It's like sometimes, I just wait for the next "disaster" to happen. First the couches. Now the beds. We're washing ALL the fabric stuff that was in the garage in Ohio. I've already done about 15 loads of laundry, and I've just scrapped the surface. It's almost as bad as getting rid of lice. Almost. OK, so it's not as bad as lice. Have you ever had to deal with that? Now that's NO fun at all.
When we first moved to Chicago, back in August of 2004, we stayed at Boy Scout camp for 3 weeks until we closed on our house. Little did we know, but the couch that was in the cabin had lice. We realized we had it a few days later. We shaved the boys' heads, but Eme and I were a little harder to fix. We both got a "shorter than usual" hair cut, and several treatments of lice shampoo. But it was the washing of ALL the laundry, serveral times that was the hard part. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It makes me itch all over just thinking about it.
Church was good today. We heard talks about missionary work, and heard from a young man getting ready to go on him mission. In our church, young men, age 19, are expected to serve a 2 year mission. They and their families finance the mission, and they don't get to pick where they go. So, it's always exciting to get the letter in the mail, telling where they will serve their mission. Anyway, it was the first time that I'd heard the words "Freakin' awesome, radical, and rad" from the pulpit - LMBO! He's just young, and seems to be a GREAT kid. He'll mature in the mission field. :) (Don't I sound old - LOL)
We got a little more organized today. I didn't want to do too much, since it IS the Sabbath. Mostly just laundry. And I swept the floor and picked up the living room/kitchen. Captain America organized the garage for a while. Moved some of the heavy stuff around so that there was at least a walkway through all the boxes. But downstairs looks a lot better. Just trust me on this one - LOL!
Oh yeah, I wanted to show you my new comforter set. My last one molded. Nice, eh? But, I do LOVE this one so much more than the old one. Besides being EXTREMELY expensive, this mold thing is getting me lost of new stuff - LOL! And, guess where I bought my "bed in a bag"??? Where else? Walmart! It came with fitted and flat sheet, 2 pillowcase, 2 shams, bed skirt, comfortor, and 4 decorative pillows. All for $99. Not bad, eh?

OK, one more thing (Ha! I sound like the Grandpa on those Jackie Chan cartoons), while I have you here. I just wanted to show you Jake, Tom, and Eme's Valentines for this year. Aren't they fun?

Tom wants me to go back and edit his a little bit. I had the batman mask on him a first, and he made me put his whole face on there. But it looks silly, and he's just now realizing it. So, I'll be fiddling with it a little bit more tomorrow.

And Emelines. I think I'd lost my "mojo" by the time I got to her. Maybe when I'm fixing Tom's I'll go back and fiddle with her's too. We'll see. I still have to do Joe and Jim's too. I'd better hurry. They're Valentine's parties are on Friday :)
It's time for another WordArt Collab!!! Woohoo!!! Holley of Scrap By Color has a new Kit out, called "Family Tree" kit. Isn't it FANTASTIC???!!! I thought that some nice family history-ish quotes would be PERFECT for it :)

And here's the other one. Click HERE to go to my account to download the PNG file, and leave me some love if you like my work :) Thanks, you guys!!! Oh yeah, if you DONT want the version with the shadow, click HERE to get it :)
geeee,.. what fun to get everything replaced and new for the new house ... its like remodeling your life LMBO
I had a way bigger problem years ago. I lived with my boyfriend in the USA for several month, and while that I had moved out my apartment and stored all my furniture and everything in my parents garage.. it was a DRY Garage, but non the less, when I came back I lived with them for 2 month till I found another apartment, and guess what?
All my furniture got bad! All the wooden wardrobes were - what we call thrown up- you could not set them back together, because they were all bent... sigh a whole furniture set of bedroom, kids room kitchen and livingroom!! THAT WAS HARD!
Like your comforterset very much ..uhmmm.. acutaly love it!
your new bed in a bag is a BEAUTY! it may be necessary to get new stuff but it sure is FUN! and so are your wordarts!! Thank you so much for sharing! hope you have a GREAT day! :D
ah! I love love love the new bedspread (where was that when Iw as looking for one last year???) and the valentines are SO CUTE! What a great idea!!! Sorry about all the mold, though, dang, that sucks!
I love your new comforter set, and just so you know I ALWAYS get my bed-in-a-bags from Wal-Mart too! They're much cheaper than elsewhere and they're cute too!
Thanks for the wonderful Word Art. Your new comforter set is gorgeous!
I've been enjoying your word art for a while now, but this is my first comment. I absolutely love this quote!!! My daughter memorized this poem for school, and used it for part of her knowledge project for personal progress and YWIE. We'll be using this on a scrapbook page with her YWIE stuff. If you ever have time, I'd love to see you do the final stanza of the poem, because that's our favorite part (it reminds me and my daughter that we must be constantly progressing.)
Thanks again!!!
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 09 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 10 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
I love your work!!! Thanks for sharing.
Wonderful! Thank you!
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