And, just as an update, the trip to the hospital went AWESOME yesterday. Well, besides getting lost in downtown Columbus (I missed my exit and got totally lost), but I did manage to find the place (but we were 15 minutes late :). We got right in for the echo (it was an ultrasound of the heart....who knew?), and got to watch Shrek the whole time. It's one of my kids favorite movies! They loved it. That lasted about 45 minutes. Then, we went to the lunchroom for our "picnic" lunch. Yogurt, and cheese, and rolls, and chips, and soda. The kids were in heaven. After that, we walked back to the "Family Center", a room with couches, cable, tons of games, books, toys. It was PERFECT to kill an hour and a half in! Plus, it just happened to be that on this particular day, there was a licensed Massage Therapist who was giving out chair massages at just the time I was there. So, I got a nice relaxing back massage for 15 minutes while my kids watched TV and played while supervised by the staff. How awesome is that.
Then, there was another place called the "Clubhouse" that children 3-11 could go for up to 1 1/2 hours while siblings were in the hospital. We checked in the 4 and 8 year old for the appointment, so only my daughter, myself, and the 2 year old had to go. They played nicely in the waiting room, and then my 2 year old fell asleep in the stroller for the actual doctors appointment. How perfect was that! So, thanks so much you guys for your positive thoughts! You did the trick :) hehehe.
Anyway, click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work :) Thanks you guys!!!

Sindiego Scraps - So You Want Color
WordArt by ME!
Thanks so much to Deb for sending in this fun layout! Love all the colors, and the faces are priceless! Great job :)
All products by Flergs and available from Studio Flergs at
Background paper (color altered slightly) from Dirty Papers; paint swirl (recolored) from Cool Swirls; Buckles, stud, and silver glitter from Rex & Tinkerbell kit; Glue blobs from Glue & Glitter Glue Blobs; Stitching (recolored) from Boy Stitches
except word art (recolored) from Elegant Word Art, paint stain brush from Christina Renee
Font: Pharmacy
Wow Lynn, you did an AWESOME job! I really mean it. It's one of my favorites!!! Love how the color really pops from the page!!! Awesome pictures, and great elements. and, love what you did with the wordart! fantastic :)
WordArt by ME!
Thanks so much to Deb for sending in this fun layout! Love all the colors, and the faces are priceless! Great job :)

Background paper (color altered slightly) from Dirty Papers; paint swirl (recolored) from Cool Swirls; Buckles, stud, and silver glitter from Rex & Tinkerbell kit; Glue blobs from Glue & Glitter Glue Blobs; Stitching (recolored) from Boy Stitches
except word art (recolored) from Elegant Word Art, paint stain brush from Christina Renee
Font: Pharmacy
Wow Lynn, you did an AWESOME job! I really mean it. It's one of my favorites!!! Love how the color really pops from the page!!! Awesome pictures, and great elements. and, love what you did with the wordart! fantastic :)
I just purchased your school pack but my computer can't read it in the form it is in. Is there antway to send it like the pop-ups on your blog site? My email is
Perfect for me, I am both weird and crazy! Awesome!
Bethany, what is the name of the school your kids attend "virtually". Presently, we are not in the position for me to stay-at-home, but it is a possiblilty in the next year or so and would like to home-school my daughter. So far everything I have found has been ultra-expensive.
OMGOsh, this is JUST what I need for the layout I am working on!! Love it--TFS!!
Thank you. I love this~!!!
Wonderful word art. Thank you.
Wow, I am so happy to hear that the kids actually had a fun day at the hospital - that is so uncommon. hehehe :)
Thanks for the weird - er, the wordart :)
tooo cute.. i've got the perfect pic for this one!! thanks
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