OK, another really quick post. I'm making this freebee for you at 1:45 am EST on Thursday night, and the silly internet at the hotel is SNAIL speed. Goodness. I'd planned on putting on pictures, but they're not uploading, so you'll have to wait till I get back to Oregon (sorry mom!). They actually turned out fairly well, despite camera issues.
Ha! I came back and tried again, and actually got a few to post. I do have video of him graduating, and of him taking his oath, but that will have to be a project for another day :) Here's a picture of him, after graduation, infront of the Officer Candidates School arch. Isn't he cute!

And here I am, pinning the bar on his uniform. After they're commissioned, and graduated, they have someone pin their 1st Lt bar on their uniform. Originally, his dad was gonna do one shoulder and I was gonna do the other shoulder, but since his parents coudln't make it, I got to do both shoulders. We had a friend take a few pics of us pinning on the rank.
Graduation went AWESOME, and my hubby is now a commissioned officer in the United States Army. He's a new 2nd Lieutenant, low man on the totem pole in Officer land, but IN officer land, none the less - hehehe. I think they decided that they now outranked 74% of all soldiers in the army. Hehehehe.
Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Felix Titling
StephanieMarie JF
Underwood Champion
Ha! I came back and tried again, and actually got a few to post. I do have video of him graduating, and of him taking his oath, but that will have to be a project for another day :) Here's a picture of him, after graduation, infront of the Officer Candidates School arch. Isn't he cute!
And here I am, pinning the bar on his uniform. After they're commissioned, and graduated, they have someone pin their 1st Lt bar on their uniform. Originally, his dad was gonna do one shoulder and I was gonna do the other shoulder, but since his parents coudln't make it, I got to do both shoulders. We had a friend take a few pics of us pinning on the rank.
Click on the image below to go to my box.net account to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work.

Felix Titling
StephanieMarie JF
Underwood Champion
It's the wrong link?? or am I nutty!?
Right link for me.
Once again congratulations this time to both of you. It has been a long hard road but you all survived (including the kids LOL).
The best to you all in your new home in Texas
Just wanted to say congratulations. I'll be in Georgia next month myself but then that is where I am originally from. Thanks !
>>piasportal: When I clicked on the image from my e-mail newsletter I got the previous post (which was GREAT for me since I didn't have it), but when I came to the site and tried "Congratulations" again it gave me the correct link. :)
And btw, CONGRATULATIONS on getting through OCS!!! No small task on anyone's part (and I'm including you in this too, Bethany ;)! You guys look great in the pics and that's so awesome that's he's now "official." It won't take him long at all to move up the ranks - from what you've said about him he sounds like just the type of person the Army needs - someone with character, compassion, intelligence, dedication, and motivation. Anyhoo, congrats all around and thanks for doing some great wa for us, too! Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Congratulations to your DS! And thank you for the awesome wordart!
Congrats to you both! And thank you for the "fantastic" wordart LOL
Congratulations!! How proud of your hubby you must be. Love the pics.
And thanks for the wordart!
big CONGRATS!! You must be soo proud!! WONDERFUL photos!!! Thank you so much for sharing your AWESOME wordart too!! Hope you have a TERRIFFIC weekend! :D
Congrats to your hubby and thanks for the great word art.
Congrats Brent!!!! Way to go... you must be so proud of your Hubby!
Congratulations! What a proud moment! Thanks for the wordart.
Congratulations to both of you!
Congratulations! It was a tough road but the rest isnt as bad. great pictures and the word art is so perfect.
Thanks, and congrats! Y'all look so happy.
Congratulations!!! Thank you for your sacrifices and hard work!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Jan [LA 09:00pm] - 10 Jan [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).
WOOOHOOO!!! CONGRATS & a great BIG THANKS for always leaving us a goodie! You are the BEST!!
Your wordart is truly fitting for the outstanding news you shared about Brent...Congratulations is right! It is truly an accompishment for your whole family to be so proud of. No amount of thanks can be enough for the men and women who wear the uniform for this great country.
Thank you for this wonderful gift too...and sharing your photos. Your hubby is definitely a "hottie" and you look just beautiful!
Thank you, love this word art and congratulations to your hubby!!
Congrats!!! He looks so handsome in that uniform! Good luck on your "new adventure" and thanks for the wonderful wordart!! :)
love your stuff! congratulations!
Only the best to you and yours. Army Proud
From one military wife to another I want to thank you for letting us all see the sacrifices that are made, not just by the service member, but by the spouses, children, grandparents and other extended family members, when one chooses to serve his or her country.I am so proud of your husband and I know he must be proud of his family. Thank you all for serving our country!
Congrats to him-I love your word art and keeping up with your blog.
Wasn't sure about the "outranking 74% of the army" comment. Is it because he's coming in outranking the enlisted guys? My husband is enlisted and just hit year 14 in the Air Force. You'll love military life!
Yeah, officers outrank enlisted, so because 74% of the army is enlisted, he would outrank them. Not that that really matters - LOL! Someone had told us that the other day, and I thought it was an interesting statistic. :)
That's what I thought you meant. lol As long as he isn't disrespectful to enlisted because of that. You see a lot of that-pretty sad!
Thank you and your entire family for your sacrifice and hard work. Thanks for finding time for us to share your talent. Congrats to all of you.
congrats and thanks for the wordart
Thank you for all the lovely wordart you share. I really needed a graduation/ congratulation sentiment and yours really saved the day. Thanks!
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