Wednesday night, we heard that a storm was on it's way. Expect over 12 inches of snow. Yeah, right, I thought. In Southern Ohio? Maybe in Chicago, but not here. Well, school was dismissed early on Friday (except my poor kids, who felt cheated since they're homeschooled) , and my poor husband barely made it home, through all the snow. 4 inches Friday during the day, then a lull, then it started again. It snowed on and off all night long, then it's back at it again today. Yeah, I'd say we have about 12 inches.
Southern Ohio isn't really prepared for weather like this (unlike Chicago, which never cancelled a day of school the whole time we were there, and we got TONS more snow that this). They even cancelled CHURCH! That never happens :)
We had a TON of fun playing in the snow this morning. We even made a Jaba the Hut snowman. He's even GREEN! So cool. I'll post pictures later!
This WordArt suggestion came from Geezee, who liked the Attitude is Everything, and wanted to also see Timing is Everything. So true, so true! Hope you like it!
Click on the image below to download, and leave some love if you like my work! Thanks :)

Thank you so much. You definitely got it just right. Thanks again. I love your Word Art.
what a pity you don't mention anymore the fonts you are using , this was just so useful for a lot of us :-)
Thank you so much for sharing and motivating for us to do something Creative like PHP Training in Chandigarh
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