This one is SO cool. It's a collab I did with Graham Like the Cracker (Jen). Doesn't she do FABULOUS work??? I used her kit to make a WordArt pack for me and one for her. She has another set of WordArts for sale at her store. You can click HERE to go there.

And here's my WordArt pack for sale at my store :)

Howdy hey! Well, it was a very uneventful day. Nice, but uneventful. I slept in till 8am, then got up with Jimmy. Got him some cereal (the very last of it), got Joe some oatmeal, Eme some oatmeal, myself apples and yogurt, and we all went back to my room. The kids watched some PBS cartoon, and I tired to sleep. I don't know if I actually did, but I felt better when I woke up/got out of bed around 10am. By then, the big kids were awake, and starving.
There was no cereal left, and they hate oatmeal, so they just cooked themselves eggs. I decided that it was finally the day to clean my room. It had become the dumping ground for everything. Seriously. It was trashed. I worked on it for 3 1/2 hours, and it looked much better! I hung up/put away all the clothes, put all my jewelry away, found 6 pairs of sunglasses (LOL!), filed all the bills that were sitting loose, threw away a ton of papers, re-arranged a tad bit to make stuff fit a bit better, and I even made the bed - LOL! I hate making the bed. Captain America LOVES it made. I should start making it for him. It would show him that I love him, right?
At 2:00pm, I decided it was time to Jimmy to take a nap. I'd taken away all eletronics from the kids at some point in cleaning my room. They were fighting and acting nasty to each other. I find that removing all electronics (except music) really helps. They have to interact with each other or they'll be bored. When I went in the bedroom with Jimmy, the kids were playing a board game at the table. Great summer activity. Much better than playing on the computer and watching TV.
Jimmy quickly fell asleep, and I worked on some contributions to our Monthly Megas at Scraporchard. I have September and October all done! Woohoo for being ahead of the game. I've also been listening to MUSE a lot. When I first listened to the album, I thought it was odd. But I gave it another chance yesterday, and you know what? It kinda grows on ya! One of there songs is from Twilight, and one is from Watchmen (I didn't see that one - I don't do rated R). Give them a listen if you're looking for something new. Just make sure you give it a while to sink in. It's kinda different.
Andrea's kids came over to play at some point. I was in the bedroom with Jimmy. I could hear them running through the house playing Star Wars (or war, or something). They were having SO much fun, I just ignored them. As long as they didn't break anything, I didn't care :) It was Jake, Tom, Ben, Sam, Joe, and Aiden (the kid we had the b-day party for at the pool). Poor Emeline. She was so bummed that she was the only girl. She needs a "girlfirned!"
Captain America got home at around 5pm, and wasn't in a good mood. He's tired of dealing with guys that just mess around the whole time. Playing video games on their computer when they're supposed to be studying. Making wise cracks all the time. Not taking the course seriously. And he's in charge of them. But he has no power to do anything to them. He's just leadership in names sake. Being Platoon Leader is a hard job for this class. He was a bit grouchy, but realized why.
I sent the kids home, and made dinner for the kids. We had our dinner, and the kids started playing Star Wars Life. It's a fun one. We put Jimmy to bed, and Captain America and I headed out to the mall. He needed more vitamins for the month. We walked around for a while, him choosing to go to the Sports hat store, and me going to Old Navy. We each pick a store to take the other one too. That way, we both get to look at stuff we like. I don't know - I don't find hats too exciting. He did find a St. Louis Cardinals (his favorite BaseBall team) street sign. If I had an extra $40 laying around, I'd totally buy it for him as a gift - :)
I like Old Navy much better. They were having a 50% off of clearance sale. I found a short sleeve zip up hoodie (gray with the prettiest color of blue accents), a white zip up hoodie, a blue shirt 9same color as the blue accents in the gray hoodie), and 2 pairs of flip flops (gray and brown), all for under $15.00. Not too bad. My part of the clothes allowance for the month is gone - hehehe. I thought about buying new swim shorts for the little boys ($2.50 a piece), but decided that they really didn't need them. I'd save the $5.00 for school clothes. See how responsible I can be.... sometimes - hehehe.
We came outside, and it was raining. But just lightly. And it wasn't cold. Just a nice summer shower. We drove home, and got stopped at the gate onto Post. Apparently, they do random car checks. I'd never been stopped before, but Captain America said that he had a Ft. Benning. Anyway, they get your drivers license, military id (and for the passenger too), registration, insurance, and verify it all. Then, they ask that you open up all glove boxes, compartments, hood, trunk, and all doors. We got out, and stood behind it. They checked it all out, to make sure we were safe. Looking for drug, alcohol, or weapons, I guess. They did find Captain America's "beat down stick". They asked him what it was, and he said it was a tire checker. Good thinking, honey. Well, it was a tire checker for semi's. But he doesn't drive a semi - LOL The guy said that it could be viewed as a weapon, and to keep it in the trunk. OK. Works for me :) No "beat down stick" in the car - hehehe.
We got home, put the big kids to bed, and that was the day. See how uneventful it was. All my girls were busy, and didn't play with me :( It's 10:45 right now, and I'm wondering what to do - hehehe. Captain America said I should just go to bed. What? It's WAY too early - LOL! Maybe I"ll read for a while. I'm all designed out.
Again, not a request. I know, I know, I'm getting lazy in my "old age" - hehehe. Sometimes I like to design what I like to design. That's not so wrong, right? It is a freebee, anyway - LOL! So, I LOVED this quote, and showed the finished product to Captain America, and he was like, "Yeah, it's nice, but what does it mean". I thought, well, maybe if he doesn't get it, no one else will either. I thought it meant using your imagination, and how stories come alive in your mind. I know when I get into a good book, it's SO real to me. Or even when your kids play pretend. It's "real" to them. I thought this would be good on layouts of reading or dress-up play ;) Click on the link below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)
The man who responsible for the quote was a survivor of the Holocaust... maybe that was his response to those who say it never happened?
I created last night scrap When you wish upon a star...and I couldnt find WA to it...is no where.
Can I ask you kindly create for me...pleaseeeeeeeeeeee, if is possible for you to do it.
Thank you GBU Ola
the wordart you did is AWESOME!! but when isn't it? hehe :) Thank you so very much for sharing! hope you have a FANTABULOUS weekend!
oh, yeah, I get this ! Thanks !
I dont think I have every posted on your blog to thank you for your word art. Its great. I have used a few on some of my personal pictures but not on anything for my business. You do great work. I also love reading about your days. Sometimes i feel as if Im the only one in the world that has days like most of yours.
Great wordart :) I have a layout in mind that this might just work with. Thanks!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 07 Aug [LA 07:07pm, NY 09:07pm] - 08 Aug [UK 02:07am, OZ 12:07pm] ).
Love your work, as always! Thanks so very much!
That's quite wise..AFTER you explained the reasoning behind the quote :o)
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