany! Love the new header and background!! great WA today too=) thanks!
Thanks for the word art - and isn't it wonderful watching a child discover all those wonders?
Thank you for this wonderful wordart. Fabulous Family Photo by the way! Love it!
I love this word art, but couldn't download it. I keep getting the message that the file may be corrupted. Anyone else having trouble?
i LOVE your new header!! AND i LOVE this wordart quote! thank you so very much for sharing!! :) Have a GROUCHILESS day!! (is that even a word!?! lol)
p.s. the download worked ok for me.
Bethany, your family photo on your blog is just so beautiful! Love your wordart freebie - thanks!
Definitely an awesome quote. I love it!
Thanks for the WA. I have photos from a recent museum trip - this will be s-o-o-o perfect. Hugs!
wonderful! thanks
Love what you did with your family picture. Not bad for a "no shower" day, LOL!
Here's a quote for you to consider for a future freebie..
Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 17 Aug [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 18 Aug [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Love your new blog header! And as always, love your word art! :)
Once again you've created something just perfectly wonderful, and I'd like to say thanks so much for sharing...bright blessings!
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