When it was over, I was having connectivity issues too. Sigh. So, sorry the WordArt is late. At least it's Saturday, and most of you are sleeping in - hehehe. Not sure what the internet issues were all about. We just upgraded from the lowest tier to the 3rd tier. Or something like that. Before we were getting 1 um something a month, and now we are getting 7. Whatever. My internet is faster today. I guess that's all that's important.
Well, I was SUPER productive yesterday. I did a butt-load of laundry, and folded it, and put it away. I helped Jacob and Tom clean their rooms, and showed them how it should look when I ask them to clean their rooms. I cleared off the kitchen table (it had become a dumping ground - LOL!) so we were able to sit as a family and have dinner last night. That was nice. I helped Jimmy organize the toys in the backyard. I made up a chore chart for the kids. I did a lot of dishes. My house is closer to being organized - Woohoo!!!
Today, we're going to see my oldest play in a Solo Concert. When we lived in Joliet (near Chicago), he was learning the Cello in 4th grade orchestra. They didn't have it in Ohio for 5th grade, and not in Florence for 6th grade. But they have it here! He rented an instrument from school, and is really enjoying playing again. He's supposed to be at the school at 10:45 am to catch the bus, and they're heading out on a 30 minutes drive to get to the middle school where the contest is. At 1pm, his class plays. He's playing Ode To Joy. Hopefully the family will get to go (yeah, not sure about taking 4 little ones to a solo contest - LOL), and I'll be able to tape it. GOOD JOB, JACOB!!!
Stake Conference is this weekend. In our church, we're grouped into Wards (300-500 people), Stakes (5-10 wards), Areas (not sure how big these are), Continents (maybe???), and then they're just the whole church. Anyway, we're having a meeting of all the people in the Stake. We do this twice a year, and we get to hear from the leadership of the stake. I enjoy it. They have leadership meetings on the Saturday before, and an Adult (grown-up) session at 7pm. We haven't been in YEARS together for lack of babysitter. BUT, now that we have a built in babysitter, it's DATE NIGHT at Stake Conference - Wooohoo!!! Sunday we have a 2 hour meeting from 10-12. It's a little tricky keeping kid quiet and occupied that long, but hey, it's only twice a year. It's good for 'em - hehehe.
We were supposed to have a Civil War Reenactment next weekend, but we found out yesterday that it was changed to THIS weekend. Sigh. It would have been fun to go to, but not on 20 minutes notice. I don't now when the next one is.... This was the closest one to us (3 hours away). Texas is a CRAZY big state, so there's a lot of driving. Oh yeah, for you girls who are new, my family are Civil War Reenactors. When we get around to setting up the tents to air them out, I'll take pictures. Our setup is quite impressive - hehehe.
OK, now on to your freebee. I made this for you last night, with the hopes that the internet would be back on when I finished it, but alas, it was not :) So, it's here for you today. AND, I got some AWESOME FANTASTIC advice from Jodi. She said that if I went into my HTML and changed one little number around, Blogger (or Picasa) would host the PNG file at FULL resolution. So, I tried it, and GUESS WHAT???? It worked!!! So, all you have to do is right click on the image below, and it will save the PNG file for you, in the resolution that I intended it to. Gottal love it when the solution to a problem presents itself, and it's SO easy :) THANK YOU, JODI!!!
So, right click and save the image below to get the PNG file, and leave some love if you like my work :) THANKS!!!
Well, maybe it didn't work as well as I thought it did - LMBO! I got an email from Irene telling me it was only 72dpi. Hmmm, that's no good. Sigh. Well, I'm trying out mediafire. Maybe they'll be better. We'll see :)
Click HERE to go to my Mediafire account to get it at 300dpi :)

Important - Pristina
Direction - Felix Titling
Important - Pristina
Direction - Felix Titling
You do so many FUN things (no, i am NOT talking about the laundry, either! lol) oh that Civil war reenactment will be AWESOME! Thank you so much for sharing your WONDERFUL wa!! Have a FABULOUS weekend! :)
Thanks for all your lovely WordArts. COuld you share the on elittle number to change to host the .pngs? Please? Thanks! Crabcakes
Thank you for the wordart. Enjoy your weekend.
Karen (England)
You work is beautiful! I was checking your website for sayings on teamwork or basketball. It is kind of hard to find much on any website. I would love more items on sports (basketball especially) to purchase!
As always, I just LOVE your work! You find the best sayings, and do them in a way that is simple enough not to detract from photos on a page, but yet, makes a huge statement. You rock, girl!
I love your stuff! I found you on digifree and I am hooked. Thanks.
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