It took a while to track down all of the teachers/classrooms, but by 8:15, we were headed off to the middle school. Lucikly, they're right next to each other. It was a pain to get Jacob registered. Back and forth and back and forth from one office to the next. AND, he needed a Counselor to set up his schedule, and they were both gone for the day. By 8;45, I had to get back to the house for the movers, but luckily they were almost done processing Jacob. I left him there, at the office, and headed for home. Jimmy had definitely had enough of registering kids at school. There's only so much FUN a 3 year old can handle.
Woohoo!!! I've got all my stuff back :) Granted, it's all in boxes, but, IT'S BACK!!! The movers got here yesterday at about 9:45. They worked fast and furiously all day, and were done by around 2pm. Not bad for a day of work. All my stuff, unloaded to the correct rooms. And I didn't even have to do anything. Just direct where to put the boxes. Nice. I could get used to this! I still remember moves past, having to carry something WAY too heavy for me (like helping Captain America carry the washing machine, or a lawn mower, or an eliptical), and breaking down in tears, because it was WAY too heavy for me. Ha! None of that THIS time! Thank you, Army movers! You're my NEW heroes!!!
Here's a pic of my dining room. See the hutch on the far wall, and all of my bookshelves. And my big table with chairs. I love my books, and can't wait to get them all out on the shelves :)
And here's my living room. We got the couches arranged, and the TV hooked up. I know, we watch too much TV. Everyone has their "thing" they struggle with. I guess one of mine is too much TV :) Still, better than some things.....
After the movers left, Jimmy and I headed out to pick up the kids from school. I figured that, rather than drive an get them, I should walk there, and show them how to walk home. That's old saying "give a man a fish and feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime". Well, I'm teaching my kids to fish. Plus, I don't wanna have to come and pick them up each day, when it's really not that far to walk. It'll take them about 15-20 minutes. At their pace. I could do it in 8-10. But then, I'm not a kindergartener. hehehe.
So I picked up Joe, and Jake met up with me at the Elementary school too. He decided he didn't really know where we lived, and knew I'd be at the little kids school to get them. We went to find Eme, and Tom was with her. Eme's teacher showed us where the gate was to get back onto post. Behind the school, the fence of the school borders post. The MP's open the gate before/after school, so the kids can get in, and don't have to walk on the road. I showed them where to meet each other, and where exactly to go. Today after school, I'm gonna meet them at the gate, just to be sure they know what they're doing. Then, tomorrow, they're on their own. hehehe.
After school, we headed out to Wal-Mart. We were out of food, and needed some school supplies (luckily, not too many - just some crayons, glue, and a locker lock). We got some apples, some cheese, some veggies, some bread, some cereal, and some milk. That should get us through for a while. Payday is on Wednesday, and I"ll make up a better menu then.
Since it was 4:30, and we were TOTALLY out of food at the house, and by the time I bought something, brought it home, and cooked it, it would be WAY too late for dinner, we ate at McDonalds. I hate doing that. But, such is life when you move. Here are a few pics from dinner.
This one is HILARIOUS! But you've gotta know the backstory. So, we're at McDonalds inside of Wal-Mart, and the table only seats 4 people. Well, we have 6. So, Jimmy and Joe get to sit inside the shopping cart (did you know people in the south East call them Buggies??? Weird, eh?) to eat their meal. I ordered the food, and we waited. It took about 5 minutes for the order to be ready (slow, for McDonlads), and Jimmy was STARVING. At one point, I look over, and his poor little darling face is cradled in his hands, and his little eyes look up at me, and she says "I give up". Poor thing! I just HAD to snap a picture. He was SO done waiting for his food. And, he ate ALL of his fries, his burger, and his milk. Usually he just plays with it, so I knew that he was really hungry.
When we got back home, I unpacked a few boxes, but frankly, I was exhausted. Watching the movers move things around really wore me out - LOL! No, but I think that the trip to Wal-Mart did. The kids argued and fought the WHOLE time. Even the ones that are typically well behaved. Not the best of Wal-Mart trips. Oh well. Next time, I'm going when I only have 1 kid with me.
OK, first off, get your mind out of the gutter (ROFL!!!!). Get lucky, as in, I'm lucky to have you. Not the other thing......geesh! This is SO a PG blog - LOL! What kinda girl do you think I am??? Just because I'm in love with Edward (and maybe the Doctor (Dr Who)), and married, um, yeah. Well, back to this request - hehehe. This request is from Amy, in Southern Ohio. Who, by the way, lives right oustide the town that I lived when we lived in Ohio in 2008. Small world, eh? We TOTALLY could have seen each other at Wal-Mart and never even known (see, I manage to work-in Wal-Mart ALL the time)
Click on the links below to go to my accounts to download the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :)

Get - Hursheys
Lucky - AL Afternoon Delight
Get - Hursheys
Lucky - AL Afternoon Delight
WOW! you got alot of setting up and unpacking done!! you GO girl! :) Thank you for sharing your WONDERFUL wa! Have a FANTASTIC day! :)
ty, found you through EilaJean's place. Thanks for sharing. Nancy
Yep, we call them buggies. IDK why though. Thanks for the quote! I love a good George Jones quote! :)
Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Uncategorized post on Apr. 14, 2009. Thanks again.
Oh ... been there done that helping my kids move. Love it when they call the movers now! And yes, when DD moved to AL a couple of years ago we noticed the "buggy" thing rather than the shopping cart too.
Love the word art you share. Thanks!
Yeah!!! Love it! Thanks so much!
I leave for a week, and your'e talking about Edward, and Dr. Who and such & your post says 'Get Lucky'...I see how it is! :)
Love you and miss you Sweetie rock!!!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 14 Apr [LA 07:00pm, NY 09:00pm] - 15 Apr [UK 02:00am, OZ 12:00pm] ).
Wow, I'm pretty sure that's my dining room set! heehee. Thanks for the freebie. Enjoyed your blog today as always. :)
Yay! You have your stuff! Must feel great. :-)
Ugh, I know all about the Wal*Mart trips with 5 kiddos -- I feel your pain.
Thanks for the word art!
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