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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Facebook Addict

Hey all! How is your week so far?? Monday was ok?? Sure hope so! We started out our day with a trip to good old Wal-Mart! Jacob and I needed contacts, and Tom needed glasses. I had about $250 to work with, and I ended up under budget! Tom picked out nice $10.00 frames (gotta love that!), and the lenses were $29, so a complete pair of glasses for $39 isn't bad! I ended up getting him 2 pairs. Jacobs contacts they had in stock, but of course, since I'm blind as a bat, mine they had to order - hehehe. They should be in in a week or so.

After Wal-Mart, we hurried home and got ready for the pool. We were about 15 or 20 mintues late, but it was ok, because Katy was running late too. I just love it when a plan comes together - hehehe.

For being a Monday, the pool was unusually busy. Some Army dudes (as Jimmy likes to call them) in PT (physical training - exercise) clothes showed up shortly after we got there. They were EVERYWHERE. Come on, boys. What do you think this is, an ARMY pool or something. We're trying to swim here! LOL!

The girls and I had a ton of fun "exercising". We spent most of our time in the deep end of the shallow part, hopping. My legs are gonna be sore today, I bet! But it was a very nice low impact exercise. I think our legs were in motion for about an hour.

So when I finally got out of the pool, and not by choice, I might add, we found some army guys in life jackets. What the heck??? It was SO funny. I think they may have been non-swimmers. I don't know why we found it so hilarious that the big tough army dudes were wearing a little kid life jacket. hehehe. It's the same jackets that Jim and Joe wear, by the way. The SAME exact ones - Ha!

Here's Jake, and the little one in the background is Jimmy..... Hmmmm, Jimmy. He's the reason I had to leave the pool. Apparently, he was pushing/hitting/wacking (take your pick) the kids in the baby pool. I made him sit with me on the bench until we left. I don't think he'll be hitting anymore. Sitting on the bench with mommy isn't so fun.

And here's our pool group. Minus me, who's taking the picture. Helen is in the back, and then there's Emily, Eric, and Katy. We had a TON of fun at the pool. Especially making fun of the hairy guy - LOL! Rug man - hehehe.

I got home a little after 3pm, and cleaned up my room. I had a MASSIVE pile of laundry in the closet (all clean) and needed to put them away. Jimmy was supposed to be cleaning his room, but of course, he fell asleep. Do your kids do that? Fall alseep on purpose (well, I think it's on purpose) when they're supposed to be cleaning their rooms?? I guess he'll have to clean it today.

My intent was to take a nap, but I never did get around to it. It was soon 5pm, and I had to go and make dinner. The kids had beef stew (from a can) with a piece of bread and butter. We had Family Home Evening at 6:45pm ish. Jacob taught the lesson (Joseph Smith story), Tom did the game (Batman Uno), Eme and I picked the songs, Jim and Joe said the prayers, Captain America read a scripture, and Eme and I did the refreshments (peanut butter cookies0. It was a fun evening. AND, I won the Uno game. What could be better - LOL!

The little kids were in bed by 8pm, and the big kids were watching a movie in their room, and Captain America was talking to his dad on the phone, so I decided to go and hang out with Katy. We decided to watcht the final 2 episodes of Harpers Island. It was a fun time.

After that, we signed her up for a blog, and I helped her get the basics down. TOO much fun :) I was home by 12:30am, and started blogging/designing. Well, I guess from 8-8:45pm, before I went to Katy's, I did some designing for my WordArt packs. In fact, I need your help with one of them.

This WordArt pack is coming out on Friday, and I need to decide what to name it. I have until I go to bed on Wednesday night to get it all zipped up and in my store. You know me, I like my WordArt packs to have simple names. Like "Friendship" or "Cousins" or "Birthday". Simple, one word titles. Sometimes two. SO, if you come up with a name that I like and that fits with this Wordart pack and I choose it for the title, I'll send it to ya for free. But be sure to leave your email address in the comment, so I have a way to get ahold of you. I can still use the fabulous name, of course, but you'd be out your prize - LOL!

This WordArt request is from Mary Anne. I thought it was too funny, yet sadly true in my case. I will freely admit that I farmed yesterday. And my field is MASSIVE. I update my statue when I'm out and about on my phone. I communicate with my friends on Facebook sometimes more than I call them. hehehe. Facebook is the lazy mans way of being a friend. ROFL!!! Well, this Wordart is for all of you who feel you spend WAY too much time on Facebook. Take a pic of yourself, and make a layout. Therapy, right???

Click on the line below to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leaves ome love if you like my work. Thanks!



Lorraine scrapmemories at comcast.net said...

the first thought that popped in my head when I saw the set was


I'm in too much of a hurry to see if you have already used it

Shauna said...

my thought was Serendipity, which is finding value in things not sought and I think that covers that package.

my email is shauna1960@gmail.com

Sherrie said...

No name for your WA but wanted to say as soon as you said you "farmed".....omg I am so addicted to FT. And I do need a neighbor . . ...lol

Anonymous said...

Keeping it simple with



Rubypat said...

How about "Live2Love" for your Word Art?

jmutchler said...

Doubt if I'll win, but how about "Sentimentals"...

my email is jmutch@tampabay.rr.com

I just love following your blog...and LOVE your wordart. Keep up the good work.

sdwrdt said...

My first thought is: "Life's necessities"

email sdwrdt (at) juno (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 14 post on Jul. 21, 2009. Thanks again.

Denise said...

I just signed up for FB in the last week and I already spend way too much time there! LOL So I may be needing that word art SOON!

Lisa Kind said...

Oh this is cute! My FB addicted friends (not me!) will love this! TFS!

Anonymous said...

With a little play on words and the fact that there are 4 wordarts , How about Passionate Four?

My email is kimscrapping@gmail.com

Mari said...

Precious Life?

lovely1m @ yahoo dot com

nicole said...

I thought just keep it simple with



Missy's Moments said...

Hi, My name is Missy and I am an addict....Facebook Addict! LOVE it!

Name for word art....Loving Life!

Anonymous said...

I think that youare great. I Love your work.
My rthought for the pack, is "Loveley Moments"

Corynn said...

I like what jmuchler said. That is what it would be called in paper scrapping!

"Simple Sentiments" or just "Sentiments"

Since they are just like general good go-to sayings!

Love Facebook! I don't think I have added you though...

Anonymous said...

My first thought was Moments, but I saw that someone alread posted that. What about "shared moments"


Mary Ann said...

I thought maybe Life Recipes or Recipes for Life. There are some other good suggestions in the comments as well. Thank you for all your word art you have a great talent for it.

Mary Ann

Allison said...

How about "Treasured Moments" or "Simple Moments" or "Sweet Sentiments"?

My email is: asbdesigns@gmail.com

Love your art, girl! You are GOOD! :-)

amsangel said...

I like Moments too, but I submit "Carpe Diem" (seize the day) - I think it fits all the WA's in the pack.

mr siems (at) g mail
I should be in your book already ;)

Crystal Howser said...

I was thinking Moments at first but then I thought how about:
Life's Treasures or Pure Joy


xashee's corner said...

LOVE the wordarts (today & yesterday's too!) but i REALLY LOVE the family photos! what FUN that second one is (from yesterday's post!)
thank you so much for sharing ALLLL that you do! i really enjoy you & your family! :D
Have a GREAT day!!

Melinda AKA medialady said...

I love reading your blog daily! Thanks for all the beautiful wordart.
How do you like the name "Life's Expressions"?
Thanks again!

Unknown said...

Love your WA for today, perfect for us FB addicted, lol.

How about "Treasure Moments" for your Word pak name.

True fan of WA by Bethany!


Cathy (britnkaysmemaw2)

Sarah Barton said...

Moments to Remember


Anonymous said...

Bethany, just love your work! How about Inspired Thoughts or Life's Inspiration for your new pack?


Unknown said...

Lovely wordart! Ummm, I saw some good names already, but I'll go ahead anyway, LOL, hopefully this hasn't been listed yet, but how about 'Love's Moments' ??

Love your work, Hun, and uh, no, I'm not addicted to FB...lmbo


Jen said...

'Sweet Tidbits'!


Sharon-shutterbug said...

How about "Circle of Love"?

And no, I'm not a FB addict - I only check in about 20-30 times per day. OK, maybe 50. Hmmm . . . it would be interesting to actually keep count . . .

Thanks as usual for the WA!

sorzy (at) wideopenwest.com

Anonymous said...

For your WA pack, how about "Miss Allaneous"? Hee Hee, just kidding. Seriously, "Miscellaneous Moments" would be cute.


Love your blog, I've hit my year anniversary for following your blog. Yea for me!

Tanya said...

my first thought was Love & Life.


Carina said...

Soulful Living


Mendy said...

How about Sentiments. The definition of sentiments is tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion. Looks like what you did. I love them all. : ) livingmydash@gmail.com


Bec said...

How about 'expressions'. beccah59@hotmail.com

Sharon Kay said...

I must admit...never even seen a face book ... I have heard how you can lose hours and hours on it... and personally I'm BEHIND on my scrapbooks so I don't need anything else to distract me. hee hee how about a "Don't distract me...I'm making memories"...lol

1. My moments
2. Simple moments
3. Shared moments
4. Precious moments
...think I'm hooked on moments...

skmehl at yahoo dot com

Sharon Kay

Anonymous said...

thanks, Teresa

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 21 Jul [LA 07:43pm, NY 09:43pm] - 22 Jul [UK 02:43am, OZ 12:43pm] ).

Anonymous said...

haha the FB freebie is perfect for me! thanks!

Kali said...

omg facebook and that farming!! LOL. Sherrie don't forget about Farmville LOL. i do that and FT yikes. the word art today is way too true, sadly. as busy as you are bethany i'm surprised you have time for it.


I'm a newbie at FB and getting to be addicted (lol). I still have no time with farming:(

Tammy D said...

I've been rummaging through your blog today as I'm a lovely victim of the H1N1 thing. Anyway your stuff is amazing. Thanks for sharing. I have to say it took me about 2 seconds to by your cousins files. My kids and their cousins are so close. Anyway, I love you Facebook Addict. My son got me to sign up when he went to college. He loves the videos of home I send him. And we can have a conversation that last a day sometimes 2, but I can talk when it's normal people hours and he can talk in college hours. LOL He got engaged last week, so I'll be having 3 ways conversations while the wedding gets planned.