I think I need a slight attitude adjustment today :) Today has been a busy and stressful day, but we've managed to have fun most of it. With our house being on the market in Chicagoland for 8 months now (no nibbles) and us living in Ohio, finances are tight. Thankfully our church has been helping out. We went to get some help with food today, and it was 1 1/2 hour drive one way. We stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home to do the rest of our shopping, then stopped to vote (have you ever taken 5 kids to vote before? No, you should try it sometime :).
It doesn't sound like that much, but we left at 9am, and just got back. It's now 3pm. We have our Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet tonight that I need to make food for (5:30pm), and I'm a little frazzled. My husband in in Arizona at a conference till Wednesday, and it's never fun to be home alone with 5 kids. (Needless to say, we didn't have school today - we'll do it on Saturday, I guess).
But looking back, the kids did very well on the trip. We have food. We have a place to live. My husband has a job. We have friends. We have family. We love each other. All is well. Really, attitude is everything!
Click on the WordArt below to download, and leave a quick note if you like my work. Here are 2 different choices (I think I like the top one best )

Sorry there are no layouts today. Re-read the above text if you need further explanations :)
Just love it thank you for sharing with us.
Fabulous! Thank You So Very Much!
Huggles, Faerie
Tried to download the wordart attitude is everything, but it says the link is broke.
thank you.Sue
Thank you I love your work.
Thanks for the great word art...
Thanks again Bethany. Gorgeous family photo.
thanks :)
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