So, Happy St. Patrick's day!!! Are you all wearing green?? I always thought it was fun to wear green on St. Patty's day, and didn't realize until I was grown and married that people used it as a drinking holiday - ha! Who knew??? LMBO! Can you tell I'm not a drinker - LOL! Never had alcohol in my life :) Anyway, I still wear green! I have fun cooking green food, pretending that "Lenny the Leprachaun" has snuck into the house and turned things green, and pinching my kids when they don't have on their green clothes. So much fun (can you tell that it doesn't take much to keep me entertained - ROFL!!!)
Yesterday was a good first day of Spring Break. The house was relatively clean, and the kids had fun playing at home. I called my blog friend, Pat, and set up our dinner for tonight. She lives in Houston, but is visiting family in El Paso, and we're going to dinner! I'm SO excited :) Anyone else wanna come to El Paso and go to dinner with me??? Seriously, if you're in the area, look me up :) Can't wait to meet you, Pat! We should have fun :) And get this. Her daughter is friends with a girl on my CT, Trina. What a small world!!!
After lunch yesterday, the kids and I loaded up in the truck and headed to post. We met Captain America at the ADA (Air Defense Artillery) Museum, since the big kids hadn't been there yet. Jim, of course, fell asleep in the truck. I carried him in, still sleeping, and we walked around for about 5 minutes looking for Captain America. OMGosh, that kid is a pile of BRICKS! I finally had to find and chair, and sit and wait for Captain America. My arm is still recovering today - LOL! When Captain America caught up with us, we decided to wake Jim up. We walked around for about and hour, and saw all the cool army stuff. The boys were REALLY impressed. They recognized a lot of vehicles/guns/stuff from their "Battlefield" game. Captain America knew the most. He was like our own personal tour guide. It was pretty neat. I took a TON of pictures, but they'll have to wait for tomorrow, I think.
After the museum, Joe and Jim and I headed off to the doctors office. They have walk-in immunizations, and Joe needed his 2nd dose of something, and Jim needed his 1st dose of the same. They were SUPER fast, and we were in and out in less than 30 minutes. Jimmy was screaming before his thigh was even exposed - hehehe. Poor little thing. I think the idea was worse than the actual shot. Joe was tough, and just made an "OOOUCH" face, and sucked it up. What a little trooper.
After the clinic, we headed over to the PX. We had dinner there. Captain America and I got a salad, and the kids got Taco Bell. It's great when you can feed 5 kids for $10 bucks, and everyone gets full. We just LOVE those Cheese, Beefy Burriots. I think that's what they're called. They're only $0.89. And they have some nice looking nachos for $0.89 too. I got 10 burritos, and 2 nachos for the kids. We had leftovers, even. Lunch for today - hehehe. That's even cheaper than McDonalds. See, I told you I'm easy to please. I was SO excited to have only spent $10. I'm such a dork :)
We were running low on apples (Captain America and I eat 3 a day for our diet, and it's my favorite part of my menu - hehehe - can't run out of apples!!!), so after dinner, we headed over to the commisary. I got apples, crackers, some salad, ground turkey, mini marshmellows (oh yeah, those aren't for me - LOL), bread, milk, muffin mix, soda (yeah, that one is for me - ha!), FF plain yogurt, and some spices. And I did the self-check out again. Man, I think I would have nightmares if I worked the self-service stations. "Please return the item to the bagging area". "The item's weight does not match the item" or something like that - seriously, the stuff of nightmares. I don't know how those workers sleep at night - LMBO! The things I do to save a few bucks - hehehe.
We came home, put away the groceries, and had a little Family Home Evening. We talked about "Honoring your father and mother", and talked about how to be respectful. It's imporant, and a lesson that needed brought back up again :) I think it was well recieved.
After we put the little kids to bed, the big kids and Captain America and I played 5 rounds of Batman Uno. OMGosh, we were in tears by the time we were done. Captain America kept talking like Batman (Christian Bale, you know, with that growly voice), commenting on how was getting the draw 4's and draw 2's, and on who was in the lead. TOO funny. I thought Jacob was gonna wet himself he laughed so hard. It was a fun time. I came in last place, almost 250 points behind the next person. Oh well, I was having fun watching the kids interact with their daddy. Tom won, although until the last hand, Eme was in first place. We'll definitely have to play that game again :)
So, enough about my FUN and EXCITING day (hehehehehe), on to WordArt. I have a special treat for you guys today!!!
Well, what do you think??? I've made a little mini kit for you guys - hehehe. Can you tell that I have no idea what I'm doing :) LMBO!! Hopefully it's OK. It has 2 papers, 4 elements, and 2 WordArts. Enjoy!!!

It's so cute sweetie! Love the flair :)
oh i love your kit! too cute!
sounds to me like you have a FUN St. Paddy's day!! :) I LOVE your mini kit and thank you so much for sharing! Have a GREAT day!
Thank you for the cute goodies!
It's beautiful! Looks to me like you know exactly what you're doing :-)
Karen from Moscow
Thank you so much! You crack me up! I love reading your blog! You are sooooo much like me, it's rediculous! I know I should be leaving more comments, but I always think, "Who is going to want to read what I have to say about what I have read...." lol!
Anyway, I think you're a gem and I love reading your posts!
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Glad I am not near you, or I'd be pinched! I know, I am bad...oh, nevermind, I just saw that I have one speck of green on. I am wearing this lighthouse shirt (you know comfy clothes) and there is just a small speck of grass showing next to a rock. So I am all good. I've got my green! woot woot!
Thanks for the kit, I think it's wonderful and you are sooo sweet to offer it to all of us!
I LOOOOOOVED your part of the Scrap Orchard Blog Train. Fabulous wordart as usual!
Until next time...
Bethany, This is a SUPER CUTE little kit. You are always so generous and fantastically talented! TFS
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the St. Patrick's Day Theme post on Mar. 17, 2009. Thanks again.
Love the colors. They are so rich and full - they almost glow. And the 2 word arts are marvelous. I thought you said you don't know what you're doing. It all looks fantastic to me. Thank you so much for sharing!
I've been following your blog every now and then, starting back when you talked about your husband joining the Army just shortly after mine did. Imagine my surprise when I just read that you're moving down to my neck of the woods! We're also stationed at Fort Bliss, although he's with the First Armored rather than ADA. Thought I'd point out the nice little coincidence, have fun coming down this way!
LOL come to think of it, now that I read your entry a little closer, I probably passed right by you at the commissary or PX, I made an afternoon trip there myself. Small world, huh?
Lovely, thanks so much !
Thanks for your blogtrain freebie ! Read the entire post, can only say you had a wonderful day LOL
A little late but I finally got to do a layout with the kit!
Thank you so much for this kit, just what I need. You are very generous to share as you do.
Jen x
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