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Kit by VJS - Cherry Crushed Denim
WordArt by ME!
Just so you know, my husband was less than thrilled with these pictures of himself. Personally, I thought they were hilarious! He's not one of those guys who spends every waking moment at games, but he does like the occasional round of Battlefield or Americas Army...... I do WordArt, he blows things up. Comparative, I guess.
My husband also likes to play Battlefield...I mean, "save the free world"
I think you word art is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with the world and I will bookmark it to come back
Thanks so much for all your wonderful & beautifully crafted word art. Could you please share what font you made this with? Im the gamer so I would to add an er to widow lol. Thanks again.
I love this one, I have some similar pictures of my hubby, with the desk in the closet and everything! I love all your wordart, and will hopefully be using lots of it soon!
Love this!! Maybe you should make an alternate version for all the husbands out there who are scrapbooking widowers. ;-P
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