Don't forget, a different designer each day, a different offer/freebee each day. Don't miss out!!! You'll never forgive yourself if you do - LMBO!!!
So, I'm 33 today. Wow, when did I get old - hehehe. It doesn't really feel any different. I think once you turn 18-20, you don't really age in your head much after that. You always feel the same internal age. Sure, you body gets older, but your "spirit" is still the same.
And, just for today, if you use this coupon code:
you'l receive 50% off your order from my store! Isn't that fabulous??? But, it's only good for today. So don't wait :)l
I had a good day yesterday. I went to my friend, Maren's house after I got Joe on the bus, and we hung out. Her hubby had the laptop, and she wanted to check her mail and send out a few emails. I was only too happy to oblige.
At 3:00, the kids and I headed to the library for Wii play. The big kids just LOVE it. I chatted with another mom there. Nice lady. Her ex-husband is military, and she said she spent 7 (or was it 9) years as an officers wife, and LOVED it. That was very promising to hear. Sometimes I hear a lot of horror stories, and it's refreshing to hear someone who liked the lifestyle - LOL.
After the kids went to bed, my mom and I headed out to the store. It's SO nice to be able to go to the store in the evenings without the kids. I'll miss that when we move. Anway, we went to the Dollar Tree (for poster board, graham crackers, and tissue wrapping paper) and Fred Meyer (cream cheese).
I wanted to have homemade cheesecake for my party. I just LOVE cheesecake. We found a recipe on the Philidelphia Cream Cheese, and got the stuff we needed. I've never made real homemade cheesecake before, so I'm hoping it turns out ok. Kinda weird, but it wanted me to make it in a 9x13 pan. I've only seen cheesecake made in a pie pan. I'll let you know how it turns out :)
Oh yeah, I get to go watch my dad do a tree job today! I'm SO excited. He's a logger, so he's all about climbing trees, and junk. Well, sometimes he does tree jobs (cuts them down and extracts them from peoples yards) when he's not working. Well, he got a job for today. The guy who's tree it is, is working today, and Dad wants me to come with him. As a "call 911" spotter. Nice, eh? I'm there in case it all goes South, and he needs to be saved.
But, I am excited about watching it. Have you ever watched someone down a tree? It's SO THRILLING to watch. I'll see if I can find my video camera, and take a movie. What a funny way to be spending my birthday. You can tell I'm a loggers daughter - LMBO!!!
Hehehe, I have to say, I always HATED this song. We'd sing it in primary (church) to the little kids when they had a birthday. I mean, come on. If you only had ONE WISH, would you really waste it on wishing someone else a happy birthday? I rest my case - LMBO! Maybe I'm just extremely greedy. Who knows. Anyway, click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Happy - Luxury Royale JF
Birthday - Hursheys
Happy - Luxury Royale JF
Birthday - Hursheys
Happy Birthday, Bethany! I hope it's a wonderful day for you!
Happy Birthday! Have a great day with your Dad!
Being Dutch, I don't know the song, but I do like the wordart! ;) Aw, I agree it's not realistic... But is sounds nice! LOL. Luckily you made it LOOK even nicer!
Thank you!
Now I'm off to your store to browse for some goodies! :)
Have a GREAT day!
Happy Birthday Bethany :)
Hope it's a great one.
You're so young!
Happy Birthday, Bethany!
Happy Happy Birthday Bethany!!!! Hope your day is AWESOME....and may you be blessed beyond words...God Bless you dear lady, god bless you and yours today and always....Thank you for your gifts of friendship, talent, creativity and abundent selflessness!
Happy Birthday!! Hmm 33 eh? lol I barely remember that! Hope you have a wonderful day :)
PS: We used to sing a birthday song in Sunday School too. The birthday child brought however many pennies they were in age and dropped them one-by-one into this little lighted Church while we sang this song until they were done.
Dropping, dropping,
dropping, dropping.
Hear those pennies fall.
Every one for Jesus,
He shall have them all.
Happy Birthday Bethany!!! I hope you have many more!!
Have a Happy Happy Birthday. Wish I was 33 again. Oh No I don't. Have a great day.
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :D oh yes, watching someone cut down a big tree is fascinating for sure!! Thank you sooooooooo very much for sharing your AWESOME wordart!! today is my 2nd blogaversary and i am sharing a kit on my blog too! Happy Holidays! :D
I totally agree with you about the cheesecake. My birthday is monday and I am getting myself a cheesecake! Yum yum!
Happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy, happy birthday! Love dropping by your site daily.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I found myself transported back to the days of Primary when I saw your wordart...and I am singing it for you now! Here's wishing you the best day ever :)
((HUGS)) Happy Birthday to YOU!
Happy Birthday to YOU! Happy Birthday dear Bethany, Happy Birthday to YOU!!! And MANY MORE! (just in case your kids don't sing it to you!) and thanks for the special at your store, I took advantage of it!!
Happy Birthday to you!! Mine was Wednesday, it's a tough time to have a b-day. Kinda gets lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas. Have a great day!
Happy BDay!
Don't worry, 33 is nothing if the spirit stays young!
Happy Birthday Bethany! Hope your day is a great one and all your wishes come true.
BTW - 33 isn't all that bad... I turned 33 in Nov... life is still the same.
Happy Birthday Bethany! I hope you have a great day.
Happy, happy birthday to you. My husband is a retired Marine pilot. Twenty-six years of our lives together were spent in the military, and it was a very good life. We had twenty-five different addresses in those twenty-six years but enjoyed all the moves and different places we lived and friends we met. I think you will enjoy it also. At the age of 65, I find 33 very young. BUT if it bothers you at all to be getting older, I always told myself that all the birthdays I "celebrated" while I was apart from my husband didn't really count. : ) So you can scratch this one off your "aging" list. May you have a wonderful birthday and a blessed year. Thank you so much for the lovely word art you share so generously.
Very cute thank you!
Thank you so much for the wonderful WA.
Happy Birthday!! I'm LDS too so I absolutely loved the wordart and started singing along when I saw it. I loved that little touch of personality.
Bethany, this isn't the "Happy Birthday" I used, but I wanted to share the layout I made with a different word art from you. You can find the post here:
Thanks so much for the fun word art! :)
Thanks for the birthday WA! We can always find good use for them! Awesome!!
Thanks for the Birthday Word Art. It is just want I need to make a friend a birthday wish.
Thank you for the birthday art
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