This WordArt request comes from Debi. She, like myself, isn't a big animal person. She has this quote on a magnet on the refrigerator. SO FUNNY! I love it. How true it is, though. I don't know about your house, but when we have company over, my kids are out of control. It's like they've never seen another human being before, and totally and complete forget how to behave. I guess they're trying in their little way to impress them. Well, let me tell you, I'm sure they made an impression (just probably not the one we were hoping for !) Hope you all enjoy!
Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work.
Thanks Bethany!!! I LOVE what you did with the quote. It's perfect.
Yep, when all the kids were young and we had company, they would all try to out-do each other for attention. All of my kids have been in the performing arts so I can honestly say that our home was full of dramatics!!! ... company or not!
Thanks again! Love your work.
Oh...I love dogs but still this quote seems true to me! Thank you so much I love it and will print it out and hang it on our door!
This was in great! Thanks :)
I love this quote, my son teases our dog. Could you make it singular for those of us with only 1 child? Thanks so much
Thanks for the word art.
Absolutely love all of your word art!!!! Truly. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with the "less creative."
I love this. :) Can't wait to use it.
your word art is so great, and thank you so much for sharing
I love all your work thank you.
h aha ha, love it. Thank you
Hi Bethany,
I snagged a few of your images this evening. Thanks so much for sharing. You have quite a talent!
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